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About elkslare

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    Advanced Member

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  • Interests
    Hunting Hunting Hunting little fishing too

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  1. elkslare

    Any Velvet Pictures Yet?

    Great To see some Pics of the horn growth going on. Sounds like AZ is getting some much needed rain as well.
  2. elkslare

    6A early archery bull timing

    I would do the last 5 days of the hunt. Better Hunting because the rut is more at full swing. Less People toward the end of the hunt. Full moon is on the 10th of Sept. I have found Hunting at full moon is a little tougher hunt. I have found the animals a little more nocturnal towards the full moon. Just My two Cents. Regardless of when you go, I wish you good Luck and U have a great Hunt. Hope you bring back some meat for the Barby.
  3. elkslare

    Draw Results

    Draw Results are up now, unit one Early Archery
  4. elkslare

    Draw Results

    I hear you, has been over 20 years for me. Thanks for the Responses I guess its called "Anticipation" Right!!
  5. elkslare

    Draw Results

    Now that most of us know if we are hunting or not, any guessing when the draw results will be posted.
  6. elkslare

    Going elk hunting

    Wow!! Talking about going from a low to a Ultra High. Congrats Hope you have a great Hunt. Look Forward to seeing some Pics
  7. elkslare

    Just got a CC hit!!!

  8. elkslare

    Just got a CC hit!!!

    Its a hit here as well. WOW After over 20 years putting in. finally got a hit. Awesome. cheers to everyone who got a hit in 2022 Looks like I will need to pull the bow down and put it in overdrive.
  9. elkslare

    Bull up close

    Great Video Great Times in the Woods, Thanks for Posting.
  10. elkslare

    Arizona Unit Information

    Give me a shout. I would be happy to share what I know as well. I too share your frustration with the point creep.
  11. elkslare

    Tick Tock

    Iam just curious. Has the fish and game updated anybodys porthole account, to they actually have purchased a license and have been put in for the draw??? Our 2 accounts still say "looks like you did not apply for the most recent Big Game Draw!" ?????
  12. elkslare

    Longest two weeks of the year

    My account and my wifes account has not been updated yet. will be intresting to see if updated before the actual draw. and if not will it be updated after the draw.
  13. elkslare

    Tick Tock

  14. elkslare

    Moisture in 5bn?

    Just want to say thanks for the response. greatly appreciate it. Good luck to everyone this year. Aim Small Miss Small
  15. elkslare

    Moisture in 5bn?

    We have a early archery tag in 5BN. living out of state just wondering if much moisture has been falling in the area? are tanks Full Dry or average? Horn growth? Cant wait to get the boots on the ground and start the scouting.