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Everything posted by ylclaret

  1. ylclaret

    Portable Phone Charger?

    What phone do you have?
  2. ylclaret

    FREE Air Conditioner

    I was thinking the same thing 6ANut. I haven't been a member for a real long time but I've never been on a site that felt more like a community than this one does. Wish I would've seen this post a little sooner too, my window units are having a hard time keeping up with this heat!
  3. ylclaret

    Help me score some bulls! Added another picture

    Thanks for the response. I don't think the left is quite as good as the right, but the other photos I have of this bull are even harder to see. My buddy and I actually glasses him up and got a couple quick glances at him though and we both figured him to be better than 320. I will be focusing my scouting efforts on him so hopefully in about a month I can put a tape on him and know what he scores without a doubt. Thanks again!
  4. ylclaret

    Help me score some bulls! Added another picture

    Anybody want to take a guess? I'm really curious how big of a difference those two and half weeks would make for the bull in the top picture and the how two bulls compare. Any help is appreciated...
  5. ylclaret

    Help me score some bulls! Added another picture

    Mind if I get in on this? It's my first time hunting elk and my score guessing needs a little fine tuning. I posted these bulls in another thread but didn't get much in response as to how big they might be. Which bull do you guys think will finish out bigger given the difference in the dates the pictures were taken?
  6. ylclaret


    We had a jack Russell terrier a few years ago that love the Toads. The first couple times it was kinda scary but I think he built up an immunity, a d an addiction! It's rain and the toads would come out and before you know here would come the dog all stiff legged with pupils dilated and high as a kite!
  7. ylclaret

    6A Bulls

    Went and checked cams this weekend. Here are two of the highlights.
  8. ylclaret

    6A Bulls

    Here is another picture of the same bull
  9. ylclaret

    6A Bulls

    We definitely did not have him all figured out. I was actually only with him for one day of the hunt and he got this guy a couple days later. I don't know all the details but basically he and his dad were still hunting, I don't even know if the bull was bugling, but my buddies phone vibrates as he is still hunting, and his dad says big bull working your way get ready! So he backs up to a tree and gets set, and this bull trots up to a barb wire fence hops it and comes strolling by at 40 yards... I will be up scouting tomorrow and my buddy will be there so I will see if I can get him to write up a story
  10. ylclaret

    6A Bulls

    If I can get one even close to being in the same class I will be one happy hunter!
  11. ylclaret

    6A Bulls

    My buddy got this bull in 6a last year
  12. ylclaret

    Utah poaching

    Man... I just can't see the purpose behind this? What was the point? What a waste... Would've been some stud bucks too!
  13. ylclaret

    6A Early Archery Hunt....!

    I have this tag too! It's my first elk tag ever and I'm really excited about it! I was up last weekend setting cameras and just trying to get a feel for the unit. Saw one good bachelor herd just across the highway in 5bs, 4 or 5 bulls and one really good one. Planning on checking cameras in a couple weeks so hopefully I will know more then!
  14. ylclaret


    How do you know if you got a tag by the mail in process or if you still need to get one when they come out over the counter?
  15. ylclaret

    Desert Bighorn Tag

    I hope saying this will be more a ray of hope for some of you guys that have been putting in a for many years than a slap in the face but it just goes to show that with the draw, you never know, but my friends 11 year old daughter drew a sheep tag this year on her first ever application. One lucky little girl!
  16. ylclaret

    Draw Results are out

    37a for my brother and I. Nov 15-21
  17. ylclaret

    Wanted: 15x binoculars

    Sorry guys should've got on here yesterday, we picked up a basically brand new pair of vortex viper hd's for him. Thanks for the help and offers though!
  18. ylclaret

    Wanted: 15x binoculars

    My brother has been flirting with the idea of getting some binoculars for a while and it seems like he has finally made the decision to go for it. Looking for a good pair of 15's. Swarovski woul be ideal for the right price but Vortex might be more realistic. Let me know if any of you guys has an extra pair you might part with and hopefully we can make a deal. Thanks!
  19. Just turn some chickens loose and say your using it to feed them!
  20. ylclaret

    Becoming a leftover hunter

    I haven't figured out how to like post yet so I'm going this route. Just wanted say, after reading this post I feel like I just got out of an 8 hour couse hunting class. What great advice and some solid points that I had never considered. Thank you COOSEFAN!
  21. ylclaret

    What kind of track is this?

    Found this track by a waterhole, seems too big to be a coyote but I don't know a whole lot about predator tracks.
  22. ylclaret

    elk hunting in july

    Is that tag open all year?
  23. ylclaret

    Draw application strategy

    Wasn't sure where to post this question so I figured the campfire was my safest bet. Being that there draw is broken up into several stages, if you really wanted a particular hunt, would there be any advantage to putting that hunt as your first and third choice? I'm trying to learn the intricacies of the draw process...
  24. I've considered using one of these to feed my chickens that are running loose. There lots of chickens though. Can you adjust how long it runs or how many pounds of feed it slings at a time?