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Everything posted by 1uofacat

  1. 1uofacat

    Credit Card Hit

    when did your card post the hit?
  2. 1uofacat

    The official “I didn’t get jack shoot” thread

    there is no way anyone can get a prime tag in anything but a first or second choice. I heard the same thing years ago from an acquaintance, but it turned out he too was lying, not only about his tag, but in reality he wasn't even drawn.
  3. 1uofacat

    The official “I didn’t get jack shoot” thread

    seriously doubt it (& hope not)... some banks don't post right away, some seem to lag behind quite a while.
  4. 1uofacat

    Credit Card Hit

    It seems so slow this year... 5-1/2 hours in and only 39 "adult" tags posted as having been collected (both threads, that is if I can count!), plus 7 youth elk tags... and only 3 goat tags. 😐
  5. 1uofacat

    Credit Card Hit

    do you hunt in 8?
  6. 1uofacat

    Credit Card Hit

    Unit 1 is (was) my favorite unit...
  7. 1uofacat

    Credit Card Hit

    You should put in with her!
  8. 1uofacat

    Official Official Hit Thread

    we were 0-9 last year, so far we're 4-9 this year, & some of us had up to 9 bonus pts. also. We get an elk camp this year!
  9. 1uofacat

    Credit Card Hit

    bs, screenshot congrats! We won't lie about this (too much bad karma! lol)
  10. 1uofacat

    Credit Card Hit

    Just got hit!!! $270... Location : FISH DEPT, PHOENIX, AZ Transaction Date : 02/28/2020 Purchase Amount : $270.00
  11. 1uofacat

    Need help fast

    you still have time... let us know if you got it done though, & GL!
  12. 1uofacat

    Credit Card Hit

    We went 0 for 9 last year... :(
  13. 1uofacat

    Credit Card Hit

    This is the last evening when pure hope is truly alive and well, for tomorrow evening you're either elated... or like most of us trying to convince yourself that it could still happen! lol...
  14. 1uofacat

    The best 3 weeks of the year...

    Well, yes and no... it's somewhat part of the process now, but after the day of no good news, frustration mounts. Since misery loves company and none is generally found in those threads, I stop looking at them after a while and start searching for threads that say things like, "There's still hope, just got hit!", or "Planning on a trip to ________ to hunt elk" ... If by chance there is a CC hit, then I for one will read them all! After a while though, most seem to migrate to one thread and the others fall by the wayside... especially those started after the "original legit post".
  15. 1uofacat

    The best 3 weeks of the year...

    Although this is really good advice, I can't believe anyone here will actually do that. Besides, if we get no news which is bad news, then we can at least think about/respond to tag deadlines in other states, or look at over the counter hunts/areas and start planning in our minds (while we continue to overload bank account access websites!). Besides, we're all capable of handling bad news, which will likely be most of us anyway as it typically is most years. Knowing there is already $500 saved for an out-of-state tag somewhere is a little bit comforting (just in case). Although that's enough for Utah, it's not enough for Colorado, but a good start. Should be about 24 hours or less now... before true anxiety sets in after posts of hits start showing up en masse and the G&F forgot to hit our accounts...
  16. 1uofacat

    Ethics or not?

    "Ethics" refers to laws whereas "Morals" refers to what one believes is right/wrong aside from laws. CHAMP hunters can shoot from a stopped/(& I believe shut off)parked vehicle that's off the road and not shooting across etc., but others cannot legally do so. Everyone in a hunting party, or even others/"competitors" can all shoot at the same animal until it falls/goes down. That's not unethical, but can be somewhat immoral. I've run across a CHAMP hunter in 5BN in the past. The guy with the CHAMP tag was unable to walk and used horses for the most part to hunt. Great for him, but the problem was his buddies who were not handicapped were using the excuse of his permit to hunt illegally as well in that they were driving off-road claiming the CHAMP permit allowed them to do so to track an animal previously shot (which it does not). It appeared they were "scouting" in the guise of tracking an animal previously shot, although they had no blood trail, nor even tracks they were following. It's unlikely all 4 of these shooters, if they were all shooting from a vehicle (parked & off the road or otherwise) had CHAMP tags. The attitude the hunters from 13 years ago had was that since one guy had a CHAMP tag, they all got to take advantage of off-road driving, in a restricted area to support the one hunter (others had regular tags). The law at the time was that you could drive off-road to recover an elk, but not to track/follow/look for an elk that was previously shot. Why they weren't using horses to track is beyond me, but they were driving off-road to track/look for (supposedly) a wounded bull... (ya, right...!) These guys (13 years ago) didn't like being "educated" when they were told what they were doing was illegal... they did seem to stop it afterwards though. G&F did get involved eventually, but I never heard of what came of their interaction. Regarding "buddy hunting", personally I'd just as soon see them all hunt together and all current tag holders shoot at the same animal until it goes down for good so that they don't go around wounding several animals without tagging them. We all have phones nowadays, most of which have pretty decent cameras. If you see something like this going on, pull out your cell and video it if possible. Then call the G&F and share the video especially if they're hunting illegally. I'm sure a judge would have a "field day" with that!
  17. 1uofacat

    Anyone know this guy?

    unit 8... the camera owner is my brother...
  18. 1uofacat

    Wounding bulls

    We know what you mean, but knowing the difference between ethics and morals will be to your advantage. Ethics means following external rules whereas morals means following one's own opinions or convictions regarding right or wrong behavior. I don't consider taking long or questionable shots moral actions, but doing so isn't against the law so therefore taking those shots isn't "unethical". I agree with what you meant however...
  19. 1uofacat

    Unit 9 bull archery hunt

    I saw a bull today in Flagstaff that was taken in unit 9... very, very nice bull indeed! I'm guessing 350-360 or so. I did not have my cell with me or would have posted the pic.
  20. 1uofacat

    Rut Activity

    I agree... it's over already! :(
  21. 1uofacat

    Late season Arizona bull hunt

    Many bulls end up here... 12S 456881E, 3894922N I don't think I'd start there though...
  22. 1uofacat

    Unit 11M bull hunt

    It's certainly legal, but each has to answer that question for themselves. Is there honor in that type of hunting because one can take advantage of an animal who may see "residents" as a non-threat and therefore allow people "camouflauged" like this to get close to them? To each his own... There's a difference between ethics and morals... they're not the same thing.
  23. 1uofacat

    Unit 11M bull hunt

    So, hunting like that makes you proud? For some, all that matters is the size of bone on the wall. Taking advantage of animals who come accustomed to people is not something I'd be proud of, but that's me...
  24. 1uofacat

    What do you think this bull will score?

    I agree, 300 or somewhere in that range. not very massive, looks like short mains, and the whole left isn't that impressive so will keep the right side quiet, (which isn't all that loud anyway). He's a good bull, looks nice and will make someone very happy, but he's not anything to get all worked up about. If I had a tag in my pack and was in the latter part of the hunt I'd try to put a hole through it. If it was real early and was looking for a huge bull, the bulls were talking etc., I'd likely pass on it.
  25. 1uofacat

    Mullins bull VS A3 bull

    Those aren't "owned" by A3 or Mullins, are they? Why wouldn't those who paid for them want their name in the record books even though they were taken by perhaps an army of spotters during a time when nobody else could be out there hunting?