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Seldom Drawn

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Everything posted by Seldom Drawn

  1. Seldom Drawn

    A post just because it doesn't seem right

    Sports authority in phoenix, held 2 shotgons for 45 days for me, they said they have stricter rules,if i didn't get such a great price i wouldn't have waited. Seldom Drawn
  2. Seldom Drawn

    Will forest service shut down roads due to mud?

    wonder how the roads are in 5bn leaving Wed early morning Horrible for a day or so then once the sun pops out it dries fast,5bn has been getting pounded the last week or so. went down a three mile strech of road today, river flowing down it, i am ready for some sun. Seldm Drawn
  3. Seldom Drawn

    T-minus 169 hours

    Heading out again this morning.I have about 7 or 8 herds located, I just haven't found the bull I am looking for.The bulls are finally picking up there vocals the last couple days. Seldom Drawn
  4. I use Federals in 7.5 or 6 shot(although those are getting hard to find...) for my 20 ga side by side. Is there anything left to eat besides pellets, that some big lead for a tiny bird. Seldom Drawn
  5. Seldom Drawn

    T-minus 169 hours

    I am a little suprised with only one week to go, you all aren't out scouting?maybe you have already found your bull. Seldom Drawn
  6. Seldom Drawn

    Hope it was an Eurasian

    Problably died right away, great shot. Seldom Drawn
  7. Seldom Drawn

    drop tine bucks - how rare are they?

    Not that Rare for Kaibab,been alot of great Droptine bucks from there over the years,
  8. To bad they stay away from 7w and 5bn ,we have trailers here for the last 3 weeks ,with quads, side by sides utilty trailers trash bags hanging from the trees..people have been doing this for years ,how many of you on this sight do it?there are a million acres to camp at why does this bother you all?most city folk like to camp on top of each other, Why are you scared of the woods.I even had horse people from Wickenburg get mad at me cause I wouldn't let them camp with me cause it was there favorite spot Really? Seldom Drawn
  9. Seldom Drawn

    The RUT

    move,to a new area I turned some friends on to a couple areas in 6a,and they have been hearing bugles for the last 3 weekends.all this rain has them all spread out.I am guessing you are scouting the west side of the unit.Finally found some bugling bulls in my unit, i was getting a little worried this might be a late rut.Watched a bull this morinng with 30 plus cows bugling for over 60 minutes. Seldom Drawn
  10. Seldom Drawn

    heard alot of bugles in Unit 1 this weekend

    It's not on everywhere.Good luck to you unit 1 tag holders. Seldom Drawn
  11. Seldom Drawn

    Is Coconino enforcing the Travel Management Plan??

    What unit was this?.
  12. Seldom Drawn

    Is Coconino enforcing the Travel Management Plan??

    No they are not just, got home walking the dogs wow i don't think I have ever seen this many campers,people on every single road. If you camp by Happy Jack i think they will check you cause they have a office there camps by my house have been there since June 1st they haven't made any of them move. Seldom Drawn
  13. Not if you aren't a tank sitter.just less people i have to deal with. Seldom Drawn
  14. Seldom Drawn

    Opening weekend Flagstaff area

    of course nine doesn't have deer like other units,I just don't think there are any less then the last 5 or 6 years.but last fall and winter I saw more deer in nine then in the last 10 years.2 years ago on a three mile stretch of road I know of 8 bucks killed on the rifle hunt.that wasn't to good for the deer in that area.you hunted 3 or four days in 7,8 and unit nine that doesn't seem like that is much time to prove there are know deer there,also with the invention of the side by side the animals don't wait around much anymore so we don't see as many animals getting to the area,we hunt so many people think theres not as many elk or Deer.in many units.
  15. Seldom Drawn

    The RUT

    in the last 30 years I have noticed between the first and second week of archery deer the bulls go on there own ,and usaully I see good bulls with the cows and bugling like crazy before 9-1 it's early for the rut, but not the pre-rut. Seldom Drawn
  16. Seldom Drawn

    Opening weekend Flagstaff area

    No mosture in unit 9, how many days did you spend there in July when you didn't get rain? How many days a year do you spend in nine?the deer are there they just move around from year to year. I don't see any hunters where i go in nine, maybe thats why i might be luckier and find more deer. Seldom Drawn
  17. Seldom Drawn

    The RUT

    Tons on rain, tons of new growth, weather is getting cold, bulls are chasing cows already, bulls are bugling throughout the day. Saw a lot of good activity these last few days. Sounds great, I have 6 herds I am watching and they range from 20 to 150 cows in each herd and the biggest bull in all of them is maybe a 250 bull.usaully by now they have a pretty good bull hanging around I hope the rut isn't late in my unit. Seldom Drawn
  18. Seldom Drawn

    Opening weekend Flagstaff area

    7 and 9 aren't hurting as bad as you think, with all the moisture they are really srpead out, you can go to unit nine ,6 times and not see a deer then go back and 30 deer in one trip.they are just harder to figure out.there are some real beauty's in nine ,7 just has about 300 to many does. Seldm Drawn
  19. Seldom Drawn

    The RUT

    Just got home today from unit 27..... Lets just say the rut is going to be amazing this year. Hurry up September 13th So i have a tag in a different unit why do you think the rut will be so awesome just wondering. Seldom Drawn
  20. Seldom Drawn

    unretreaved animals

    I wasn't trying to piss anyone off either,I have just seen this for a long time. ' people taking shots they shouldn't take, but what can be done to change them. a class maybe but I don't think that would help much.I think with the new technolgy in bows you get a lot of people that buy a bow, can hit the target in a couple hours and go hunting that have never hunted before. Seldom Drawn
  21. Seldom Drawn

    unretreaved animals

    You must be a young man,this has been a problem forever,you think bow hunters are bad arrows sticking out the butt, the neck ,the eye. but gun hunters are even worse saw a bull hit 6 times and they didn't even look for blood untell I had a good chat with them.you seem to be spending a lot of time worring about deer, don't you have a elk tag?and a good one one where you can kill a 370 plus bull. Seldom Drawn
  22. Awesome,way to go Parker, you are the man, good job pops. Seldom Drawn
  23. Seldom Drawn

    Spot and stock unit 32 antelope

    Sweet, Very nice. Sewldom Drawn
  24. Seldom Drawn

    Early Archery Deer Hunts

    And we are looking at ways to get some of those seasons added back in that have been removed. No promises, but we are looking at harvest to see if it drops now that a lot of baits are no longer lawful.ry Elk tag How about you give the archery elk hunters,the combo Deer and Turkey hunts back as well. Seldom Drawn
  25. Seldom Drawn

    Brother In Law Tagged OUT!!!

    Wow nice buck,to bad he wasn't full grown,that would have been a great buck. Seldom Drawn