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About NM_Shedder

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New Mexico
  • Interests
    Hunting, Shed Hunting, Hanging Out, Being Outdoors, Playing Football, Playing Basketball, and Running Track.

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  1. NM_Shedder

    Right Around the Corner

    Alright, with shed season upon us, lets see everyone's as they lay pictures from previous years, and even this year if you've already been out.
  2. NM_Shedder

    Strategy for the upcoming shed season

    I am thinking high as well. Went out scouting this past weekend and ever elk we saw were higher than normal. it is going to a bit of a tough year I would say.
  3. NM_Shedder

    Good Day

    Only fresh one was that little deer shed. The amount of older ones we've found this year is rather surprising after the boom in the number of people out hiking last year.
  4. NM_Shedder

    Good Day

    Today was a really good day. Started off slow but ended great. A total of 9 sheds, tied with our best for most, but I would consider this to be our best day ever. 7 elk sheds, and 2 deer.
  5. NM_Shedder

    2017 Finds

    Not a giant, I mean, I don't know what is big for coues, but I am pretty certain it is a coues. Put up a pic of it next to a beer can or something for reference. It looks pretty big to me! All I had was a 20oz bottle
  6. NM_Shedder

    2017 Finds

    What state/area are you in? Lots of browns being pulled in S.NM right now. It's weird, a couple weeks ago in an area just a few miles from where we were sunday, we found that right side and saw about 30 to 40 bulls and I'd say about 40% to 50% were dropped. Then where we were sunday, we saw around 15 bulls and even the two that were close to 300 were still packing.
  7. NM_Shedder

    2017 Finds

    Not a giant, I mean, I don't know what is big for coues, but I am pretty certain it is a coues.
  8. NM_Shedder

    2017 Finds

    So Far... We are up to 16 sheds, 2 are browns, it is a set, not all are pictured.
  9. NM_Shedder

    Favorite As They Lay

    It a spring in the middle of nowhere. I like that stacked set!
  10. NM_Shedder

    Favorite As They Lay

    With shed season just around the corner, lets see some of the ATL's!
  11. NM_Shedder

    Still Hunting

    Yes, in New Mexico the archery season is a rather extended season.
  12. NM_Shedder

    Still Hunting

    Well, I've only hunted two days so far, and still have two and a half weekends in September, and the first 15 days in January. Over the first two days, we have seen a good number of deer, a few small bucks and one that is probably 130" or better. We chased this group both Saturday and Sunday evening. Have I ever wished more so I had a rifle. Following the bigger buck after one of his little buddies busted us as we stepped around a tree after they vanished, I look up and see this big rack disappear over the hill. His two buddies were both out of my range, so I opted to pass up on trying to get closer, and went over the hill after him. There, 130 yds away, he was staring us down, and there was nothing we could do. This is were I wish I had a rifle. So, Saturday over, and having pushed the bucks, we backed out and went to a new spot Sunday morning. Slow start to the day, we found a group of does, and jumped a small buck, that didn't stop till he was over 100 yds away and again, too far for me. That was the end of the morning hunt. The afternoon comes, and we were back where the bucks were the day before. They were over on the next ridge, and seemed perfectly undisturbed. With an hour till dark, we started to stalk. Got down to around 100yds, where the same little buck from the night before, somehow sees me sitting behind a tree. The big one is still bedded down, and the medium sized one is somewhere below us. After sitting still for about 20 min, they leave, and we have no choice but to head back to the truck, once more in the dark. Now, have next weekend, the weekend after that, and Saturday the following weekend, the first 15 days of Jan, and maybe finding a buck I can chase on my way home from school between now and the 24th of September. I love hunting deer, but with a bow, it is very irritating, and disappointing, even more so than with a rifle. Wish me luck!
  13. NM_Shedder

    Slow Year

    More people is my main thought. I think people were just out too early and pushed the bulls out of areas. We went to an area we had some good luck in last year, and found people tracks in a place in a rough area that's not easy to get to.
  14. NM_Shedder

    Slow Year

    The last two weekends. This is our slowest year in a long time. We only have 18 at this point. Last year by now we had 50. We have busted our butts off this year. Long days, lots of miles. Hard work pays off. Guess that takes a while to happen.
  15. NM_Shedder

    Came out heavy but no brown
