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Seldom Drawn

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Everything posted by Seldom Drawn

  1. Seldom Drawn


    Big 5 had some cheap brand but they were 13.99 for a box of 20 .223 Seldom Drawn
  2. Seldom Drawn

    Unit 10 Early Rifle Bull

    If you plan on spending that much time before the hunt scouting you don't need a outfitter.but one thin, you might have 20 screaming bulls one week before the hunt going nuts and the day of your hunt they might all be gone so stay on them,Good Luck Seldom Drawn
  3. Seldom Drawn

    Big Buck

    out2hunt, I have spent half of my life in 19a but not a lot in the past several years, back in the day when i never drew you could always have a chance at a upper 80's even a low 90 inch buck.I just got tired of all the guys watching with there tri-pods sitting in there lawn chairs watching,.. Does your friend have accses to the private land or is he hunting all public land?With all the transpalnting they have done if he is hunting public i would guess a upper 70's buck would be good. Seldom Drawn
  4. Seldom Drawn

    October Coues Hunt vs December Rut Hunt

    I have always said you can kill a 100 inch buck every october hunt if you scout.I really got burned out hunting them when i was younger it just got to easy and boring for me so I took up hunting big muleys in my opionon they are much harder to hunt then a 100 inch cows deer.just my thoughts, Seldom Drawn
  5. Seldom Drawn

    AZ Ground Pounders Coues Deer Management

    Couesbuckhunter, what's wrong with someone just wanting to fill there tag a lot of hunters just hunt for meat.If you spend a lot of time in the woods you can still kill big bucks every year.100 Inch plus Great, Pic of that lion you guys are kiling It, Seldom Drawn
  6. Seldom Drawn

    Unit 8 muzzy

    Usally one or two mid 80's bucks on this hunt, you just have to put some time In like others have said. Seldom Drawn
  7. Seldom Drawn

    Southern left over tag questions

    Been hunting 3 or 4 units down there since 1977 same places now as back then I can usally find many bucks but 2 years ago with my son and grandson the drug runners came in my camp to do there drug deal at 3:am I chased them for 10 minutes up the mountain with my 357 and spot light before they got to there trucks and hauled butt 2 were carring ak's I won't put my family thru that for a deer just not worth It. Seldom Drawn
  8. Seldom Drawn

    Fire Restrictions on Coconino and Kaibab NF

    Really, jshunter05 Maybe we should have put up a fight when the tree huggers didn't want the forest thinned. The forest service usally starts the most fires doing uncontrolled burns when we have 40 mph winds.or the valley news helicopter blowing up the Rodeo chediski fire to save 2 people that started It In the first place I agree they need to put closures on when It gets dry. Forlon Hope,I am very thankful you serving us but did you ever ask your fmo to educate the people that don't know any better? and I usaully go out on tuesday and fill my truck with trash and put out several fires.and stop some of the forest service truck the ones with water on them and ask why they aren't checking some of the popular camping spots I just put out while they just drive buy.I know they don't have a lot of water but they sure seem to pick and choose were they go we all need to step up and educate people although some just don't care. Seldom Drawn
  9. Seldom Drawn

    AZ Hunting Prices on the Rise?

    Why do you think they needed to be applauded? and what needed to be addressed?A unit nine tag compared to a 5bn tag really, so you call In 50 bulls In unit 9 and 30-35 bulls in 5bn 90 percent of hunters are going to shoot a 330 bull so tell me where there Is a big difference. Seldom Drawn
  10. Seldom Drawn

    Would You Shoot (2) ? - Video

    No, But 95 percent of bowhunters would,.nice video. Seldom drawn
  11. Seldom Drawn

    What would you do???

    Scooter, I have done many solo hunts, you being new to this you have to start out with the mentality no one will be around. when you are alone just hunt all day. unlike what others have said this can be an amazing hunt you might even get into some great elk bugling this late In the season I have had this hunt and helped others If It's dry water can be awesome, but not for me If It's cold and wet still hunt.To get over being by yourself after you fill your pack up for the next day and eat.sometimes I bring a tv/dvd combo and watch a movie.It will take your mind off of being alone some of my best hunts have been solo. Seldom Drawn
  12. Seldom Drawn

    Hit it big today!!!

    That Is Awesome! Seldom Drawn
  13. Seldom Drawn

    22 or 24b

    You might want to pick a cooler unit to hunt in August,i have hunted these units my whole life and know them well,If you aren't In shape and use to the heat I would only sit water. In August the bigger bucks usally will be bedded before the sun comes up over the mountains,so you might want to sit water,.as they sometime will get up to drink,but I find this way to boring.but to each his own. There are many areas you can get away from people you just need to scout a lot.I have killed many deer from these units but I grew up hunting there If either one Is open In December or January I would wait and hunt them In the rut. Seldom Drawn
  14. Seldom Drawn

    portable propane campfire

    With fire restrictions every summer I just saw Sam's Club has a portable propane fire pit,Does anyone have this,If so how big a flame does It produce and Is It worth It. Seldom Drawn
  15. Seldom Drawn

    Broken elk antler

    What Is the TCS tournament?
  16. Seldom Drawn

    What is the latest in spring has anybody called in a gobbler

    Once the last day of the season with maybe 10 minutes two go I smoked one with an arrow,I stuck a pig once with 2 minutes on the last day after putting In many many days that was my best. Seldom Drawn
  17. Seldom Drawn

    Big Buck

    coues Krazy, If you put In you put your time scouting, I would say a 80-84 inch buck would be great.There a many 70-78 inch bucks you just have to find the one you want. Seldom Drawn
  18. Seldom Drawn

    Big Buck

    Just saying I saw a shooter real early,really big for this time of year.If you don't like my post then don't respond. Azkiller,whats your problem,If you have a problem with me then pm me Seldom drawn
  19. Seldom Drawn

    Broken elk antler

    some gas money
  20. Video Is hard to tell ,we all mis - judge animals,With this video it's hard to tell but I don't see how you could have been anywhere near 350 . But It only matters what she wanted was she happy. Seldom Drawn
  21. Seldom Drawn

    some More brown!!!

    Thats sweet,you did great. Seldom Drawn
  22. Seldom Drawn


    It's good to see others putting there shed money back into there hunting gear.Finding a lot of sheds year in and year out Is no different then hunting.I shed hunt hunt first and foremost because I love It, the money Is great but not my main reason to do It. I didn't count the antlers I sold this year but I would guess I sold around 30-35 browns the rest were White. thanks for the responses.good luck to you guys that are still looking for them. Seldom Drawn
  23. Seldom Drawn


    Sold all this years sheds except for my biggest seven and bought these swaro 10x42 els I always try and put all my shed money back into hunting stuff,no bills. Seldom Drawn
  24. Seldom Drawn


    +1 Don, There Is nothing better then taking kids hunting. I have heard some are struggling with not much calling activity and you guys had 3 set ups by 1:00 awesome ,again great job. Seldom Drawn
  25. Seldom Drawn


    congrats to you guys,how long Is his beard.so what happen with the first 2 birds how close did you call them in to. were you hunting in central or eastern az. Seldom Drawn