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About TwoGuns

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/01/1975

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  1. TwoGuns

    300 Win mag ammo SOLD

    Sent message. Never heard back. 9283013250.
  2. TwoGuns

    300 Win mag ammo SOLD

    Interested. I’ll be flying in to phx on the 27th for a Coues hunt. If you still have them at that time, let me know.
  3. TwoGuns

    Delete please thank you

    I have my wife’s Mathews Passion that is virtually brand new. I bought it for her about 8 years ago thinking I could get her into 3d shooting. I have 40-50lb limbs on it now, and have 50-60lb limbs as well. It’s been shot less than 100x. I believe 28’ draw. It’s black with blue accents, like the top bow in this picture. If you’re interested, let me know.
  4. TwoGuns

    Wtb 270wsm brass

    I think I might have some. I’ll look around.
  5. TwoGuns


    Somebody in AZ should file a FOIA request to G&F regarding the elk and antelope draw. Would be interesting to see all the emails and internal conversations about what happened. Especially if they got hacked and aren’t letting that out.
  6. TwoGuns

    Tick Tock

  7. TwoGuns

    It’s complicated

    Thanks for this info. I think the benefit to my LT license would be lost if we put in together I suppose. I’m not too worried on the bonus point issue since my buddy has 2 points also. I’ll call G&F for clarification.
  8. TwoGuns

    It’s complicated

    After 40+ years as an AZ resident I recently moved out of state. Before I left I purchased a lifetime license. I now have a buddy I want to apply with for the elk hunt next fall. The question is what happens if we apply on the same app? Me with my lifetime license and him as out of state? I sort of assume we would both have to be in the out of state pool. Wondering if this is right, and if there are any other options I’m missing.
  9. TwoGuns

    First Az Archery Coues

    Awesome. Nice buck!
  10. TwoGuns

    6B Arizona Mule Deer hunt

    I think the area around turkey butte is good for deer. You may see both species. It is really nice area.
  11. Great info. I am looking at the Pelican 1750 right now. It’s expensive but looks like it’s solid. And I’ve heard differing thoughts on the ammo. It should be in its original box inside the case with the rifle? Or it should be separate?
  12. I have to believe this has been talked about before, but what advice would anyone share on flying with a rifle? What cases are worth the money? Locks? Things not to do? Im flying back to AZ to go to Mexico in January and have not gone through this before. thanks, Twoguns
  13. TwoGuns

    Thanks for the Memories Buddy! (pic heavy)

    Very cool. Makes me think of an old song... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5tdj2_KSGJ0
  14. I brought this up on here during the comment phase of the process. No one really seemed to care, but living in the verde valley, there is a ton of hunting to do along the Verde river...or there was.