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Everything posted by ElkyG

  1. Congrats on a nice deer
  2. ElkyG

    San Carlos Archery Buck

    Congrats on a nice buck
  3. ElkyG

    Really cool traditional archery video

    Nice video, enjoyed it and congrats on your buck
  4. ElkyG

    3 Lions, 6 Days

    Nice job guys Congrats
  5. ElkyG

    Sarah's 115 Late Buck

    Awesome buck Congrats
  6. Congrats on a very nice muley
  7. ElkyG

    My Sons elk hunt

    Congrats to your sons
  8. ElkyG

    my dads dec buck

    Congrats to your dad
  9. ElkyG

    December Tag Filled

    Congrats, nice buck
  10. Again Congrats Brian on a Awesome ram and great video guys . Congrats to everyone involved
  11. ElkyG

    Opening day ram!

  12. ElkyG

    My Grandpa's Sheep

    Congrats to your Grandpa
  13. ElkyG

    My Desert Ram

    Congrats on a awesome ram
  14. ElkyG

    First Archery Mule Deer 37B

    Congrats! very nice buck
  15. ElkyG

    22N Dec hunt success

    Congrats on your sucess
  16. ElkyG

    Dad got him one!

    Congrats to your Dad on a nice buck
  17. Congrats on all your sucess
  18. ElkyG

    100"+ DEADHEAD

    Nice find
  19. Awesome Brian, Congrats on a beautiful ram and congrats to everyone involved
  20. ElkyG

    Big Muley!

    Nice buck, Congrats
  21. ElkyG

    friday the 13 buck

    Very nice buck, Congrats
  22. ElkyG

    NM Dec 8 Buck 2nd Deer

    Nice buck , Congrats
  23. ElkyG

    Friends Buck

    Congrats on a very nice buck
  24. ElkyG

    the Hunt (Daughter's First Buck)

    Congrats to the two of you, very nice buck
  25. ElkyG

    unit 21 fatboy
