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Everything posted by BackwoodsHunter

  1. BackwoodsHunter

    Watch out ducks

    Was dove hunting yesterday down south and had about 100 mallards fly over, didn't have steel shot or a call. Guess i know where I'm gonna try duck hunting!
  2. BackwoodsHunter

    Wts foxpro

    Have a almost new wildfire 2 I don't need. 120$
  3. BackwoodsHunter

    Wts foxpro

  4. BackwoodsHunter

    Wtb recurve

    Looking to get a decent recurve 55lbs, don't want to spend too much just something to have fun with.
  5. BackwoodsHunter

    Wts foxpro

  6. BackwoodsHunter

    Wts foxpro

    Tucson, if your in phx I'll be there this weekend.
  7. BackwoodsHunter

    35b turkey

    Saw a good group of goulds in 33 today
  8. BackwoodsHunter

    Unit 33 Bear tag holders

    Was in 33 this morning and saw a sow and 2 Cubs while I was glassing for deer.
  9. BackwoodsHunter

    Molli's Elk

    Great story, congrats to the hunter!
  10. BackwoodsHunter

    Anyone else eating tag soup??

    Had the first hunt in 35b about the only buck I saw was the one coatimundi01 and I helped prokid on! Oh well, headed to southern Illinois to get my fix of Illinois treestand hunting today.
  11. BackwoodsHunter

    January hunt?

    21 has good coues I believe
  12. BackwoodsHunter

    Charouleau Gap Rd. Unit 33

    I would not do it in a 2wd!!!! i tried going in there last year in a 2wd and got stuck pretty bad about a mile in....so not fun at all.
  13. BackwoodsHunter

    2 blade choices...

    I shoot the 100 gr schwakers, killed my elk with him this year. Love em!
  14. BackwoodsHunter

    AZ black bears?

    Blonde bear I could never get a full body picture of.
  15. BackwoodsHunter

    my 2013 Southern AZ Borderland coues deer.

    It was a great hunt! Glad to repay pro kid with help on this hunt for all the help he gave me on my successful archery elk hunt! Really cool to meet coatimundi01 and hunt with him.Overall fun weekend in the outdoors, I didn't fill my tag but that's part of it. After all there's still December. Good luck to all everybody on the rest of the hunts. I'm headed to Illinois in 6 days to chase whitetail! Backwoodshunter
  16. BackwoodsHunter

    WTT 6 100 gr Swackers for 6 125 gr

    If you don't find someone to trade, I'll buy them
  17. BackwoodsHunter

    Wtt 7 pin iq w/retina lock

    It's a 2013 I had it on my bow for my elk hunt and that's it. No it's a iq. Check them out online they are pretty sweet, I'm just looking for an adjustable one so I can shoot further.
  18. BackwoodsHunter

    Wtt 7 pin iq w/retina lock

    Looking to trade my 7 pin for a single or 5 pin adjustable sight. Let me know if you have have anything. Thanks!
  19. BackwoodsHunter


    Anybody know when cards are gonna start getting hit and results will be available?
  20. BackwoodsHunter


    Anybody know when cards are gonna start getting hit and results will be available?
  21. BackwoodsHunter

    American Eagle 9mm ammo

    How much for the ammo
  22. BackwoodsHunter

    American Eagle 9mm ammo

    Where are you located? Interested in ammo.
  23. BackwoodsHunter

    Who's ready for Friday Oct. 25th?

    Leaving for 35b tomorrow before first light to get down in time to glass, then in 2 weeks headed to illinois to hunt some midwest whitetail!
  24. BackwoodsHunter

    Who's ready for Friday Oct. 25th?

    Headed to 35b Thursday can't wait!
  25. BackwoodsHunter


    Havent gotten anything yet!