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Antler assassin

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Everything posted by Antler assassin

  1. Antler assassin

    Wtb a Polaris ranger crew or equivalent

    My family is looking for a Polaris ranger crew or equivalent. Please let me know what you might have for sale. Thank you in advance.
  2. Antler assassin

    Wtb a Polaris ranger crew or equivalent

    They are crazy priced new. Well I will keep our fingers crossed for us as well as you.
  3. Antler assassin


    I received the same message about 338 lapua projectiles. I will wanted to verify before proceeding because it was quite suspicious. Same account name notified me to contact the cell number. Unfortunately this day and age there are people out there like this and you always have to be careful.
  4. Antler assassin

    Wtb 338 projectiles

    Ok thank you for letting me know hat sportsmans has
  5. Antler assassin

    Wtb 338 projectiles

    I am still looking for some. I will be in the valley this Wednesday. Please let me know if you have any. Thank you
  6. Antler assassin

    FS Blackhorn 209 and Pyrodex 50/50 pellets

    Got it thanks. Pm replied to
  7. Antler assassin

    FS Blackhorn 209 and Pyrodex 50/50 pellets

    Boarman03 if you get to the point you need some get ahold of me. We will work it out. Thank you
  8. Antler assassin

    40 caliber brass

    I have alot of 40 caliber brass for sale. I am up to entertaining offers thank you
  9. Antler assassin

    FS Blackhorn 209 and Pyrodex 50/50 pellets

    Actually I will take both blackhorn 209 bottles
  10. Antler assassin

    FS Blackhorn 209 and Pyrodex 50/50 pellets

    I will take 1 bottle of blackhorn
  11. Antler assassin

    Wtb 338 projectiles

    Dang wish I was up there. Thank you. I will call them.
  12. Antler assassin

    Smart- tactical watch

    Ouch a little rich for my blood also.
  13. Antler assassin

    Smart- tactical watch

    What watches are you using for long range shooting? Is there a watch that you can download a app from your phone to your watch (ie strelok) to aid in shooting? Would also like it to be durableI. Icarry a kestrel and a smart phone every time I am out. Just thinking about watches. Thanks in advance.
  14. Antler assassin

    Trade 6.5 PRC ammo for Retumbo

    I am seeing if anyone would be interested in trade some Retumbo for some factory 6.5 prc 147 match or some precision hunter 143 that I have. Please let me know if you are interested. Thank you
  15. Antler assassin

    Trade 6.5 PRC ammo for Retumbo

    I would take lab pup as trade Lol.
  16. Antler assassin

    Trade 6.5 PRC ammo for Retumbo

    Back up for discussion.
  17. Antler assassin

    Trade 6.5 PRC ammo for Retumbo

    100 miles north. Camp verde area
  18. Antler assassin

    Trade 6.5 PRC ammo for Retumbo

    All pm replied to.
  19. Antler assassin

    Trade 6.5 PRC ammo for Retumbo

    Says invalid number. I will pm you
  20. Antler assassin

    Trade for retumbo

    Looks like previous trade didn't work out. I am still looking for some retumbo.
  21. Antler assassin

    Trade for retumbo

    I have 2# of Vihta Vuori N570. I am looking to trade for some Retumbo. Please let me know if you are interested. Thank you
  22. Antler assassin

    Trade for retumbo

    Looks like I found a trade. Thank you
  23. Antler assassin

    Retumbo, H1000, .223 ammo, 9mm ammo for 6.5 prc ammo

    I only have the 570. Thank you
  24. Antler assassin

    Retumbo, H1000, .223 ammo, 9mm ammo for 6.5 prc ammo

    I have 2# of Vihta Vuori N570. I am looking for some retumbo. Don't know if you are interested in a possible trade. Thank you
  25. Antler assassin

    Retumbo, H1000, .223 ammo, 9mm ammo for 6.5 prc ammo

    When or if you decide to sell powder I will take all the retumbo you have.