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Seldom Drawn

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Everything posted by Seldom Drawn

  1. Seldom Drawn

    First coues and awsum shot

    Very nice! Seldom drawn
  2. Seldom Drawn

    WTB Swarovski 15x56

    Sending mine back for a check up,using them next to my 10's and my spotting scope i would never waste my money on them I have never been happy with them,they are coming out with the hd in january,pay the extra 1,000 when they come out, i will be putting mine up in 4-6 weeks when i get them back. Seldom Drawn
  3. Seldom Drawn

    Bow lesson learned...

    you have your opoinon, i have mine. I work in a machine shop
  4. Seldom Drawn

    Bow lesson learned...

    yes we were farmers, that didn't sit in front of the tv 123456 what do you do for a living? I gave my opionon on this kids arm, now ur making this a pissing contest.
  5. Seldom Drawn

    Bow lesson learned...

    Really, We didn't grow up with much money, we all shot each others bows, or the ones that could afford a uesd bow had one, most didn't anchor at the mouth, or have releases some anchored at the nose, some at the mouth but most behind the ear or way behind the ear,we were strong enough to not have to lock out the arm so it never happenend.you guys that think this was cause he had to lock out might want to take a lesson.or go to the gym. Seldom Drawn
  6. Seldom Drawn

    Bow lesson learned...

    I am left handed with a 31 3/4" draw I bet I can shoot your right handed bow whatever draw length all day long, and i will shoot it right handed and never it my forearem. Most people go to Archery headquarters, or bass pro, cabelas and they don't really know how to teach the art of bow hunting with the new bows they don't really have to, when they can get people to hit the target in 20 minutes I think its all about the salecan you blame them most of them have never been taught how to shoot a bow. Seldom Drawn
  7. Seldom Drawn

    Bow lesson learned...

    Has nothing to do with draw length, have you ever had a lesson? most people just go and buy new technology and can shoot good in a hour but they have never been taught, how to shoot or anything about form. Seldom Drawn
  8. Seldom Drawn

    Bow lesson learned...

    I don't think it had anything to do with draw length,just bad form. Most people never have been taught how to shoot a bow.Looks like you just locked your arm out. Seldom Drawn
  9. Seldom Drawn

    Archery in Unit 19A

    Spot and stalk,this unit is full of deer if you can hit the rut you should do great. lots of bucks. Seldom Drawn
  10. Seldom Drawn


    Poor Kids, What hunt do you have?if it's up high you can glass they really stick out in the snow. if its low they will really be active, right after the rain, storms can be a great thing to your advantage and this isn't suppose to be that bad.1/2 inch of rain and maybe 5-8 inches of snow.I love this kind of weather it is perfect as long as you keep the kids dry good luck. Seldom Drawn
  11. Nice, What did this great buck score. Seldom Drawn
  12. Seldom Drawn

    800 Inches

    You guys kicked butt, But why did you have to take your pics standing so far behind your elk 800 inches should be enough to take a normal pic. your pics look kind of silly except for the one of you guys just holding the racks . What Did your bulls net? Seldom Drawn
  13. Seldom Drawn

    Montana mule deer hunt

    Very Nice, But thats a lot of money for deer you could shoot with left over az tags.I know its more then just the kill but you guys could have some options for az if you want to deal with our border.Montana's prices are the highest in the country,even more then a Henrys Utah tag. thanks for the pics. Seldom Drawn
  14. Seldom Drawn

    The Buck I Never Dreamed Of

    You shot a awesome buck and your pictures show how excited you were,don't get all caught up with the score maybe when you have 30 more years of hunting you can worry about the score.the internet has really screwed up hunting be happy with what you shot you are a novice that killed a great buck be happy with it.that is one awesone looking deer. Why even put him in the book it's only a piece of paper, mount him and look at him every day that's all you need. Seldom Drawn
  15. Seldom Drawn

    What do you guys think about scent control

    The wind and campfire smoke get it on your clothes and lift your shirt and get some in there too I have tested this and for me it works.the animals are use to campfire smoke controlled burns and forest fire smoke. Seldom Drawn
  16. Seldom Drawn

    News on Leaving trailers

    If you know there is only one spot to camp maybe you could un hook your trailer and drive up to your spot and see if someone is there? are your mules to out of shape to go the extra 3 miles?are you the guy that called forest service and had them all towed, if so shame on you,Do you leave your trailer at the trail head and ride off for 3-5 days how are you any different? You guys that think this is a good rule need to wake up I live in 7 west and our law enforcement drove by camps that were here from may untell september and october and never made them move they drove buy them many many times so your 72 hour rule is crap. Seldom Drawn Selom Drawn
  17. Seldom Drawn

    12a Turkey

    Was up there last weekend for the kids doe hunt, we saw 12 different flocks the 2 smallest had 5 and 6 birds and the largest I counted 49 toms,been hunting there since 1977,by far the most turkeys I have ever seen on one trip. Seldom Drawn
  18. Seldom Drawn

    350 Sheds

    I have 2 sets of 350 plus sheds, I am asking $650 for each set pm me if you are interested,great for your cabin or house.
  19. Seldom Drawn

    Big Muley!

    Sweet buck,he looks good to me. bonecollector777, He might look small, because we are use to seeing everyone standing 3 feet behind the animal and he didn't. Seldom Drawn
  20. Seldom Drawn

    Coueszilla, better to be lucky than good

    Thats awesome,to bad you couldn't of got him, I wonder how much money and how many people it took to find this buck and who else knew of him? you had to talk about the other sheds of him you found from this buck, Mullins claims this buck, but all the pictures i have seen say another's outfitters name on them.did you spill the beans on this awesome buck.or did they just kick butt and find him on there own. Seldom Drawn
  21. Seldom Drawn


    Wow, Some very nice bucks taken. Here are a couple Flagstaff area bucks my son,and son-in law just harvested. Seldom Drawn
  22. Seldom Drawn


    My next suggestion is with Mulkepackhunter - find spots where there aren't so many people - then you don't have to deal with this. really where do you guys hunt that know ones else knows of there aren't many secret spots anymore with the internet and no one can keep a secret anymore. SIrRoyal, I don't know If I would have been so civil if this happened to my hunter,There aren't a lot of ethics with a lot of hunters anymore. and why would anyone want to shoot a wounded bull that someone is already tracking how sad. Seldom Drawn
  23. Seldom Drawn

    Chances of getting drawn?

    I drew a great unit for rifle with 9 points, then last year drew the same unit for archery with 3 points, Seldom Drawn
  24. Seldom Drawn

    CC info

    The e-mail they sent out said you had untell the 20th to change it, you had 5 days to do so did you look at your old card to see when it was going to expire thats why i like the paper apps no card involved I hope your kids get to hunt,unit 10 usaully has leftover tags. Seldom Drawn