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About Norell

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  • Location
    Wichita, Kansas
  1. Norell

    Wyoming Jan. 2013 Bison

    Looks like you had a really good year.
  2. Norell

    Nice buck from Eagle Colorado

    Nice buck! Congrats!
  3. Norell

    AES Elk Rut Video to start your day.

    Steve Chappell has a lot of great videos on his YouTube channel.
  4. Norell

    Unit 9 archery bull

    My tag showed up in the mail today and now I can't stop smiling. I have been watching how to videos on YouTube and practicing with my calls around the house. So far my wife hasn't thrown anything at me but it might be time to use a little discretion.
  5. Norell

    Unit 9 archery bull

    I drew this tag with my son and CRAZYBUCK. I was excited when I discovered my credit card was charged. Now, after reading all the posts on this thread, I can think of nothing else. I had no idea that unit 9 was a premium tag. Now I know why CRAZYBUCK wanted it to be first choice. All of my elk hunting experience is in 5BN so any help/advice is appreciated. What maps do you suggest?