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Everything posted by BackwoodsHunter

  1. BackwoodsHunter

    Backpacking hunt

    Thanks Matt, rclouse79 it was a blast if you haven't already get on out!
  2. BackwoodsHunter


    Gba that's a good point! Pass throughs are pretty easy to get and the arrow dosent appear to be very far into her face. I think your right.
  3. BackwoodsHunter


    I glassed up this doe today with a arrow sticking out of her head. That must really suck! She must be tough though! Did the hunter Make a bad shot on a buck and hit her? Mistake it for a buck? Either way I feel bad for the doe. Would g&f capture the doe and kill it to end it's misery or let it be?
  4. BackwoodsHunter

    Backpacking hunt

    Hahaha that's some funny stuff n2horns! Yeah I wrote down what to keep the same what to change all that! Edge it was a old blanket I had nothing I wasn't worried about tearing up, I used it inside my bivy sack. Thanks for everything again.
  5. BackwoodsHunter

    Backpacking hunt

    There was a short steep up hill at first then it was all flat walking which wasn't too bad!
  6. BackwoodsHunter

    Backpacking hunt

    So i made it back from my adventure, and i had a blast. Thanks to everybody that gave me input and advice. I learned a lot about how much to bring, what to bring, what not bring, and all that. All the advice i received was spot on! Little story to go along with the weekend, got all packed up on saturday morning and headed out to pick up my buddy. Once i got my buddy we headed for the hills. After a bit of a drive we arrived where we would start our hike right at dark. With our packs on our backs, head lamps on, and boots on the ground we got to moving. 4 miles and a hour and a half later we got to camp. sunday morning we got to our glassing spot before the sun came up and immediately found deer, so decided to move closer. I gave my buddy first stalk on a great group of muleys. There was 5 good shooter bucks with a group of 35-40 does. After closing the distance to 65 yards he couldn't get a good shot so we moved on and went to a different spot. immediately again we picked up deer, this time being coues. 2 nice bucks, with 5 or so does. I went for the stalk, and got into bow range, at 55 yard just over a small rolling hill i could see the tree the bigger buck was in so it was a matter of getting just a tad closer. 15 yards later i could just see the tops of the antlers so i sat down to wait for the buck to stand up and the wind swirled and the rest of my view was whitetails mooning me. Back to camp we went for some lunch. My buddy napped, and i did some slow glassing. When my buddy woke up to go out again he mentioned he was sick, and was developing a fever. Based on his conditions, we decided to hike it out to the truck and head home. Even though we didn't bring home deer we brought some awesome times and experiences home! Thanks again, and i can't wait for the next trip. Happy hunting!
  7. BackwoodsHunter

    Backpacking hunt

    Well heading out tomorrow to 21, thanks for all the info and advice I'm headed to have some fun! Ill post about it Monday when I get back.
  8. BackwoodsHunter

    Backpacking hunt

    Haha did you make it back without too much disorientation?
  9. BackwoodsHunter

    Cactus bull

    I definatly would not pass this guy up if he stepped into bow range! Not something you'll probably see two of in your lifetime!
  10. BackwoodsHunter

    Backpacking hunt

    Thanks I'll check it out!
  11. BackwoodsHunter

    Backpacking hunt

    Thanks for the huge Amout of feedback, I think I'll try the mountain house meals after all the good things I hear about on here. And I'll probably carry my one man tent, just to feel a little better in this cool weather and save my hammoc for August.
  12. BackwoodsHunter

    Goulds Turkey Populations

    A saw 2 separate groups in 33 helping a buddy on his rifle deer hunt.
  13. BackwoodsHunter

    Backpacking hunt

    Great ideas, think I'm gonna try a 2 nighter relatively close distance before I try a longer trip much deeper in so I can figure out what I need and how it all works.
  14. BackwoodsHunter

    Backpacking hunt

    Ah I forgot about the hammock I have!
  15. BackwoodsHunter

    Backpacking hunt

    Haha Mulepackhunter thats pretty funny, ill be sure to keep that in mind. I keep 100ft of paracord in my pack at all times that stuff is awesome. I'm building up a list right now to get a trip together! Thanks for all the input.
  16. BackwoodsHunter

    Backpacking hunt

    Awesome ideas thanks
  17. BackwoodsHunter

    Backpacking hunt

    I have a 2 man tent, therma rest, and a backpacking stove along with my day pack stuff. Need a water filter. Do you fill your camelback bladder and some water bottles?
  18. BackwoodsHunter

    Backpacking hunt

    I saw with those mountain home meals you need water to cook those so I'd rather go with mre's
  19. That was a really cool story, congratulations.
  20. BackwoodsHunter

    Cg Walmart

    Saw a Dakota with a pse and Cw sticker at Walmart sometime last week
  21. BackwoodsHunter

    Pay it forward - I will start

    I have some 85 gr expandables I'll pay forward.
  22. BackwoodsHunter

    National Call Making Contest

    Beautiful work!
  23. BackwoodsHunter

    Archery backpack Javi / Deer hunt

    Looks like it was a great time!
  24. BackwoodsHunter

    buyin' a bonus point this year

    Great story, awesome deer!
  25. BackwoodsHunter

    2014 Elk and Antelope Draw Odds

    What's best chance draw for archery antelope on 2 PTS?