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Everything posted by 5alivefishing

  1. 5alivefishing

    Big Horn Sheep Cape

    It is a Desert BH,
  2. 5alivefishing

    Big Horn Sheep Cape

    Great thank, she will do that.
  3. 5alivefishing

    Limited Opt Archery Gold

    congrats, awesome story
  4. 5alivefishing

    Called in bull

    very nice, thank you
  5. 5alivefishing

    Some Gopro footage from my 6A hunt - couple close encounters

    very cool,
  6. 5alivefishing

    Finally got it done this morning

    congrats, great job!
  7. 5alivefishing

    2015 Archery Bull

    great job, congrats +1 Slick Tricks
  8. 5alivefishing

    FS Taurus .22 LR M990 4" **SOLD**

    I will be in the PHX area this afternoon, lets try $300
  9. 5alivefishing

    FS Taurus .22 LR M990 4" **SOLD**

    I will be at BPS tomorrow if anyone is interested,,
  10. 5alivefishing

    WTB older vari-x or vxiii leupold scope

    PM sent
  11. 5alivefishing

    9 muzzy success?

    I'm aware of one 5X5 bull taken by my friends son.
  12. 5alivefishing

    Any bulls taken in unit 8?

    congrats to all,,
  13. 5alivefishing

    Decoy Success

    Congrats, awesome bull.
  14. 5alivefishing

    Hooded Merg

    This is one of the best HM mounts I have ever seen. Great job, congrats
  15. 5alivefishing

    Big Antelope Down!

    Sir Royal, congrats to both of you.
  16. 5alivefishing

    Nightforce picatinny 20 moa base

    If still aval please PM, thanks Tim
  17. 5alivefishing

    Outstanding quality Taxidermy for sale

    Both are sweet but that Bobcat rattlesnake is simply awesome.
  18. 5alivefishing

    Little brothers first buck

    Congrats to your brother, well done.
  19. 5alivefishing

    (2) Archery strip bucks down!

    Congrats,, both are awesome.
  20. 5alivefishing

    Big bull video

    Thank you, great vid, he is a stud for sure.
  21. 5alivefishing

    7 stw brass

    Thank you, my buddy in Texas has been all over me to find some STW brass. I called him and he has (3) boxes on the way. Thanks again, Tim
  22. 5alivefishing

    Canyon outfitter 125

    Interested in a Taurus NIB M990 4" SS .22 LR 9 shot?
  23. 5alivefishing


    SPF, thank you
  24. 5alivefishing


    Attention Taxidermists, This item is a Flesh-All Miniflesher in like new condition with an extra blade. My wife has suffered a major spinal injury and is forced to close her business. If interested please give us a call at (928) 727-0071. Price $100 plus shipping. Thank you, Tim Sold TY