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Everything posted by Mountainman99

  1. Mountainman99

    AZ Strip Buck

    Nice buck! Glad it worked out. Love it when you get lucky.
  2. Mountainman99

    I think we are quite lucky Az has so much public land

    One of the best hunting aspects of AZ!
  3. Got to be the best when your kids get it done! Great buck!
  4. Mountainman99

    Patience pays off!!

    Sweet buck! Looks like it has some good mass!
  5. Mountainman99

    *Monster Goat in the Dirt* 2014 Antelope Hunt

    Saw the pic on Facebook. What a great looking buck with lots of character!
  6. Mountainman99

    Ist trail cam experience in unit 1

    That's a good first experience!
  7. Mountainman99

    New Mexico Archery Bull Video

    Sweet video! Reminds me of why I live the outdoors!
  8. Mountainman99

    Video of AZ Super Raffle Bull

    Cool video! I hope to shoot a bull like that some day.
  9. Mountainman99

    opening morning buck

  10. Mountainman99

    UT Highcountry Mule Deer (Video)

    Another sweet video!
  11. Mountainman99

    Unit 7 Archery Hunt

    Ya it was a bit crazy even the places where you hike into had a lot of guys. I think we'll try some different areas next time. It's a great place for a beginner though.
  12. Mountainman99

    Unit 7 Archery Hunt

    We love hunting that area because we see a ton of deer. Where we hunt there is usually one bachelor herd opening morning with a decent buck in it, but not this year so I spent my time helping my cousin shoot his first deer with a bow. He was able to get it done on this buck!
  13. Mountainman99

    A little girl and "Buck Fever"

    Put a smile on my face for sure! Can't wait for my kids first deer hunt!
  14. Mountainman99

    12A Archery Kaibab Deer

    Does anyone know off hand if you can draw this tag third choice?
  15. Mountainman99

    Shout out to Old Buck!

  16. Mountainman99

    Cool bobcat with elk picture

  17. Mountainman99

    French squirrel kicker

    Nothing like some light reading before bed. You got to admit this thread was funny.
  18. Mountainman99

    My 2013 Desert Buck

    Sweet buck! Great story!
  19. Mountainman99

    Would you rather

    I must be a lousy hunter all these 120 coues and 190 muley's wandering around. Can someone please point me in the right direction. :-) I want a giant muley first.
  20. Mountainman99

    2013/2014 Auction Bulls

    awesome bulls! I'm jealous! I need some friends to just let me see some of these bulls in the wild.
  21. Mountainman99

    Card Hit!!!

    Hopefully it's still going or hey what's another year after waiting 10 years for a strip tag!
  22. I definitely like the turn your tag back in. I see that there would be some issues to work through that other guys brought up here. I think this service should be provided already not for some special club. I just don't like the idea of splitting sportsman into a group that can afford it and a group that can't for what I think should be a basic service.
  23. Mountainman99

    That moment when . . .

    What tag you dreaming about? I just did a bunch of scouting around in 8 this last weekend and was really wishing I had that tag again. Can't wait until I do!