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Everything posted by arizonaelkhunter

  1. arizonaelkhunter

    got a stud in the making.......

    Nice pictures, just put up another cam last weekend. Recent monsoon activity is probably going to change a lot of things on the ground especially up north and down south.
  2. arizonaelkhunter

    Monsoon is here!

    Going down south tomorrow, Santa Cruz County, hear they are getting good rain. Thank god for the entire state
  3. arizonaelkhunter

    Multiple Bears on Tank

    Great pics, time for harvest time
  4. arizonaelkhunter

    Need help fighting those tiny flies/nats

    Thermacell worked great for me last September elk hunting if you are sitting in a stand and not moving. Believe it or not rubbing non-scented dryer sheets work okay as well
  5. arizonaelkhunter

    Unit 1/3b fire

    Yeah I know it started on the res and it should be close as well but overall I agree. even with the frosts closed idiots will be idiots and you can't fix stupid.
  6. arizonaelkhunter

    Unit 1/3b fire

    This is a crying shame, I harvested my first nice elk in this area and my Dad did the same along with others. God bless the fire fighters and lets all hope this area is saved. I have been camping and hunting this area for over 30 years. I know this comment won't be popular however, they should shut the forest down until the moisture levels/monsoon gets going. A few jerk wads don't want to follow the rules and something like this occurs. Maybe I am wrong, but I doubt this was naturally caused. I did a post a few weeks ago about penalties for violating fire restrictions and still feel the same. Fine them 50,000 just for violating, not starting and then make them clean camp ground toilets without gloves for three years as community service. Too bad we are now a feel good society and if they even catch the SOB they won't do jack but maybe ban them from the forest. Hit them in the wallet and hit them hard.
  7. arizonaelkhunter

    Recent Lion Pics

    Pics from southern Arizona on 16 June 2014.
  8. arizonaelkhunter

    Recent Lion Pics

    It appears about every three days. we are going to try a play on him soon.
  9. arizonaelkhunter

    Had my favorite dinner last night

    What receipe do you use for the whitetail poppers?
  10. arizonaelkhunter

    A few dozen bulls from today

    Great pics, I have a cow tag on Camp Navajo this year however, I like just seeing them, especially the bulls. Can't wait until the rut starts.
  11. arizonaelkhunter

    Unit 22 Success for my Brother and I.

    Great job, those are some sweet Coues
  12. arizonaelkhunter

    Growing good

    Sweet, September can't come soon enough.
  13. Fellow CWT.com hunters. Check out these recent trail cam photos a a jaguar, lions and bear. Lions Tigers and Bears, oh my. Enjoy. We are reporting the Jag to the AZ G&F.
  14. arizonaelkhunter

    Recent Jaguar Pics and other critters down south

    Patrickjr, you certainly have a point after looking at comparison. Oh well, it was fun wishing.
  15. arizonaelkhunter

    Recent Jaguar Pics and other critters down south

    These are from my buddies game cam and they are bad butt. As for reporting to the G&F, I know they get some bad press however, the only folks studying them is the G&F.
  16. arizonaelkhunter

    Anyone got info on the fire n of woods canyon

    Anyone caught using fires with the past and current fire restrictions in place should be fined 50,000 just for starting it, 10.000 for being an oxygen thief and then make them do community service cleaning portable toilets in the camp grounds for three years. and I am not talking about wiping down the toilet seats.
  17. arizonaelkhunter

    Buck in the Grass

    Nice pic, is that with a trail camera?
  18. arizonaelkhunter

    Can we get hoodies made????

    Amanda, if it was fleece, I bet you folks would buy both the zipper in the front and the traditional hoodie. either way I am in for several.
  19. arizonaelkhunter

    head shed

    You in the Guard or a civilian employee?
  20. arizonaelkhunter

    cc charge

    So I guess nobody has been hit yet.
  21. arizonaelkhunter

    A LITTLE good news

    Outstanding, looks like a pretty girl. I have three girls, no boys but they are hunting girls. Hope the best for her. Congrats.
  22. arizonaelkhunter

    FIRST BROWN SET OF 2014!!!!

  23. arizonaelkhunter

    Any thoughts on glassing etiquette ?

    The bottom line is this, if you walk, drive or what ever into someone set-up, get out. I am sorry it is common courtesy that any Arizona hunter should do. I am a native Arizonan and I have always practiced that policy for many reasons, early bird got the worm, respect and just common sense. Bottom line use some common sense. It seems in the New Normal nobody give a F--- about courtesy and respect. Guess we can thank our elected political heroes for that.
  24. arizonaelkhunter

    Couple of coues bucks

    Is that Armor Mountain Behind you guys? I have hunted 23 for over 40 years, great area, just got to know where to go. Great Photo guys.