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Everything posted by arizonaelkhunter

  1. arizonaelkhunter

    Reservation Bear

    Sweet, nice job
  2. arizonaelkhunter

    My first buck!

    Great job Elk_slayer
  3. arizonaelkhunter

    Unit 22 Turkey

    Sweet video.
  4. arizonaelkhunter

    Last Night North Phoenix Storm

    What a show last night from about 11 pm until 2. This storm was incredible. The rain and wind was so intense you couldn't see five feet in front of you. Trees down everyone, power out for four hours, etc. The lighting show was the wildest I have seen in 20 years. Anyone else experience the same storm?
  5. arizonaelkhunter

    Remember Brian Terry

    Crying shame, may he rest in peace.
  6. arizonaelkhunter

    Last Night North Phoenix Storm

    Coues tracker, spot on, gorgeous country, lots of fun
  7. arizonaelkhunter

    Last Night North Phoenix Storm

    Yep, a circle k down the street got flooded inside because the doors blew open and the rain just blew in. I heard The Greenway and Tatum area is still without power.
  8. arizonaelkhunter


    Either tag is a sweet tag, good luck to all that got them
  9. arizonaelkhunter

    My idea of a bad day

  10. the sad thing is, me and several of my buds would draw unit 23 late rifle tags every year until the late 90's and then the trophy deal got put in. might have been early 00's but either way, I switched to bow with the weather patterns, much more fun, lots of action and just a good hunt. hang in there. if the weather predications are even close, it could be very interesting this go around. good luck
  11. arizonaelkhunter

    Fort Huachuca Hunt Code Date Mistake

    Call Charley at Ft Huachuca at 520-216-1268
  12. arizonaelkhunter

    Decent bear

    nice pics, nice bear
  13. arizonaelkhunter


    No doubt a Muley, but very nice pickup
  14. arizonaelkhunter

    19A Thieves

    Regardless of the reason why folks steal others property, they are scum sucking A-holes. If there are folks out there doing this with their kids, they are just building another generation of scum sucking A-holes. I guarantee you one of these days and it will be soon with so many folks getting ripped off we will be reading about someone getting hurt because they get caught in the act. If you all remember about a year ago the guys ripping folks above Payson got caught and he was very lucky from what I heard that he only received the hospitality of the Gila Sheriff's office and not the goon squad. All of these dirtbags make me sick
  15. arizonaelkhunter

    Close the Border

    Amen, all of this stuff is set-up for the elections this year and in 2016. Sorry, I call it the way I see it. Our country is in a lot trouble and if folks don't start voting with reality in mind, we are doomed.
  16. arizonaelkhunter

    Pics from another evening drive

    Nice pics, I want to move so bad out of the valley and get out there, but the work thing always interferes. Soon my Friends soon
  17. arizonaelkhunter

    Prayers for this earthly vessel

    Prayers with you.
  18. arizonaelkhunter

    pulled my sd card this morning

    Nice pics, I just set-up another Cam down south and giving it a few weeks for action because of the monsoon action.
  19. arizonaelkhunter

    Unit 22 Success for my Brother and I.

    Sweet bucks, nice write-up. I love that unit once you get away from everyone
  20. arizonaelkhunter

    A very sad day!

    Sorry to hear that brother, as said above I hope you got your bonus points back. That is one heck of a good tag. Thanks for your past and present service and be safe
  21. arizonaelkhunter

    Monkey Wrenching near HappyJack

    The folks doing this need to be caught and I would hope law enforcement is working the issue. As one of the comments above stated, where else is this occurring. This could injure anyone including kids, animals, etc. Would love to catch the SOB and put a few of their implements of stupidly through their vehicle and or body.
  22. arizonaelkhunter

    couple more Coues Deer

  23. arizonaelkhunter

    Item found in Unit 27

    Class act Beardownaz. I suspect the elk gods will reward you.
  24. arizonaelkhunter

    Gayest elk ever. .

    Its the new world, even our tasty friends are getting into the scene. Pretty soon we will be getting folks to lobby for gay rights for animals, heck maybe even we will see animal marriage. Hahahahahahaha. LOL
  25. arizonaelkhunter

    Heavy Tow through Payson or Globe???

    Payson is the only way to go. Much safer, more pull outs if necessary, etc