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Everything posted by arizonaelkhunter

  1. arizonaelkhunter

    And the Card hits will begin

    Good luck to everyone tomorrow on their draw picks. Let the games begin.
  2. arizonaelkhunter

    Lemme Help Some Of You

    Slow Elk, if someone accidentally shoots at a actual cow or horse, they are an idiot, case closed
  3. arizonaelkhunter

    Unit 23 north map

    Flatline the best and the 23 unit is downloable in Avenza. Works with no internet as well.
  4. arizonaelkhunter

    Anyone know what this is

    I use to go to all the meeting with Dad every month. They use to raffle off some cool stuff and their meeting were next to or at from what can remember at Goetel AC.
  5. arizonaelkhunter

    Hits Started

    Got hit for 90 for my southern buddy, hunting Ft Huachuca in November or December this year, both great hunts. Good luck to everyone.
  6. arizonaelkhunter

    Elk Brownies

    Was turkey hunting with my brother and didn’t get one but we got these. Good weekend.
  7. arizonaelkhunter

    Not Closing the Rim?!?!

    Shut the whole dang forest down. Can’t fix stupid and guess what, people are stupid. The honest folks in the open areas won’t start fires or other activities that start fires but the ones that are could careless will, all demographics, you can count on it. Tinder was an illegal fire that some ahole started and then went home with out putting out. RESULT=multiple home owners cabins destroyed. Had that fire not been contained and dropped into Leonard Canyon,guess what would have occurred? Good bye Rim,good bye everything else. As for people getting charged for the damage, totally agree, but never happens, maybe a ban in National Forest for 10 years or so, but nothing that sticks because the people that do it couldn’t afford to write in a coloring book let alone pay the fines imposed. Maybe folks that are caught with illegal fires or leaving them and going home if caught should have all of their vehicles,home, if they have one and everything else taken and leave them on the street. I am sick of the traffic on some sites saying people are confused about fire restrictions or closures (not on this site sort far). People need to learn how to read and how to look at maps which are clearly posted now on all of the areas, County, state and federal of those restrictions. I am not the best educated guy in the state however I do know this, as of right now, THERE ARE NO FIRES ALLOWED ANYWHERE IN ARIZONA. What part of that does anyone not understand. Thank the lord my CW.com brothers and sisters get this because the idiots don’t. You all have a safe Memorial Day weekend and report any aholes who have fires going. Hopefully everyone with tags or possible tags for upcoming hunts will have a forest to hunt in.
  8. arizonaelkhunter

    Tonto National Forest Area Closures

    I saw a social media post that stated Tonto Forest will implement designated area closures on 23 MAY 18. I looked at the link that directed you to the Tonto web page however, nothing was there. Anybody seen or know what areas are being affected by the closures?
  9. Hey Amanda, just wondering if there will be another contest this year.
  10. arizonaelkhunter

    Chocolate colored bear

    Hey Zoltar, hope all is well for you. I am surprised there is still water in the tank as dry as it’s been. I drew a cow tag up by Flagstaff and my Uncle and his wife drew a late Bull tag up in your neck of the woods. How bout you.
  11. arizonaelkhunter

    Apache-Sitgreaves Forest Closures Imminent

    I just read also that Coconino County SO and Flagstaff PD will be conducting early am and night flights to find illegal fires.
  12. arizonaelkhunter

    Apache-Sitgreaves Forest Closures Imminent

    Closure specifics are coming for the areas affected. Right now both Navajo and Apache Counties have enacted stage III closures. Forest service lands will be handled separately and all of the one concerned which is almost all of them will be announcing soon. I suspect you might see established campgrounds with water on site remain open with stage II fire restrictions and unestablished areas be closed until we get the monsoons. I usually camp on Memorial Day weekend in the Greens Peak area however I suspect that area will have restrictions. Guess I will go wine tasting in Sonoita.
  13. arizonaelkhunter

    Chocolate colored bear

    Yep,the whole trip was a rarity. Watched those bears come in, then a rag horn 5X and the an hour later a 6X. Two days later my daughter shot her cow on the same tank.
  14. arizonaelkhunter

    Chocolate colored bear

    Sweet pic, I have a video I took on my daughters Jr elk hunt last October that I am saving for the picture/video contest that Amanda does every year that is awesome. 4 bears, one sow and three cubs of which one was a brownee. They were 56 feet from us and jumped into a pond and swam across the thing twice.
  15. arizonaelkhunter

    G&F new TAG printings

    They probably do and they also receive all of our information if you are drawn to solicit your business. My daughter drew a Jr,s tag last year and we received 6 different mailers from guides. When I have drawn for myself in the past same deal.
  16. arizonaelkhunter

    G&F new TAG printings

    I just received my elk tag and noticed the large envelope it came in and then thought, how much more money is the Game and Fish paying for postage. I figured it out when I opened the envelope and noticed all of the advertising for guides that was enclosed. I guess this is part of a State Lean Transformation project.
  17. arizonaelkhunter


    Thanks Amanda
  18. arizonaelkhunter


    Amanda, are you doing another picture video contest this year?
  19. arizonaelkhunter

    When laws don't protect helpless/innocent!

    I heard about this today and it breaks my heart. Folks are gonna start taking matters in their own hands to deal with psychos like this. A guy like this needs to be let loose in general population in the jail system and make sure everyone in there knows about it. He will meet bubba and then has his six handed to him.
  20. arizonaelkhunter

    Cabin rental in Payson, Hunt of a Lifetime recipient

    Gino's cabin is a great recommendation. He is a good dude and if his cabin is available will treat you right. I would call him quick because he usually books his cabin quickly durning hunting season. I am staying there for my daughters Jr Elk hunt in October.
  21. Hey fellow CWT folks, looking for a utility trailier that is 5x8 with 15 inch tires, new if possible. Everything I have seen so far is order and get in June. Anyone have any leads for something earlier?
  22. arizonaelkhunter

    Pelican 65 quart cooler

    Not sure what everyone's experiences are with these nice coolers but our hunting club bought two Cabelas brand ones that I think are just a good as Yeti, Pelican, etc. I got my 65 quart with someones employee discount out the door for 170.00. It is the best cooler I have ever owned and will last the rest of my life. The 100 Qt was about 100 more and the same deal except it is a two man lift. The markup on these coolers is unbelievable and shopping around is the way to go if they are in good shape. Happy Hunting.
  23. arizonaelkhunter

    2016 Trail Camera Photo and Video Contest!

    Best Non-Coues Deer
  24. arizonaelkhunter

    2016 Trail Camera Photo and Video Contest!

    Best Coues Deer Photo
  25. arizonaelkhunter

    Cherry Creek Road FR 203 Permanent Closure

    Hey fellow CW members, I remember seeing something about my subject line above. Reference the attachment to this post. Do any of my CW brothers out there have any good Intel about what is going on with this deal. Also, how does this effect other forest roads that lead into the SA Wilderness area? If this is true, sounds like we all need to start writing our elected political heroes to get this BS stopped. I have been hunting backpacking and camping in this area for over 40 years. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to see certain areas closed because of the dumb asses that trash everything however, that's why they have wilderness boundaries so you can't drive or quad any further. If this is true, what is the plan to get Fed Gov's attention again like what is going on in the strip to stop this crap?