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Everything posted by 1uofacat

  1. 1uofacat

    Archery kill or maybe poach?

    Well, if you must know, the original Mrs. Kravitz died of cancer in the second season as I recall. She didn't even tell anyone on the set she had cancer until near the end. That's why she was replaced... Great photo BTW!
  2. 1uofacat

    Colorado elk units

    Mo, Colorado can be done on foot, and it's absolutely beautiful there. Note there are problems with hunts that you pay an outfitter to pack you into however... Here's just a few: They typically take you into an area miles back in. Sounds great, but then you're stranded there for the duration of the time you're there. That could be a problem if either there's not a lot of elk in there, or they move after you hunt there for a few days and you or someone else pushes them out. You're stuck in there until they come get you. The typical hunts, like back into Deer Creek, usually mean hunting out of your camp in the canyon you're dropped off in/near. Going 2 canyons away is just too far up/down as you'll probably be talking ridges that are 1,000+ fee high between them, and the elk move a lot in there (or at least they did back when I hunted there). It's typically a long ways in there and you'll need to pack enough food, water, camping, and hunting "crap" to stay in there for a week - 10 days, depending on how long you want to stay in there. That said, it all has to be compressed because it's all going in on horseback. What if you get hurt or break a string on your bow? You may or may not have cell coverage in there, probably not. Cost... it's not cheap. How do you plan on scouting this area that's only realistically reachable by horseback? Are you going to trust an "outfitter" that has no financial gain if you kill or not? We've done horseback hunts in Colorado back in the late 80s and early 90s. I also hunted there a lot while living in Farmington, NM, but the horseback hunts were rough in that you're basically stuck in there. Moving a camp is a lot of work, and impossible if you don't have the horses to use. We actually had horses in there, but it was too much work to move camp, so it was a week+ of hunting with 2 good days before the elk moved out and were basically unreachable. Also, the country back in those areas is dam* rough... often times "straight up and down". If you kill, it gets harder or you lose meat. As it's been said, killing a large bull in Colorado doesn't happen often, but they are there. The largest bull we took was about 270 as I recall, but I have chased 300+ bulls there, and one a 350 class bull, but that was an exception, not the rule. That particular bull was also chased by locals for years, never heard who, if anyone, collected him. Mostly you'll likely see bugling raghorns. The issue is how rough it is back in there. I've hunted the Mission Mountain area (out of Durango), the old Purgatory ski area north of Durango, Cascade Creek, and around Engineer Mountain. I've also hunted on top of Table Mesa (north of Dolores) which was the closest thing to hunting in AZ, but fewer animals. Lots of awesome country, and some elk, but not like AZ. That said, some of the most beautiful country I've ever hunted elk in is in Colorado, and I'd consider going back, but would first want to have someone in Colorado that I could call that has horses to get an animal out as it's likely not going to be easy on foot. I'd also not go back in on horses to hunt because of some of the restrictions that imposes on you, but rather hunt on foot from a road, or hike in that day to hunt, but not have to worry about packing out on my back. As far as backpack hunts, which I did a couple times, they were just too dam* much work so wouldn't do that again, unless you can convince several sherpas to go along! Also have help... other hunters, who are as committed as you. Because you'll be hunting around 9,000ft or more ASL (probably), get in shape as it's going to be rough. The Cascade Creek area is absolutely breathtaking, but you can also be hunting basically above timer line (10,000 ft or more as I recall). It's not uncommon to glass a hundred elk in an area above timberline in the Cascade Creek area, but you may be across the canyon from them and 2,000 feet or more in elevation down and up to get to them... basically realistically unreachable. Just know what you're getting into. Shoot, go on a scouting trip this spring to look around... it'd be worth it.
  3. 1uofacat

    Just want to vent

    It's not surprising that some who draw a lot of tags, especially those with yet another tag this year, support the current system or are pointing fingers at those who are "venting frustration". A true measure of a person is not what they have, but how they deal with what they do have be that through chance or personally earned. BTW, I don't profess to have "internal knowledge" from or of the G&F, but I can say with 100% confidence that there were more charges to hit accounts yesterday. Note that one was a bank charge, and the other a credit card, and there were no phone calls to either (separate apps). Also note that both were for bull only units, first choice was a Sept rifle bull and second was a September archery bull, in a "quality" unit.
  4. 1uofacat

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    haha... I though you'd say your pedestal is wearing camo!
  5. 1uofacat

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    zjherna1, try not to let (what appears to be) insults get to you by the regulars as many of them have nothing better or productive to do with their time than sit in front of a computer on a message board and type... Often we don't really know whether or not that was their intent, or if it was just poking fun anyway. After all, this is a "freaking message board"! Sometimes you can get help, sometimes entertainment, and even information whether it's reliable or not! The way I look at those who "spend too much time on this site" is they may be a great source of information, but take that's for what it's worth... which is information from a message board! Remember the number of their posts may be indicative of the amount of non-productive time they have on their hands, but it can also mean how much they really want to share and help others as well. Quite honestly, I've found this site can and has been a wealth of information, at times, and I have shared (via PM) some back with others who appear to be honestly asking for help with info I have. It's also been quite entertaining, especially when reading how some put themselves on a pedestal above others because of the number of posts they have! "Now thet righ thar is fuuuuney!"
  6. 1uofacat

    Card go hit!

    Ok, I know, it's just the app fee, but it still feels good to write that!
  7. 1uofacat

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    When the G&F was asking for comment on the last increase to tags/fees (incl the proposed $13 app fee) I challenged them on taking care of the gross waste and mismanagement inside their own house before demanding tag and license holders fund their lack of efficiency. The info I had, for which I cited a few specific topics on, was for the most part ignored immediately after I was thanked for commenting on... In another thread, perhaps this one some while ago, someone correlated the waste in the department with what could be another debacle. Fact is we don't know what's going on aside from rumors, etc. Know that I too (personally) know G&F personnel, but nobody is saying anything other than they're working on it... Two points I wanted to make... 1) We can use this issue to collectively press the G&F Commission to look into mismanagement of funds given the department seems to have problems every year at this time. What did our extra app fees (as well as the obscene fees we're now paying for tags) get us? They are a government agency and should have accountability for their actions/decisions, like (most) every other government agency. It would help if we collectively pressured the G&F Commission demand answers. 2) I too enjoy reading the comments, hopes, and dreams of others in our fraternity when I get a chance as it helps pass the time. I say, "Keep the posts coming as it adds to the anticipation as to when it will actually start." It's sort of like Christmas as a child... anticipation is usually better than the actual event, and will be for most of us, unfortunately. BTW, I too fell into the trap of placing a notification request with my bank for transactions greater than a certain amount. Every time I get a text I have renewed hope (but only temporarily :/ ), and at the same time am disappointed during the stretches when my cell is silent... a double-edged sword. That said, the longer I don't get the text, then verify that nobody else has "proven/said" it's started, I feel better. It sure would be sweet to be the first to be able to post it's actually started though. Light snow in Flag going on now, and given we need the moisture it's a welcomed sight. I did get out over the weekend taking a drive over to Unit 8 & saw half dozen bulls that had dropped. Seeing them out in the NF is somehow better than when they walk through your yard or in the neighborhood here in Flag, which happens often.
  8. 1uofacat

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    supa, your old card will continue to work. I have the same thing going on and continue to use my old card w/no issues (almost 2 months now). There isn't a good reason for not changing it really, just haven't done it. My "old card" is good through December... Now, whether or not it will be (someday) hit is another issue! edit--- Personally, I wouldn't change it at the moment, wait a week or two until after the onslaught... maybe call your bank and tell them not to change it! Hopefully you won't be one of the statistics that fall into the category of "drawn, but provided a failed card number". That would certainly make someone else very happy, but would at the same time be so wrong. good luck
  9. 1uofacat

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    sad reality is that most of those posting here, myself included, WILL NOT get hit... so, don't feel bad that cards haven't been hit yet as "we still have a chance"... right? In this case, for most of us, not knowing is better than knowing.
  10. 1uofacat

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    A reliable source just checked and it did not get hit... :/
  11. 1uofacat

    Iphone Video, big fronts bull, score?

    Shooter for just about everyone I'm guessing seeing what I see. IMO, he's not a 350 class bull due to circums and not excessively long royals, but nice 3s and overall bull. With deductions, I'm guessing I'm in the 325-330 range. Saw the 7 min video you posted with your bull (and this video within), nice bull, lots of character. Good you passed on the raghorn earlier huh?
  12. 1uofacat

    Watch those cards

    same here... March 21st, 2105 (Saturday) my kids tags were charged... mine never was! Oh well, it was still fun last year.
  13. 1uofacat

    Card go hit!

    Those March CC hits are the best kind indeed!
  14. 1uofacat

    Which Archery Hunt

    Well osu92, that's why I won't put in for 27 any more (the reasons you posted). I hunted 27 was during the "peak" (12-15 years ago and had a blast. I used to absolutely love that unit...it was one of my all-time favorite elk units (along with some choice spots in 1... remember when we used to have a archery tag that read, " Units 1,2,4,& 27"? I know, I'm dating myself here, but that sure was fun. Since the fire I've had no interest in going back to rub shoulders with others chasing the same animals, or carry a machete to hack my way through that stuff. That said, I know others who still put in a lot of time and energy in 27 and prefer it, but that's not for me... Honestly just about any unit you spend time in you'll find some great and not-so-great areas, but that's why it's called "hunting" and not "killing". For me, I'm now hunting closer to home so I can spend more time in the field scouting and really get to know the unit better so I'm not surprised during any hunt. Also, it's a whole lot easier to be scouting immediately after you tag or the hunt so you can continue on scouting and see what happens to herds when the pressure is on. That's paid huge dividends in years past... Oh well, too late now, just try to remain focused until we hear the first one say, "Hey, my card got hit!!!"
  15. 1uofacat

    Tag arrived today

    kids got their tags Saturday... at least I still get to "guide"... not as good as having a tag with my name on it, but a close second perhaps.
  16. 1uofacat

    OTC youth turkey

    No shots fired, but had a tom within 20 yards at one point yesterday to my youngest... perhaps "next time" out.
  17. 1uofacat

    Broadheads for elk

    Ok, several great posts here... some not as informative. First, make sure you bow is tuned correctly (This may actually take a lot of time to get it right, seek professional help if need be) Secondly, pick a blade that is made for what you want to hunt as there certainly can be a difference. Even though some manufacturers may suggest their product is "good for everything", they don't all perform equally, especially with poor hits etc. (which will be their excuse for poor performance on a "less than perfect" shot). Asking here is a good start though... This includes mechanical broadheads... be selective and know what you're getting into. I've personally hunted with both and seen great success with both, but they are different so know what you're getting into with mechanical broadheads. Thirdly, experiment with them to make sure they fly just like your field tips (assuming your field tips "fly like darts"). This will likely take several trips to the range shooting broadheads at broadhead targets. Also be sure to shoot them at any range you plan to hunt/shoot at as well (be that whatever distance you choose as your "limit", then stick to it!). Fourth, while practicing or "tuning" your broadheads with your bow, it's a good idea to shoot every arrow you plan to keep in your quiver with the "practice" broadheads so you know if each arrow will fly correctly. Note that it may surprise you to learn that every arrow isn't equal so this little step may help preserve that monumental tag/opportunity you have... the last thing you want to do is to have a great opportunity blow up on you because you have an arrow that doesn't fly "perfect" with a broadhead on it. Keep in mind that an arrow may fly line a "dart" with a field tip, but a broadhead can accentuate inconsistencies due to the "sail" at the business end of your arrow. Have you ever read or heard a story where someone said something like... "I felt like I had a great shot, but the arrow flew off and I can't explain why..." You don't want to tell a story like that... this step may help you in this area. Couple more points: A) If you're shooting a "fast" bow, larger traditional broadhead designs are tougher to get to fly perfectly whereas the shorter more compact design broadheads are easier to get to fly "perfect". Just because your field tips that fly like "darts" does not mean your bow is in perfect tune or that your broadheads will also fly like darts. It's been said to make sure your blades are sharp... they should be "razor" sharp... always. Will your quiver dull your blades during you hunt? It might... and if it does how will you keep your blades sharp? Just something to consider... c) Don't worry as much about how good a blood trail others have gotten from any broadhead as each animal can react differently to being hit especially when you factor in where it's hit. As stated above, I too seen excellent shots provide terrible blood trails and poor hits provide better/decent blood trails. Bottom line is worry more about what you can control and do your best to do that. It's also great you're doing this now as opposed to late August!
  18. 1uofacat

    Results by phone

    my kids all got tags, one juniors tag (14) and two archery cow in 8 (17 and 21). I don't mind guiding, not the same as shooting yourself, but will still be loads of fun.
  19. 1uofacat

    Where did you put in?

    5BS can be tough... pretty unit, and not nearly as rough/rocky like 5BN is, but we've seen a lot more elk in 5BN than in the south half of 5B in the last decade. Haven't hunted 6B much for elk, but am sure you'll enjoy either tag (who wouldn't?). congrats
  20. 1uofacat

    Where did you put in?

    At the risk of giving up my "secret", I put in for bull/cow every year whichever unit we decide upon. I get to go most of the time with this strategy, and since 2005 have had 5 Archery cow tags and 3 archery bull tags (all September BTW). Here's hoping most everyone else is just too proud to put in for an archery cow tag so I get to go almost every year! IMHO, life is too short not to be hunting elk every year and besides it's so much more fun hunting cows during the rut than sitting at home watching football! ... and yes, I've had large bulls w/in 20 yards only to watch them walk by, but those have all been "cool" experiences so yes, so much better than even the best football game... any day! Since 2005 I've been almost exclusively putting in for 5BN, but last year put in for 8 and drew/killed a cow. It was a great hunt, lots of fun, and saw a lot of elk (of course, spent appropriate time scouting the "new" unit, and it paid off). This year, all I know is one of my kids drew a junior's cow tag in 6A, and between two other kids and my wife and I we have 2 other hits so anxiously awaiting results there too (all on the same card). Put in for unit 8 again, bull/cow and my wife put in for a Sept rifle bull (one of my sons drew that tag in '08 and took a nice bull) and rifle cow in 5BN. At least I get to guide if nothing else!
  21. 1uofacat

    Results available

    Never hunted 3B, but am in 6A all the time. I will say that in 6A your biggest challenge is getting away from people, but that said, there's perhaps no greater concentration of elk anywhere in the state so take your pick, fewer hunters and elk or a lot more hunters and a lot more elk.
  22. 1uofacat

    Results available

    How'd this thread go from, "I see my results, YEHAW!!!" or "I can't see anything yet - CRAP!" to "I know more than you do..."? haha...fun to read I guess taking our minds off the fact that we really don't know the results yet... fun time of year if you get a tag, not so much if not. All I know for sure is they haven't posted the results as of 5 minutes ago.
  23. 1uofacat

    Women's Cartridge

    At a minimum, my youngest son has a junior's tag this year. Based on the past, my kids prefer using a 7x57 with a thumbhole stock. It's taken many animals, and several bulls and cows over the years. Most importantly, they shoot it well (& often leading up to a hunt). Have fun, and be safe!
  24. 1uofacat

    Women's Cartridge

    Bull or cow flatlander, you didn't specify (and it makes a difference). I'm assuming bull, but most important thing is to have her comfortable and accurate with whatever you choose (and you can do the math on how they compare). Why not let her shoot them all and choose? You can then work up a load and go from there.
  25. 1uofacat

    Arizona Unit 1 Early Archery – Getting Warmer?

    DavElk, I don't recall seeing where you said you applied for an archery tag or a rifle tag. I used to hunt 1 (& 27) all the time and found an area further south in 1 (north of the black river) that may be worth a look. PM me if you want more info., but it was my all-time favorite area in unit 1. I haven't hunted in 1 for a long time as I now live in Northern AZ and hunt closer to Flagstaff and Williams, but the area I'm referring to was only partially affected by the fire and was the best all-around area we found while hunting in unit 1 for years.