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Everything posted by 1uofacat

  1. 1uofacat

    3/17 CC Hits?

    Very upper end of Upper Lake Mary, 3/26/17
  2. 1uofacat

    3/17 CC Hits?

    Mormon Lake, 3/26/17...
  3. 1uofacat

    3/17 CC Hits?

    Perhaps I'll run out there this afternoon & take/post a few pics for those who want to see them... it's about a 45 min drive.
  4. 1uofacat

    3/17 CC Hits?

    Most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. LolEverything in this state that has to do with water is cumulative. Aquifers, resevoirs, stock tanks. We'll just agree to disagree. For those things yes you're right. Probably the first time I've ever agreed with bonecollector777 but for antler growth precipitation 6 months ago doesn't matter. Wow, I too agree. If things go dry like they are predicting. This snow won't mean much. The snow isn't going to help May/June/July if it's dry. Just ask a cattle rancher about rain and quality of his beef. While future rain is essentially educated guessing, I can personally report tanks and lakes in the Flagstaff/Williams area are fuller than they have been in years. Upper Lake Mare was recently spilling over the dam, Mormon Lake has significantly more water than in recent years, and even the small tanks I was by last weekend we're quite full.
  5. 1uofacat

    Believe it or not

    No you're not, however in Hunt4horns example it showed his friend received tag No. 278 for hunt No 3022 in 2012 on his fifth choice, and was applying by himself with only 2 bonus points. He was drawn for a tag in a hunt where 575 tags were issued, & according to the data issued by the G&F there were 1,378 first choice applicants, so that scenario is, by law (tag application process is actually state law), impossible. The only way any 5th choice application could have been drawn, in your example, is if he was issued tag No. 573, 574, or 575 assuming we're multiple applicants on every one of the remaining 800+ first choice applicants after the first 573 tags were issued in the 1st & 2nd choice drawing "rounds". Keep in mind he was issued tag No. 278, therefore it should have been impossible unless there ere either flaws in the programing or someone was overriding the draw system.
  6. 1uofacat

    Arrow setup for Elk

    I suggest you search & read up on or look up youtube videos on Dr. ED Ashby's research regarding arrow weight, EFOC, & single bevel broadheads.
  7. 1uofacat

    Draw progress

    I know we typically passed on spikes, but never on any adult bulls.
  8. 1uofacat

    Draw progress

    BTW Alpine..., the 3 year wait was only for rifle elk tags, not archery as I recall... or was it both, but since there were always leftover tags for the 1-2-4&27 hunt we could just buy it after the draw?
  9. 1uofacat

    Draw progress

    I remember putting in for 5B, not getting drawn, so we went down to the G&F office & bought an archery bull tag for units 1, 2, 4, & 27! I started hunting in the late 70's... Horton Creek in unit 27, Boggy, Centerfire, & Wildcat Creeks in unit 1, & Chevelon Butte in 4. Those hunts were so much fun, back before diaphragm calls, & using gas pipe or straight pipe bugles! I also started using an Olt quail call to mimic cow elk & having a ball, & in the early 80's hearing people using diaphragm turkey calls to sound like bulls. Also the year the Larry Jones elk bugle came out & how great we thought it sounded (I believe I still have mine BTW). Probably dating myself some... :/
  10. 1uofacat

    Believe it or not

    Hunt4horns, did you delete your post with the pic or CW.com?
  11. 1uofacat

    Draw progress

    Maybe it was your turn then...
  12. 1uofacat

    Believe it or not

    Well, I for one applied for unit 8 Sept Archety bull first choice & wasn't drawn. Something is wrong with that picture.
  13. 1uofacat

    Believe it or not

    Well, I for one applied for unit 8 Sept Archety bull first choice & wasn't drawn. Something is wrong with that picture.
  14. 1uofacat

    3/17 CC Hits?

    You are giving hope to those who had none!
  15. 1uofacat

    3/17 CC Hits?

    Naw, they just hit the same charge twice! (...happened to a friend last year....)
  16. 1uofacat

    3/17 CC Hits?

    When I hear stories like that I seriously wonder if the person lost track of which choice they put that hunt or made a mistake and switched two hunt numbers when applying. As far as I understand there are no early archery tags that make it past the 1&2 pass of the draw. That is what I thought until he showed me his confirmation receipt with his choices, I couldn't believe he drew his 3rd choice!!I said there was know way he drew early archery 3rd choice & said he made a mistake on his app, but he showed me the proof. What hunt? If it's a prime unit/hunt where people miss out on tags with their first/second choice then I'd say something went wrong with the stated draw process. If it's not a popular hunt, then I can see that happening.
  17. 1uofacat

    3/17 CC Hits?

    When I hear stories like that I seriously wonder if the person lost track of which choice they put that hunt or made a mistake and switched two hunt numbers when applying. As far as I understand there are no early archery tags that make it past the 1&2 pass of the draw. All you have to do is look at the drawing statistics to verify whether or not it's possible. I agree with your summation... while it's possible, it's at the same time inconceivable that it would actually happen. Even if it did happen for myself I'd probably not admit it publically!
  18. 1uofacat

    AZGFD Account pending

    We know there are those who's cards were hit who's portals still say pending, but for those of us who applied by check or money orders the portal is our earliest method of finding out. There is another threat for "bragging" BTW! & before you post I'm just being "sour", know it was meant in fun, semi-serious, but in fun. The reason is we're anxiously awaiting notification as to when we can find out our results, meaning the portal is showing results. BTW, I'm sure there are different reasons for not applying with a cc, but for myself it was because I don't trust my bank wouldn't do something without my knowledge &/or ability to correct it in time. Also, the G&F stated they weren't making phone calls this year if there was a problem with your cc. A check or money order eliminates that from happening. There's still hope for myself... 5 points on elk, 19 on antelope, & the portal says results are still pending as of earlier today.
  19. 1uofacat

    AZGFD Account pending

    It was a day or two after cards were hit ad I recall
  20. 1uofacat

    Unit 7

    As I suspected, pulled unit 7 tags (in the first 10% of those given, myself and 2 of my sons). That said, I've not hunted 7 for deer, but plan to start the process this weekend. Being a lifelong coues hunter from when I was old enough to carry a bow, I grew up hunting the Whetstones. Those were the days (J-6 Ranch Road for access, Haystack Mountain, Bathtub Springs on the way to Cottonwood Saddle and East Peak, Guindani Canyon, Wildcat Ridge, French Joe Canyon, Cienega Creek...)! Now living in northern AZ that was just too far to venture, and just didn't apply for any of the rim units hoping to pull one of the Kaibab tags. While there's probably some coues in 7, I really don't have high expectations of a "huntable herd" there, which is OK (although we can always dream I guess). PM me if you can share info on 7 and don't want to share here, but any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  21. 1uofacat

    Unit 7

    That's what I was leaning toward, farther north... perhaps being able to find some areas to glass, but seeing vomiting hippies would be a great experience too! haha... Certainly getting away from crowds is very high on the list.
  22. I've heard of "dwarf whitetails" too, and subscribe to it... and agree w/BeardownAZ (would rather take one than a "regular" buck any day).
  23. 1uofacat

    Never thought I would be the first

    non resident app fee is $15, not $13, so a non-res deer tag will cost $315. A non-resident BH tag is $1,815.
  24. 1uofacat

    Got A Hit!!

    The G&F site still says 60%, so it's not a true representation of where the process is. Even though I didn't see the coveted $300 charge, at least we pulled 3 tags, either Kaibab East or SF Peaks, and given the hit occurred early Friday afternoon it's likely the Peaks. It'll still be fun...
  25. I have a pair of Zeiss 15x60, purchased almost 20 years ago and will never part with them. In every case where they were compared side by side with other glasses, everyone agreed that in some cases the clarity was close, and in some cases the distortion was also close to the quality of the Zeiss, however the light gathering was unmatched to the Zeiss in every case. I heard of an interesting story about these glasses... it involves a "qualified individual" (scientist/astronomer) who took apart a pair of Zeiss to compare the glass in a lab with what he could acquire in America. What he said was rather interesting... He said that in America we can match the coatings, the grinding, the polishing, the frame, and mechanical components etc., but the one thing we (American companies) can't match are the elements put in the glass to give it the qualities the glass has (basically formula). He said we can get close, but can't match it. You wont go wrong with getting the best in some cases, this being one of them. I personally have no experience with the other Zeiss products listed herein.