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Everything posted by TwoGuns

  1. TwoGuns

    In the market for a new gun

    Just a few suggestions.... Barrett 98b Bravo Accuracy International Lapua Blaser .300 Win Mag Christensen Arms Weatherby There are two many options out there....it would be a tough decision.
  2. was out there today. really muddy everywhere, and all washes are still running. several crossings were washed out. we couldnt get through in our full size truck, but if yours was big enough maybe. we slid our way around for a while, but the ranchers and maybe even GFD will close some of the roads to keep them from getting ruined. At our place in camp verde, we got 4" of rain between wednesday night and this morning, and that dont include the inch we got on monday/tuesday. If you go, might want to stick to well maintained roads or take a quad. good luck.
  3. TwoGuns

    Back from the SHOT Show

    Doug, how would you say the pentax pioneer II scopes compare to a midrange leupold rifleman scope? also, i looked on your website and didnt find the pioneer IIs. Thanks, Darren
  4. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,583508...test=latestnews Trijicon has been putting Bible references onto their sights used by US military overseas. Apparently some dont like it, but good for Trijicon. They have the right to do what they want, after all, its their equipment. In the article the people complaining think it sends a negative message to the muslim world. God bless our troops.
  5. TwoGuns

    nikon 6-24x50 monarch with bdc

    huntermnbc, open to trades at all? Maybe for a different scope +...?
  6. TwoGuns

    Feral hogs in Arizona

    They are out there...here is trail camera proof of what they look like in N. AZ.
  7. TwoGuns

    foxpro spitfire

    Well....I am pretty sure I will have on under the christmas tree this year...so I might be able to let you know in a few weeks. My dad does have one and he loves it. says the sounds are great and it is nice and small and light.
  8. TwoGuns

    Trophy Taker Broadheads?

    I have also taken elk and deer with the shuttle T broadhead. Great flying head and does its job when it hits the sweet spot.
  9. TwoGuns

    Will it work??????

    I use my nat. geo mapping software with my regular old garmin etrex....the cheaper yellow one. It works awesome....hope that helps, but bet it didnt. twoguns
  10. TwoGuns

    Review for any Camo

    Another fan of the ASAT camo. I have worn the 3-d suit the last several years and love it. I like being able to wear it over shorts when it is hot, and over a jacket when its cold. I will check to see what other pictures I have, but here are a couple...
  11. TwoGuns


    not trying to start a fight. It just seems the realism for archery equipment is extended to the outer limits. then you have the animal factor. What do you think if the animal takes a step. what would the outcome be on a deer or elk at 30 yards compaired to 80 100 yards, well at 30 yards you could still possibly be in vitals but at 100 yards you hit the butt. I doubt that most guys that take these type shots have no idea what they are doing. they just fling the arrow and hope for the best. this is very real and completely unacceptable. some get lucky and that is all it is. a real test of ethics IMO is do you take the chance of wounding the animal? sure you do everytime you hunt. sh!t happens but when someone asks for it by taking a shot that is questionable. a 100 yard shoot is questionable by about 95% of the archers out there even if they claim that they can do it. you are hoping for lots of luck becuase thats what it is luck. I am glad you state that you are not looking for a fight, but it does seem strange that then you would insult archers by saying they are just lucky on shots at 100 yards. Don't you think you might do a better job of not starting a fight if you didn't make insulting statements? I am not looking for a fight either, just asking a question. Another question if I might...what do you feel would be a comparable distance, shooting something like a 300 Rem Ultramag? In other words, if 100 yards is too far to shoot an arrow, how far is too far to shoot a bullet? Darren
  12. TwoGuns

    Rifle Scope Choice?

    The 3 - 9 x 50 Leupold Rifleman is $259 at walmart i think. Have one and love it. I also think the 50 mm objective is worth the extra $$.
  13. TwoGuns


    limit: 100+ zone: 60 killed: 77 (but it was a mule deer)
  14. TwoGuns

    2009 Archery Bull hunt

    Thanks Ryan.
  15. TwoGuns

    2009 Archery Bull hunt

    I was lucky enough to draw a bull tag this year in 11m during the second hunt. It was a difficult hunt with a weak rut most days. Anyway, I was able to get an arrow in a herd bull on Oct. 6. We were hunting A-1 mountain and I hit the bull about 4:20pm with a pretty good shot, but most likely in the liver, but quartering away. The herd ran about 200 yards, and I saw the bull start to stagger like he might go down. But then, a few minutes later as we were waiting, another hunter ran in and chased the elk away, including the bull I shot. We tracked the blood quite a ways, but after dark, knowing he had gone quite a ways, we felt like we should wait until the morning to come back and try to find him rather than bump him in the dark if he was still alive. We came back in the next morning and looked and looked for hours, and finally found where he died. The only problem was all that was left was a gut pile. Someone else had already got to him.... I don't know what happened between when I shot him and when I found his remains, only that the rest of him was gone. My best guess is that he was somewhere between 320 and 335 maybe. I suppose he could have been a little better, but a nice 6 either way. I am hoping someone might know someone who was in the area that day. It was a Tuesday afternoon when I shot him, and found what was left on Wednesday the 7th. I know that there is not really anything that can be done, but I have been depressed since and would love to know more. Twoguns
  16. TwoGuns

    2009 Archery Bull hunt

    we were back looking at first light the next morning, but there was a lot of country to cover and several possible routes he could have taken. Anyway, we were right in the area he died by 10 or so. I dont know if he died that night, but I think he probably did based on the shot and his wobbly legs when I saw him last. Hoping somebody might know more than me...
  17. TwoGuns

    Time for a new rifle.

    Might want to get ahold of HAYWIRE. A few months ago he had several rifles for sale, including a 7mm Mag.
  18. TwoGuns

    Has anyone?

    I have the ameristep penthouse blind and I like it a lot. Have not used a double bull so I cant compare, but the penthouse is huge enough for two people easy. Also easy to set up and carry on your back. for the money i think they are fine. Sportsmansguide.com has em for a good price. twoguns
  19. TwoGuns

    clints bull

    Sweet bull!! Lets hear the story...unit? shot? Congratulations. Darren
  20. TwoGuns

    Glenn Beck?

    I like Beck. I think he wants America to succeed for a long time, and that we should continue following the direction laid down by the Constitution and founders. I agree with most of what he says, and I like that he tries to keep people accountable for their words/actions.
  21. TwoGuns

    Swaro 15x56 For Sale

    Trade opportunities?
  22. TwoGuns

    **UPDATE!! * i need some prayers please *

    Mike, I will be sure to pray for you as well. Not too sure what to say, but will definitely speak to HIM on your behalf. I think you are doing the right thing by sharing things with friends and asking for help. Shows humility. Thought I might share a few thoughts that came to mind as I read your post. Don’t know if they will help, but I hope so. There have been a few people to have to endure pain before, like Job, Paul, David and obviously Christ. I love how Job responded to his situation, after his “conversation” with the Lord, and God had questioned him, his response in 42:5 after all the pain he had suffered through, was “My ears had heard of you, but now my eyes have seen you.” And his relationship with God was much closer because of the pain he had gone through. David, when he was on the run from Saul, had to deal with a lot as well, and through the book of Psalms he learned a lot about dealing with grief. Here is what he wrote in Psalm 20: 1 May the LORD answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you. 2 May he send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion. 3 May he remember all your sacrifices and accept your burnt offerings. 4 May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. 5 We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the LORD grant all your requests. 6 Now I know that the LORD saves his anointed; he answers him from his holy heaven with the saving power of his right hand. 7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. 8 They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm. 9 O LORD, save the king! Answer [a] us when we call! Then in Psalm 37 he said: 4 Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. This verse applies to your situation I think. He knows your emotions and desires and he feels your pain. For whatever reason, but surely there is one, he has allowed you to be where you are, and experience what you are going through. You are right on when you say “GOD WILL PUT ME THROUGH WHATEVER HE FEELS NECESSARY TO MAKE ME THE MAN, HUSBAND, FATHER THAT I AM OR THE PERSON HE WANTS ME TO BE.” I don’t want you to feel like I am preaching at you, just sharing from the heart. I also don’t want to give advice or tell you what to do. Scripture tells us what David said, delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. If you can do your part of that, He wont fail in His part. Also, thanks for your service to the county, means a whole lot to a lot of us. Darren
  23. TwoGuns

    Archery Buck

    Great job on a super sweet buck. Think it might be time for a new handle....maybe manbowhunter... Keep it up.
  24. TwoGuns

    Rain this weekend

    The rain is pouring to the east of the vere valley. 6a south to north is gettig hit pretty hard. completly changed my plans.... o-well. We definitely need the rain.