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Everything posted by elkslare

  1. elkslare

    Pinedale Theft

    It's a shame that there is people like that out there. Trail cams are the way to go. Our neighbors cabin got hit not to long ago, but they cought the sob, because of the trail cams Showed there faces and cars license plates. Turned out to be one of the people living amongst us all. Sorry to here about your loss though
  2. elkslare

    Another dandy

    congrats Nice buck
  3. elkslare

    Coolest set I have ever found! And the biggest single

    Yes very nice set. I would be Jacked
  4. elkslare

    Got our Bucks back from Mogollon

    very nice mounts, Congrats on your successful hunt as well
  5. elkslare

    2nd attempt at coloring sheds

    Know that is a brown from this year LOL
  6. elkslare

    'Simplified' Fees by AZGFD

    I just voiced my opinion. I also asked them to read it at the meetings for my voice would be herd. Like this would happen. LOL I agree if you can not make any of the meetings send a email to voice your opinion.
  7. elkslare

    The teasing begins (update #2)

    Great pics . Thanks for sharing. That big bull looks like his nose is rubbed raw?
  8. elkslare

    Ground blinds?!?

    I have a double bull as well. I took out the netting out in the windows. And I wear all black sitting in it. Just rember you have to have one side shut down or you will be silouetted in the blind. I made that mistake one time. I am a fast learner. LOL
  9. elkslare

    Picked up the cams

    very cool pics. Cant wait to get my cams up. Thanks for sharing
  10. elkslare

    Peg scores on a nice tom

    Good job TJ and Peg, nice looking tom. Way to go girl
  11. elkslare


    Darn nice buck, Congrats, like the mount as well
  12. elkslare

    Getting ready.

    10-4 started walking and hiking as well. I need it bad, I sit all day at work. and it just dosnt get done by it self. LOL Cant wait till September as well. Going out in a couple weeks to the unit and just have a look around the unit, and do alittle shed hunting exercise and get away from work.
  13. elkslare

    2012 Coues Buck Contest Winners

    Congats to you all, on some great bucks
  14. I thought this was really good, but at the same time pretty sad that there are people out there that do this crap. We Have a cabin about 2 hours from our house. We use it as a recreational piece that my family comes together to share hunt snowmobile bike ride ect. as well as alot of other people in this area. The parcels are 5 to 50 acre units.There is alot of space and trees in the area, and between the cabins. There are permanet residents as well as part timers like us. Last week one of our neighbors cabin got broken into. he is a part timer like us as well as a hunter. A hunter that has trail cams. Well in his off season he sets up his trail cams on his property. On his driveway and in front of his buildings ect. Because he set up the trail cams he cought the two thugs that broke into his place and stold thousands of dollars from him. He was able to provide pictures from the trail cam to the police and the police used them to apprehend the two thugs. He had picture of there faces and there license plate on there truck. The two guys that were apprehended turned out to be one of our neighbors in the canyon living amongst us, stealing from his friends and neighbors. How sad is that. Now the SOB has to live amongst the rest of us knowing we all know he is a thief. What a great way to use trail cameras though. they give great clear pictures if positioned right. I was thinking of putting a survailance cameras at our place, but I think the trail cameras will give better pictures for the money. Plus you can put them out on the driveway with out electricity. Just thought I would share to help anyone else out there.
  15. They did recover all his stuff that was stollen. I think they recovered some other things from other cabins as well. Still early Have to wait to see how it all plays out. Really surprised me they would do this to there neighbors. But I guess people like this, really do not care.
  16. elkslare

    Puerto Rico Tarpon

    Awsome pics, looks like a good time.
  17. No pictures as it was my neighbors place that got hit. It was in Washington so you all are safe. The sob is out already, with a slap on the wrist as 123456 said. Yes hopefully Karma will catch up to them.
  18. elkslare

    Hit it big today!!!

    What an awesome set. That one third is flippen huge . Like to see him this year.
  19. fantastic video. they are such an awesome animal, and thanks for sharing the video
  20. elkslare

    I had a great morning looking for critters

    Yes thanks for sharing. Its nice to see, especially when I cant get out there as much as I would like.
  21. Great video. It was kinda funny reading some of the comments below the video box.
  22. elkslare

    13A Mulie Mount back

    Very nice mount. Congrats on a nice deer. Its always a nice feeling to get back from the taxidermist and put um up on the wall and think back of all the good memories of the hunt.