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Everything posted by azcountryboy

  1. azcountryboy

    WTT 14x NL pure for 12x NL

    Interested if Mathews guy falls through...
  2. azcountryboy

    FS/Vortex Diamondback Scope

    Pm sent
  3. azcountryboy

    Fierce twisted rival 7mm rem mag

    Listing for a friend. Fierce twisted rival chambered in 7mm rem mag with a 1:8 twist. Less than 200 rounds down the tube, includes a 20moa athlon base. Pic of group shot was a .38 @ 100 yds with nosler accubond 160gr factory rounds. Asking $1,500. Any questions call/text Roman at 928-241-8649. Thanks for looking.
  4. azcountryboy

    Fierce twisted rival 7mm rem mag

  5. azcountryboy

    2024 Archery mule deer

    Awesome buck! Glad you're healthy and able to do what you love 👊
  6. azcountryboy

    Fierce twisted rival 7mm rem mag

  7. azcountryboy

    Savage 93r17 17 HMR rifle + 650 rounds ammo

    Sold? Interested if low country changes his mind...
  8. azcountryboy

    Would like to sell BTX 95

    Solid dude...deal with confidence.
  9. azcountryboy

    FS: Disc-O-Bed XL Cot Bunk Beds

    Pm sent
  10. azcountryboy


    I'll take this, pm inbound.
  11. azcountryboy


    I'll take it. Pm inbound.
  12. azcountryboy

    Any Labradar chronograph’s for sale?

  13. azcountryboy

    2006 Honda crf50

    Pm'd you
  14. azcountryboy


    Pm'd you
  15. azcountryboy

    WTB Swarovski NL 12x42

    Pm sent
  16. azcountryboy

    2018 Hoyt Carbon Turbo RX1

    Listing for a friend. Hoyt carbon tubro rx1 in good condition. Black gold 3 pin slider w/ lens kit. Trophy taker drop away rest. Currently set 27" draw and 70lb. Asking $650. Call/text 928-241-8649
  17. azcountryboy

    2022 archery bull

    With the elk/antelope deadline upon us I figured it would be a good time to make a post about my September elk hunt. Long story short I wanted to hold out for a better bull than I killed in 2017 so I was being a little picky. After a week of passing on a few bulls and not really seeing anything I was willing to shoot I decided to try some different areas. Blake had seen a straight 6x6 he guessed to be 350+ so I went into the area to try and turn him up. He also mentioned there was a big 5x6 in the area and to be on the lookout. We were able to find the 5x6 and after a couple blown attempts he made a mistake. We slipped in behind him pushing his cows out into the burn to feed and when he doubled back to chase off a smaller bull, we happened to be in between them. It was a chip shot at 43 yards and my arrow center punched him and he took off running. We trailed him for a little over a hundred yards and when we didn't find any blood we opted to back out to return the next morning. Not how I wanted it to go but that's just how it sometimes is. By far my best bull and I'm not sure I'll ever harvest a better one, but it won't be for lack of trying...
  18. azcountryboy

    Davis Wall Tent internal frame 12x14

    I'll take it. Pm sent.
  19. azcountryboy

    Mature bull elk cape for sale

    Pm sent
  20. azcountryboy

    Mathews Vertix

  21. azcountryboy

    Single Actions and Lever Actions

    Pm sent
  22. azcountryboy

    2020 archery buck

    I recently was able to take my best archery mule deer to date and quite possibly the best buck that I'll ever take. The target buck was a 4x5 with an inline on his left main beam. My brother in law and nephew were scouting for elk when they found this deer. They placed some cameras at a nearby water source and to their surprise he showed up. Not once, not twice but three consecutive days the week of opening archery deer. He hit water in the middle of the night before opening morning and didn't show up til 3 days later on Sunday evening. I got in the blind around 4:30pm Sunday evening. It was windy and sprinkling rain and I remember thinking to myself that there wasn't a chance the deer would show up in these conditions. Around 6pm the wind died down and it got real calm. A large group of doves flew in and fed/watered at the tank. Out of the corner of my eye I caught some movement. I immediately knew they were deer and upon pulling up my binos confirmed that they were deer and that they were bucks. Then buck fever set in like I've never had it before. The lead buck was a two point followed by a decent 4x4 which I confirmed didn't have the extra on the left. Then I saw him, the very last buck in the bunch. The bucks filed in to the tank and I ranged the buck at 65 yards quartered to me as he began to drink. I drew my bow and sent one his way. The deer scattered and I quickly nocked another arrow. The buck ran to 90 and stopped. All I could see was his head. He didn't seem like he was hit, had I missed him completely? Should I send one at 90? Had I blown my chance at the buck? After what seemed like forever the bucks started back into water. I couldn't believe it but the 4x5 with them. He came back to the same spot, this time he was facing me head on. I ranged him again at 65 and when he bent down to drink I drew my bow and sent a second arrow. It hit its mark and the buck blew out and ran and I watched him crash after 80 or so yards. A special thanks to Blake, Tyler, and Matt for the chance at this deer and for letting me sit their blind. This buck belongs to us all, an experience that I won't soon forget...
  23. azcountryboy

    ISO 4x4 diesel

    https://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/cto/d/mesa-2017-dodge-ram-2500-cummins-4x4/7481871936.html Cwt member and a good dude. Buy with confidence.