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Everything posted by Mountainman99

  1. Mountainman99

    2015 Late Bull Video

    Nice video. Crazy looked like all three bullets hit the exact same spot.
  2. Mountainman99

    Same hunt for first and second choice?

    I heard once that it gave you better odds to put the same hunt number for first and second choice. Can anyone confirm this? I really only want to hunt one hunt but if I'm wasting my second choice in doing that I'll do another hunt I would like to do as well.
  3. Mountainman99

    Same hunt for first and second choice?

    Hey thanks for all the responses! Makes sense.
  4. Mountainman99

    19a elk tag

    Helped some friends last year. they all got one but they were all small.
  5. Mountainman99

    Unit 10 Bull Elk

    That stinks it took you a decade to draw a late rifle bull tag in ten. I don't think any unit in az is worth a decade for a late rifle bull tag. Anyway I helped my dad and brother on this hunt a few years ago and it snowed. It was a tough hunt.the elk moved into the cedars and they were tough to find.
  6. Mountainman99

    12a East muzzerloader buck

    Awesome buck!
  7. Mountainman99

    2015 Hunt of a Lifetime

    Hope I shoot a bull like that some day.
  8. Mountainman99

    Opening Day Muley

    Awesome buck!
  9. Mountainman99

    Girl power!!!

  10. Mountainman99

    Peaks Hunt 2014

    I love hunting that area.
  11. Mountainman99

    Limited Opt Archery Gold

    Awesome bull!
  12. Mountainman99

    Last Camera Check before Juniors Archery Bull Tag

    I didn't know that they pulled the trigger on a juniors bull hunt. That would be an awesome hunt!
  13. Mountainman99

    Az Bull

    Nice when tough hunts come together. I'm waiting on an easy hunt.
  14. Mountainman99

    Unit 1 Bull tag filled

    I hope my any bull will be like that.
  15. Mountainman99

    Finally got it done this morning

    That is a stud bull.
  16. Mountainman99

    2015 Archery Bull

    Hope I shoot one like that some day.
  17. Mountainman99

    Who's getting ready for otc archery!!

    I've been setting up trail cams and getting excited.
  18. Mountainman99

    Nephew's U10 "Big Bo" buck...

    What great buck!
  19. Mountainman99

    Unit 10 Late Rifle Palmated Bull

    I would be happy with that bull any day of the week!
  20. Mountainman99

    "My Turn", video and pics…Finally!

    Sweet video! That was worth getting it done opening morning.
  21. Mountainman99

    Finally got it done late season bull

    What a beast congrats!
  22. Mountainman99

    Shelby's Buck of a Lifetime

    That's incredible! She'll remember that the rest of her life. Was this on a youth hunt?
  23. Mountainman99

    Getting it done at 92 years old!

    Dang I hope I can still hold my bow up at 92. That's awesome. Congrats on a great bull.
  24. Mountainman99

    Nevada was good to me...

    Dang nice buck! Kade was leaving me hanging on our scout camp. He didn't have any pictures but said you had shot a giant.
  25. Sweet video. Bet he remembers that for a long time!