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About SwarovskiCoues

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    Advanced Member

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  • Location
    Valley of the Sun
  • Interests
    Desert Muleys and Bighorns

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  1. SwarovskiCoues

    46A sheep, previous tag holders.

    now that its both 46A units id hunt more than the growlers and Childs. Id poke around more on 46aw side of things
  2. SwarovskiCoues

    Trump shot at rally today

    I believe that. In the video you can see the sniper waiting to engage and does once the soy boy shoots. Weird times.
  3. SwarovskiCoues

    46A and B Mule deer

    Id find the drinkers and hunt within 5 miles of them. My dad bumped a group of a dozen does in 46bw last year. Ive spent 30-35 days in Cabeza in the last two sheep seasons and have never seen a buck or doe lol
  4. SwarovskiCoues

    Drew my 2ND choice

    congrats to the tag holders! let me know if you need a hand!
  5. SwarovskiCoues

    Who Drew 2024 Bighorn Tags?

    if anyone needs help with the cabeza prieta send a message! spent 22 days backpacking it last season! congrats to all that drew a tag!
  6. SwarovskiCoues

    How long until cards are hit??

    no sheep hits yet?!
  7. SwarovskiCoues

    Fire sale

    pre order July 1st, shipping mid July
  8. SwarovskiCoues

    Docter aspectem

    in my opinion the 40x80 ed models are the best big eyes made. extremely hard to find and expensive if so.
  9. SwarovskiCoues

    Border Crossing

  10. SwarovskiCoues

    Border Crossing

    was he trying to cross at Nogales?
  11. the 40x ED ones are the best long range glass still around IMO!
  12. SwarovskiCoues

    Its official, I have a sheep tag - 45C

    I started my own Outfitting this year with 9 years experiece with sheep. Would love to have a conversation if youd like!
  13. SwarovskiCoues

    Tag numbers are posted

    congrats on the sheep tags!!