I took a 4pt mule deer with a 256 contender, but it was at 70yds. I have taken several javelinas and coyotes with this and it works great. If you look up the energy on this you will see that it is a pig and smaller type cartridge. IMO it is a 150 to 200yd gun for 50lbs and down.
A friend of mine saw 2 bears on friday. He was hunting on the San Fransico Peaks by Flag. He called one in around 8:30 and walked up on one around 10:00. Of course he did not have a bear tag or a camera on him. He did have his cell phone and called me both times. The bear he called in came in in 7 minutes. The bear stood up when it was about 10 yards away. My friend said it was as tall as him, about 6'. The second bear was about 70 yards away and was turnig rocks over looking was food. Amazing day. Too bad he had no tag or camera!
A friend of mine moved from PA to Flagstaff. He put his wife in for the 6A Dec whitetail hunt and got the tag. My question is:
Can anyone help me find her a buck? She is not looking for a wallhanger, just a buck. Her husband put in for this not knowing this is a great hunt for big whitetails he just did it because it fit their work schedule. I will assist them and have enough glasses for everyone but my knowledge of 6A is limited. I hunt down south. He has been scouting frequently but has not seen any bucks yet. I'm not trying to find secret spots just pointed in a direction where I can get a lady on a buck. In the units down south there are areas where the does and small bucks congregate. I seldom see any big deer in these areas but I do see alot of deer. Something like this would be a great help. Any help would be appreciated.
Rick Anderson
Email: kfcpage@thedam.com
Ph: 928-645-2172
I haven't seen ocotillos with leaves on them in Dec. The deer feed on the leaves. They may bed there for protection but I don't think they feed on them.
My friend and I hunted 35B. We saw 37 deer, 2 herds of Javelina, several coyotes, and one bear. 14 of the deer were bucks. We only saw 2 with antlers past their ears. They were about 80pt 3 pts. On Sunday morning we both shot small 3pts. It was a fun hunt.