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About Willflow

  • Rank
  • Birthday 06/04/1975

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  • Location
    Prescott Valley

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  1. Willflow


    I could use the dies but I don't get to the valley very often. Any chance you can ship them on my dime?
  2. Willflow

    WTT Rare LNIB Colt Python Target

    Nice pistol. I never knew they came in .38 special. GLWS
  3. Willflow

    Aero m5 20” 308,viper scope prices lowered

    I'm gonna have too pass for now.
  4. Willflow

    Aero m5 20” 308,viper scope prices lowered

    Where are you located?
  5. Willflow

    Any late rifle 5b advise?

    Well I was not successful this time. I saw 1 nice bull on Thursday before the hunt with a small group and then a few cows during the hunt but no more bulls. I stayed down south in 5bs and saw fresh tracks and sign everyday but couldn't make it happen. I have never seen cows so scidish before. If they saw you from a ways off they took off every time. I think there had been alot of pressure in there before this hunt. I will not allow myself to be so under prepared again. Thanks to everyone for the help.
  6. Willflow

    Any late rifle 5b advise?

    Yes I have good glass.
  7. Willflow

    Any late rifle 5b advise?

    Well we saw 1 nice bull on Thanksgiving and kicked up a group on a hike but couldn't see if there were any bulls. I'm camped on the 211 road down south and just not seeing any aminals since Saturday. I've hiked around with my daughter but had to take her home for school. Thinking maybe I go north and or east.
  8. Willflow

    Any late rifle 5b advise?

    That could very well be.
  9. Willflow

    Any late rifle 5b advise?

    Glad to hear that. I just got back from NM elk hunting with my dad in 15. We saw approximately 140 elk with about 10 spikes and no legal bulls. We went everywhere and just didn't get on any bulls.
  10. Willflow

    Any late rifle 5b advise?

    If at all possible I will get up there this weekend or next. Thanks for the info, I will update this post.
  11. Willflow

    Any late rifle 5b advise?

    Believe me if it is in any way possible I will go up for a weekend however it's a big unit. Do I try north in the pines or south? I have a good Flatline map and I'm pretty good a reading it. I'm not asking for a honey hole, I never would I just don't know anything about this unit. I've seen 500+ elk In a dry Mormon lake but that's the wrong unit.
  12. Willflow

    Any late rifle 5b advise?

    I had fully intended to go camping and get some scouting in but life had other plans. I've never been in the until before. If anyone has any advice I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
  13. Willflow

    U7W Mule

    I was told about it and I have passed it on. That is not an easy hunt. If you are willing to work it will pay off.
  14. Willflow

    U7W Mule
