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Everything posted by NM_Shedder

  1. NM_Shedder

    Favorite 2014 ATL's or Just Favorite Sheds

    Lets see everyone else's favorites now
  2. NM_Shedder

    Recent find

    I would say it was just shed like that. I have a few in my collection that look worse and are naturally shed. I big indicator is if the bottom is totally rough and doesn't apear 'broken' it is just how it is natually.
  3. NM_Shedder

    Finds From My Season

    Yes I know this is a late post, but figured I'd go ahead and share, just to give y'all something to look at. Only brown set on the year, and they were found about 3-4 weeks apart, a mile and a half apart, and on separate sides of the mountain. Not sure how I spotted the one side. It was tines down, and we were 15 yards below it on the hill side, and as you can tell it was thick. Here is a big 8 point, and our biggest shed to date. The rest of these are just random pics from the season. First ever side by side set, but they were eaten by the 2012 fire. More random pics.
  4. NM_Shedder

    Finds From My Season

    It's getting to late to look. With hunts coming up, and I having only bought a left over cow tag, don't get much hunting time. On a high note with hunting season rolling in, so is the time of year we hunt yotes, so hopefully this year goes better in that department, but thanks. This season as my now I think we have 45 sheds, which is 15 less than last year, so still not bad.
  5. NM_Shedder

    Antler Growth

    Ok I know that many won't believe the amount of growth this bull put on in one year, but I know how much, unless his match is way weird, which I sadly haven't found his right side either two years I've found him, but if both sides are the same, he would have put on 100 inches of growth from his antlers he shed last year to the ones he shed this year. I am currently still in the hunt for his right side to this year but he went from a 270 bull to a 370 bull in one year, and you many choose to believe me, or you may not. 2013 Side: Top Picture: 2014 Side: Second Picture:
  6. NM_Shedder

    Antler Growth

    I can see that, but through close inspection I have found the bases match very well, and the major vein lines are identical. His G2's are more similar then they appear, but his G1's are very different I do agree, you can still tell he seems to have bumped it but I do understand what you are getting at.
  7. NM_Shedder

    Had A Good Day

    Spent 6 hours and walked about 12 miles. Saw lots of elk and found some antlers. Along with our first side by side set that was burnt to heck and wasn't worth keeping. And a drawing I drew last night.
  8. NM_Shedder

    First half of my yr.

    Lots of good quality sheds there. My season is getting closer to closing due to fire danger and I don't even have half of my last years quota.
  9. NM_Shedder

    My Season So Far

    Not what I would expect at this time, but better than nothing. And my biggest shed to date so I'm content with my season right now. Got 12 have left 3 behind because they were either really old or burnt to pieces.
  10. NM_Shedder

    Finally On The Board

    First freshie of the year and a few others the one from today is the only ATL. Enjoy. Deer Set Elk Set [url=http://s1172.photobucket.com/user/antlerman98/media/DSC01236_zps25ce9eb9.jpg.html][/url
  11. NM_Shedder

    Fresh Elk Shed & Mini Set

    Once again got a few more.
  12. Spent around 6 hours and about 12 to 14 miles today. Big 8 and nice 6 that isnt the best pic and then a light brown busted one. Nice 6 but was going for good backdrop and didnt get much antler First ever glassed one. Should have seen it long before I glassed it but it is what it is.
  13. NM_Shedder

    Lots and lots of bone

    Heck if I see one I'll probably shoot the bastard. Wolves are pest.
  14. NM_Shedder

    Lots and lots of bone

    Where are these grey wolves being reintroduced and will they be huntable?
  15. NM_Shedder

    What is this? Shed with metal in it?

    Not metallic. All of my fresh ones have it. It is a wax like ring around the base.
  16. NM_Shedder

    Lots and lots of bone

    Dang! I can't seem to find any sets where I'm at in NM. Jeez I have one elk set for 5 years of shed hunting!
  17. NM_Shedder

    Successful Day on the mountain today

    Thanks, the 8 is second biggest so far, still smaller than the biggest by about 7 inches
  18. NM_Shedder

    Fresh Elk Shed & Mini Set

    It actually took me about 8 minutes of walking through this burned aspen grove with zero dirt umtouched by elk to finally spot it.
  19. NM_Shedder

    Getting restless

    What part of NM you from?
  20. NM_Shedder

    Sheds In, Under or Around Trees

    I myself have never found a shed in a tree, bush, etc. but yall should share your pics if you have.
  21. NM_Shedder

    Who's Ready?

    Well, I know I'm not the only one itching to see that first fresh bone of the year hit the ground, and wear out some boots. To help with the itch, lets have a Favorite ATL's of 2013. I'll start. The two big brown elk sheds are a set.
  22. NM_Shedder

    My first shed of 2014

    Looks like an awesome shed. When you recover it you better post pictures. I'll get pics up later this year, still to early to hit it right now, but I'm getting way to house kept for the wait.
  23. NM_Shedder

    When do sheds start dropping?

    Sweet, got any pics? And for things like Bulls, around here they start dropping late Feb. early March. Mulies all around here, earliest is Late March.
  24. NM_Shedder

    When do sheds start dropping?

    I agree with mr.smith, other than muleys around where I'm at don't start dropping until mid april.
  25. NM_Shedder

    Who's Ready?

    Ya, but don't just look around those areas., bedding areas, trails, and just about anywhere the animals are. I personally have only found 3 little spikes along the fence lines, but I know a lot of people find sheds along fences. There's a lot more places to look than just what you were told.