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Everything posted by BMart

  1. BMart

    3B North Archery Antelope

    Good info. I used habi-map and access Arizona and saw the checker board. Just didn't know if there would be locked gates all over. I hunt some places close to home that look like this on a map but none of its posted unless there are houses. Thank you.
  2. BMart

    Very Curious....how many tags

    I've never applied for premium hunts, I would rather go hunting than collect points. I've been drawn 3 of the 4 years I've applied for Elk. With the hunts I will apply for in the future, I'm expecting a tag every 2-3 years. But I'll never be in a unit where I would expect to see a 380"+ Bull. 2010- Not drawn 2011- 7E Early Archery Cow 2012- 4B Early Archery Cow 2013- 7E Early Archery Bull