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About 1uofacat

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/20/1961

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    Flagstaff, AZ

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  1. 1uofacat

    And the Card hits will begin

    that'll be fun! We are 1 for 9 in our family... probably a September archery cow tag which will be good for a "new archer".
  2. 1uofacat

    And the Card hits will begin

    at this point it's more likely you can get a tag by a rejected charge than by the 3-5 pass. I was told years ago it's all run at once but the charge anomalies is what delays things. That said, it can & does happen.
  3. 1uofacat

    And the Card hits will begin

    There's always people trying to beat the system... Legal? Yes... Morally right? Probably not. Expensive? I think so as it's a minimum of $50/app to get a bonus point so if you're putting in for 8 other people (as it seems you identified), that's $400/year to get more points in the future, say in 5 or more years. After 5 years of doing that it totals a cpl thousand & it gets more expensive when you start burning tags as theres no refund on tags, only points. Plus, there's no guarantee you'll draw a tag even with their 5 or 6 points as you'll need to average their points with your own to get the average bonus points between your "seasoned grandmother" and yourself. Also none of them will have taken a hunter Ed class for an additional point, although for another fee... Go for it I say as this will probably help you get a few tags, but that's a lot just to increase your chances at a tag without any guarantee. My thoughts anyway.
  4. 1uofacat

    How long until cards are hit??

    same here... although it likely won't matter!
  5. 1uofacat

    Cards getting hit!

    Two turkey tags here, unit 8! BTW, for those in-the-know/interested, I'll be posting about our bull hunt in 8 soon as work has been "draining" since! Both "highs & lows", but certainly a hunt to remember!
  6. 1uofacat

    Elk Antler Progress

    I don't know for sure about antler progress, but I do know that the monsoons have just about started which is a relief (reducing fire potential among other things). It's been dry up here for a while prior to the 4th. We've been shooting too & took this shot at 60 yds yesterday morning. The hit was a bit lower than I wanted, but that was more about my aiming. It's been fun, & can't wait until September!
  7. 1uofacat

    Archery Setup

    So Ruby... Why now? Do you have a tag you're starting to prepare for now or are you referring to next year?
  8. 1uofacat

    It has started, card got hit 10 min ago

    As Larry would say, "Now thet rite thar is funny!" (& coming from a "Wildcat") Congrats BTW!
  9. 1uofacat

    It has started, card got hit 10 min ago

    sometimes it's better to be lucky than good... & I seemed to have that going for me this year with 2 back-to- back Sept bull tags in 8! I think someone screwed up & intended for me to get that desert bighorn tag with 23 as opposed ajo with 22! 😁
  10. 1uofacat

    It has started, card got hit 10 min ago

    We got deer as well, but I guess 23 bonus points isn't enough for sheep!
  11. 1uofacat

    Elk tags

    It's still hard to believe it, two bull tags in a row, so I had to check them when they arrived. Even though I feel bad for those with a lot of bonus points who did not draw, know I'm not going to turn my tag back in! 😁
  12. 1uofacat

    New Archery Equipment for the '24 elk hunt

    That's where I picked mine up from, & you are correct!
  13. Anyone using new equipment for this years elk hunt? After a month of looking (dating back to well before the draw) I decided on a Lift 33 & am setting it up. While I've done well with my 'old' Apex in the past, it was time for an upgrade. I will say the recoil is essentially non-existent when shooting it as Mathews has outdone itself with this one. The one thing I'm still deciding on however is a rear-facing stabilizer to help balance it (with a quiver of arrows). Is there much of a performance difference that should be considered other than weight & balance for this bow (above QD)? I imagine there's a lot of you here that have spent substantial time on this already and am looking for your thoughts...
  14. 1uofacat

    Credit Card hit thread

    My 2nd son drew a September rifle bull with only a Hunter Ed point years ago & took a decent bull on opening day. It was a real fun hunt & you'll likely have the same. Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good!
  15. 1uofacat

    Credit Card hit thread

    Unit 8 September archery bull, this year for my youngest son & I (who took his first bull with a bow in 2017). Words cannot describe my feelings adequately here... I feel incredibly fortunate!!