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Everything posted by Mountainman99

  1. Mountainman99

    road hunting

    I second liking road hunters. I can only imagine how many hunters I would see crawling all over the little patches of none road areas left in the state if they all got out of their trucks. I do have an issue when they don't stay on the roads! had a stock blown this weekend when some lazy fat man decided to drive his quad in an open meadow scaning my favorite tree line where there was no road! second time it's happened to me in that spot I'm going to have to start reporting people. although I doubt g&f have man power to follow up.
  2. Mountainman99


    I'm always taking people out to my "honey Holes," luckly I like to find new ones :-)
  3. Mountainman99

    what happened with fees today?

    I already checked out the link and it doesn't have anything about what the final decision was, which I believe was decided on today at their meeting.
  4. Mountainman99

    what happened with fees today?

    anyone catch what the commission decided today on the fees today? I didn't have a chance.
  5. Mountainman99

    what happened with fees today?

    any changes?
  6. Mountainman99

    Unit 10 tag holders

    yes better than being closed completely but still don't like it. pilot program for the rest of the state is my guess.
  7. Mountainman99

    Toyota Tacoma 2014--Need Opinion

    You will be able to go any where a side by side can go but you will get a ton of az pin stripping. that's the hard part with a new truck like that.
  8. Mountainman99

    Good deal on CL

    man that would be crazy. thieves should be shot.
  9. Mountainman99

    Lion In a Hole....

    awesome video! pretty intense being that close.
  10. Mountainman99

    Some more pics of elk

    awesome pics!
  11. Mountainman99

    AZGFD; Proposed fees

    I might be able to swallow app fee if there is a clause that it can't be used for land owner tags or any thing of the sort in name of Hunter access.
  12. Mountainman99

    Commission recommendations

    I am having a hard time with the app fee as well. Will the access fee go to setting up some sort of land owners program like trying to be implemented in 10 because if so I'm not for it at all! I don't like the idea of doubling my app fees every year either.
  13. Mountainman99

    Mule deer that almost got away

    great story getting me ready for August!
  14. Found this out riding horses over memorial day weekend. Someone probably lost sleep over this one :-)
  15. Mountainman99

    Probably sick they didn't find this one

    Ya probably not a lion kill. I found the whole body there not too disturbed. Don't know much about lion kills but I would imagine it would be a little more scattered. I could be wrong. It was in a popular hunting area and not as bleached out as the pictures look. Probably happened this last hunting season. All though I am all for cutting down on the kitty's and coyotes.
  16. Mountainman99

    The defination of a "Premium Hunt"

    . I don't think your odds will get better by creating a premium hunt. It's just an illusion to get you to pay more for the hunts. For example my uncle's in Utah have been applying for so called premium elk hunt in Utah for 15 years still haven't drawn. I think you will be sorry you voted for it when the odds don't change.
  17. definitely keep this handy just in case I get into a bind. now there is a precedent. I wonder if channel 5 would hold the powerful accountable on this... as they claim.
  18. Mountainman99

    AZ to MT Archery Elk Logistics

    LOL now I really have a fear of what people do in hotel rooms!:-)
  19. Mountainman99

    SB 1223?

    Does anyone really know what this is about or is it to make it easier for them to raise tag fees? I keep getting emails that everyone supports it under the pretense that the current licensing system is too hard to understand. Seems like if you can't understand the different fees you probably shouldn't be handling a weapon... I wish they would give some example of how they can make it easier. For some reason I feel they just want to make it easier for them to change the prices which usually means up with the government.
  20. Mountainman99

    SB 1223?

    Thanks for the link and the other comments. They helped understand what's going on.
  21. Mountainman99

    The Rules

    I'm going to keep these on file if I ever have a girl:-)
  22. Mountainman99

    Horns and Bro's Big Deadhead

    I always dream of finding something like that but so far it's alluded me. That's awesome!
  23. Mountainman99

    7E September archery

    Stick to the west side of the unit shouldn't be too tough to find cows. I keep telling myself that I won't put in for that unit again because of lack of big bulls but i found myself putting in again. I thought for sure with 4 points I would draw it as my second choice... No such luck. I love to hunt that area very pretty up there.
  24. I'm in on the life insurance policy just don't show the video to the agent premiums to high. sweet videos and camera shots!