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Everything posted by Mountainman99

  1. Mountainman99

    Elk in the RUT

    hoping to get in on some of that this fall!
  2. Mountainman99

    2013 230" 35" Idaho Mule Deer Sheds!

    sweet video! I was wondering why he would let you get so close?
  3. Mountainman99

    Dec Mule Deer Hunts VIDEO!!!

    I've seen some big one's up there before. nice video.
  4. Mountainman99

    December Rifle Success?

    Love the extras!
  5. Mountainman99

    What a toad.

    Nice buck! Thats a nice setup you got to carry your bow on the horse!
  6. Mountainman99

    Elk in the Smokies

    Cool video. Do they have hunts or just trying to reintroduce?
  7. Mountainman99

    Arizona's Unit 10! Will ROME fall???

    most likely if an individual bought it they would post it and keep people off anyway. keep all them big bulls to themselves. Only good option would be for state or game and fish to buy it.
  8. Mountainman99

    Would you shoot? - Video

    For sure! specially since I have not got anything bigger. love the mass.