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About azbwhnter

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  • Birthday March 28

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  • Location
    Flagstaff, AZ
  • Interests
    Everything outdoors!

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  1. azbwhnter

    New cables and string $?

    I just did mine at Bull Basin in Flag. They offered three tiers of quality for strings and cables. I went with the best and paid $185 installed.
  2. azbwhnter

    WTT outdoorsman pan head for micro pan head

    Do you mind me asking why the micro over the regular? I’ve been pretty frustrated with the micro, might be interested in trading and I’ll be in Camp Verde tomorrow.
  3. azbwhnter

    Hornady 140 eld-m

    The 143gr ELDX says on the box that 1:8 twist is needed. That's what I'm running on the 6.5x284 at 26" and 3R rifling. I had the gun built to shoot the 140gr Berger VLD, but durring load development we determined the gun just didn't like them at all. At $4 a round for factory, I'm reloading and have them down to around $2 per round. I'm holding 1/2 minute accuracy out of the hand loads. The biggest difference is FPS. 3000+ with factory, and at max load reloading we're at 2740. Load is as follows: Lapua brass IMR 4831 45gr Winchester primers Hornady ELDX 143 gr 3.160 OAL .008 off the lands So far I've had awesome results with the ELDX both on the range and on game. I can't get a picture loaded from my phone.
  4. azbwhnter


    Sent you a text this morning.
  5. azbwhnter

    Kuiu Bino Harness LGSPFSPF

    What pattern if it's not already sold?
  6. azbwhnter

    Found Swarovski bino adapter

    Lost one in 22, but it wouldn't be on a road and would have the tripod top plate attached to it.
  7. azbwhnter

    How Many Bonus Points Did It Take to Draw?

    It took me 9 points to draw 23.
  8. azbwhnter


    Sweet! Thank you very much!
  9. azbwhnter


    Is it too late?
  10. azbwhnter

    iPad,topo and goggle earth

    +1 on Gaia! Not free, but worth the money! I'm running it on my phone and iPad. You only have to buy it once, the purchase transfers to other Apple products you have registered on the iCloud.
  11. azbwhnter

    Bullet grain for 30-06

    Joel I only shoot custom loads. I tried some of the HSM ammo thinking it would be good, but it ended up being far from good. One of my rifles shot the Federal Premium same hole at 100 yards. I was getting over 100 fps differences with the HSM ammo. At that point, it was easiest for me to load some rounds with different bullets and start testing for myself. Since I like to shoot long range, hand loads are the only rounds I shoot now. I load every round the same, every time. I'm getting a little over 2900 fps with my current load in the 165's and am holding 1/2 minute groups to 800 yards.
  12. azbwhnter

    6A Coues Advice

    Sent you a pm
  13. azbwhnter

    Bullet grain for 30-06

    Joel I use 165 gr Hornady GMX as my all around load, elk and deer. I've had no problems with and 165 gr bullets on elk. I've used Sierras, Berger and now Hornady. Hornady flies and groups the best for me. I had to switch to the GMX from the Inerbonds because I can't find them anymore. If you reload, just order them if nobody carries them in Camp Verde.
  14. azbwhnter


    I had to order the same piece at one time. I looked up the part number online, and ordered it from amazon. I don't have the part number anymore or I would share it with you. I ordered the wrong part first, and got it right on the second order.