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About azviking

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  1. Anyone got a mini excavator not the Chinese crap.have some higher end firearms an cash if you wanna work a deal.located in flagstaff Thanks Spencer 928-853-4693
  2. azviking

    Private pad for camping near Humbug, AZ

    It's a pretty neat site.I have a spot in flagstaff i rent out.Like Airbnb for rivers. Good luck nice spot.
  3. azviking

    22 short pistol 100.00

    I'm already down here.its in flagstaff.
  4. azviking

    spotting scope

    Luepold kenai 30x45x60 spotting scope works awesome.Also fixed 30mm lens.hd vision in flagstaff could meet payson roosevelt area. 500.00 928-853-469three
  5. azviking

    Texas whitetail mounts

    Nice whitetail mounts asking 250.00 located flagstaff. Will be at roosevelt tomorrow Spencer 928-853-469three
  6. azviking

    22 short pistol 100.00

    Headed to roosevelt live in flagstaff Can meet. 928-853-469three
  7. Nice clean m4 ar. Asking 650.00 Have not fired.Looks clean.Headed to roosevelt from flagstaff can meet along the way. 928-853-469three
  8. Asking 1100 dpms lr308. I live in flagstaff.headed to roosevelt lake for couple days could bring.bought it sitting in my safe. Let me know 928-853-469three.
  9. Texas whitetail mounts 100.00 a piece. Located in flagstaff Spencer 928-853-469three
  10. Super clean 25-60x 80mm SX-2 Kenai 2 features a 25-60x magnification range and an 80mm HD objective lens that delivers a bright image with exceptional color reproduction and resolution Asking 500.00 with case a. Fixed 30x objective located in flagstaff i work to winslow could meet there also. Works awesome don't get out enough an remodel going on.would trade for another firearm also. Spencer 928-853-469 three
  11. azviking

    Savage 6.5 creedmore

    If your in flagstaff near future I'm interested Spencer 928-853-469three
  12. azviking

    WTB mule deer hide

    I have coule white tail head mounts for sale if you looking for those Spencer 928-853-469three
  13. Nice boat 1700.00 Ran when parked,have title for trailer,boat. Needs tires,probably a water impeller Battery. I have pair of seats an extra fuel tank Trolling motor. I have a boat cover. Would trade for rifle,revolver,pistol.or cash. Located in flagstaff get this boat ready for spring fishing. Text or call Spencer 928-853-4693
  14. Sweet dmps lr308 for sale Asking 1100.00 building an addition.Toys gotta go. Located in flagstaff Bought year ago never fired it has Simmons scope 1 mag Let me know if you have question Spencer 928-853-469 three