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Everything posted by NWhunter

  1. NWhunter

    2015 season success

    Fellow Oregonian here! Great pictures, and congrats on an awesome season. That blacktail is a stud! Something about a big mature blacktail just gets me fired up. Just got back from SE Arizona where I was lucky enough to get my first Coues buck and Javelina with archery equipment. It was a great time and something I plan on doing in the future.
  2. May not be the most effecient, but it's certainly the best and most fun way, and that way is to actually hunt the area/unit. Scouting before or after a season can be a great help and should be done but may not always represent the "ground truth" during that critical and often short timeframe we have during a given hunting season. In my opinion when you hunt an area you are in a different state of mind and will cue on things you may not necessarily focus on when you are not hunting. There's certain areas I have learned extremely well through hunting and in ways simply scouting would not yield. I've witnessed the benefits of having "hunting knowledge" of an area and the frustrations of not having that experience. One usually ends up in more game seen and more opportunities presented.
  3. NWhunter

    Is it legal?

    Found a javelina skull yesterday while I was out and was wondering if it would be legal to go back and pick up.
  4. NWhunter

    35A/30B San Pedro River

    Ya, I checked it out on the AZ access map and was able to locate the private property south of the road.
  5. Anybody ever hunt the San Pedro RNCA at the end of Hereford road south of Sierra Vista? Thinking about an evening hunt there as my usual spot is a little too far from the house to hit after work. I have a plan and an area I want to hunt, just looking to gain any information on what I can expect in that area as far as deer numbers go. Thanks in advance for any advice.
  6. NWhunter

    35A/30B San Pedro River

    I probably won't hunt that area as much as I do some other locations I have picked out, but it definitely has its appeal and will be great for those days I don't have the time to spend going where I normally hunt. Seems like a lot of deer could be hiding in that brush though. Had a nice buck jump my string not too long ago at my other location. Gotta love spot and stalk bow hunting.
  7. NWhunter

    Trip to Oregon

    Love and miss my home state, hopefully get to move back one day.
  8. Just learned today that contracted employees who work on the base are not allowed to hunt it. Apparently I misunderstood the base memo. I thought I was good so I put all my eggs in one basket so to speak and scouted nothing but the base. Found some nice deer and great spots but it looks like i'm hosed as of right now. I'll definitely never do that again, looks like it's back to the map and one bonzai scouting trip tomorrow before the opener. Have a couple areas in mind, but never really scouted them for hunting. Owell, I'm enjoying learning what AZ has to offer and learning some new areas should be a fun challenge. Anyways, just thought I would vent a little to my fellow hunters. Good luck all. - NWHunter
  9. Ya, not going to lie I was a little disappointed when I heard the news but this is going to allow me to gain further knowledge of surrounding areas, which I probably wouldn't have done if I could hunt the base. I accept and welcome the challenge of finding some new ground. Hopefully I'll be able to post my success in the coming weeks. Good luck all! - NWhunter
  10. Doesn't change the fact that they are the ones who sell the base permits. I just read a base memo and it sounds like I may not qualify after all. Besides what I listed earlier, seems like the only other group allowed to hunt are non-appropriated funds employees. So like the civilians who work on post at places like the gym, mwr facilities, bowling alley etc. At least I think that's what a NAF employee is. This is all new to me, I just got out of active duty and I'm still getting used to this whole civilian thing.
  11. I was told yesterday at the sportsmans center on post that only department of the army civilians, retirees, and active duty could hunt. Along with being a contractor here I'm also assigned to a reserve unit on base. Maybe the individual giving me the info was mistaken, ill have to look into it.
  12. New to the area and looking for a place to shoot that's off the beaten path. I am able to shoot on the base but prefer to get away from other people. Family is out of town and I'm getting bored, wanting to put some rounds and arrows down range. Thanks for any information - NWhunter
  13. NWhunter

    Where to shoot near Sierra Vista?

    Thanks for the info, ill definitely be checking those spots out.
  14. NWhunter

    Where to shoot near Sierra Vista?

    Thanks for the info Amanda and Scooter. I'll be sure and check before I go out. I''ll definitely check into the Huachuca Mountain Archers Club.
  15. NWhunter

    They're everywhere!

    Just got to Fort Huachuca a couple weeks ago and I swear I've never seen more deer in a single area. I grew up in Oregon chasing Columbia blacktail and am used to hunting "small" deer so I think I'm going to fit in just fine chasing these coues deer. Here's a couple pictures from a late afternoon drive with the family. We saw a total of 12 does and 1 buck. I'm really curious how many I would see at first light or later in the evening.
  16. NWhunter

    New Member

    I discovered this site last week and have to say I'm probably going to be spending a fair amount of time on here. I've also already apologized to my wife ahead of time. I'm originally from Oregon/Alaska and am currently living in Washington (stationed at Fort Lewis). I just recently got out of the Army after 7 years of service and will be taking a job at Fort Huachuca. The family and I will be moving to Sierra Vista in the coming weeks. I grew up hunting the NW and will always call it home, but for now I'm excited and looking forward to this next chapter of my life and can't wait to get after the many species of game Arizona has to offer. I look forward to reading the many stories on this website and hope to share a few of my own. - NWhunter
  17. NWhunter

    New Member

    Will do Amanda....and as for the birthday it was less than exciting. Nothing like packing your house all day.
  18. NWhunter

    New Member

    Wow, so many replies...I feel welcome already. Thanks everyone, at first I was hesitant about leaving the comforts of the NW and the hunting up here but the more and more I read and look into it the more and more I can't wait to hunt AZ. wayno945, I too will be a contractor working for the Army...I will be working out of Fort Huachuca. I couldn't completely separate myself from the military, still feel like I have more to offer. MULEPACKHUNTER, I definitely will be investing in some good glass and a tripod as I keep reading how important they are to locating game and having success. Thanks again. - NWhunter