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Everything posted by Fulch

  1. Fulch

    Chased one down this morning...

    Scooter, good to see your hanging around...
  2. Fulch

    Mountain lion

    Looks like the one I missed last weekend, my blood is still boiling.
  3. Fulch

    Alaska Black Bear Hunt

    Looks like a great time. What kind of gun case is that?
  4. Fulch

    Seeking Predator Calling Tips

    Following the advice on this thread, a ton of reading and questions on PredatorTalk as well as some other random websites I've had some luck. (08/10) This last weekend was a bust, I had them yipping and barking at me on my first set saying "your busted" withing 5 seconds of the rabbit distress. (08/03) The weekend prior I had a coyote come in around 9am but the wind was not favorable and he got the sent before I could put a bead on him. Later that afternoon I had a mountain lion come in which I missed the shot, I'll be kicking myself probably forever on that one. Was sure I hit him but searched for blood for 6 hours that day and went back the following for another 8 hours with a hound to not find a drop. The hound likes to chase quail I've established. (07/27) The weekend prior I missed a coyote running at about 40 yards. (07/20) The weekend before that which was my first day out feeling like I had a grasp on what I was trying to accomplish, I had a large bobcat come in. Out of season and furs not prime but I'll see if I can't get him come December. So all in all I haven’t killed anything but it's been exciting, I’ve learned quite a bit and my confidence is high. Soon enough I'll be dropping predators.
  5. Fulch

    Bear, Bobcats, Bugling Elk and a Rio....

    Wow is right, that is incredible work. I love that female bobcat and the turkey. Huge fan of the pose of the bugling elk and the bear.
  6. Fulch

    Toyota Tacoma 2014--Need Opinion

    Bummer, my 1994 4runner 3.0 (3VZE) gets less than 16 mpg with 31" tires and no lift. Maybe the overhead rack screw with my streamline aerodynamics a touch…
  7. Fulch

    My new speargun camera mount!

    Slick set up.
  8. I put us in for leftover deer tags in a hurry once they were announced last week to assure they arrived by 8am Monday morning. My schedule is really tight with my two elk hunts in the ends October (Montana) and November (Arizona) this year so I could only squeeze a weekend in for deer around Nov 8th. When the leftover tags were announced I looked at all the Nov 8th hunts as an option’s many of which fell in units I am familiar with such as 34A, 36A and 36B. Well where I screwed up is I looked at success rates from 2012 and saw unit 30B WT had a 42% success rate compared to all the others around 20% give or take. We drew the first choice from the first come first serve leftover options as the Nov 8th WT 30B. Upon drawing the tags and doing some reading, since I haven't hunted this area, I realize access is very limited to the two mountain ranges in these units due to private property at the bases. My thoughts are now that the WT population is small (125 tags issues) and most of the 42% of bucks killed probably come from the ranchers that own the property or have permission to hunt. Wishing now I could trade it in for a 34A, just wanted to rant.
  9. Fulch

    Checked cams (hit list confirmed)

    Holy eye guards...
  10. No dog, no buddy's so I'll be solo unless someone else who drew a tag wants to jump on board, I'm headed down regardless. I have a few customers in Yuma I've been needing to visit anyways so maybe I can make it a "business trip".
  11. Fulch

    Screwed up leftovers

    Again I appreciate the encouragement, thank you. Alright, now I'm pumped up to learn a new area and find a buck this winter. Sucking it up.
  12. Fulch

    Screwed up leftovers

    Thank you all for the encouraging words and tips.
  13. Fulch

    Screwed up leftovers

    I'll suck it up and make it happen, haha. Thanks guys. RW- thanks for the pm, great info. Just needed access suggestion where i can park it, hike and hunt hard which you've provided, thank you.
  14. I drew the Sept 27th hunt, anyone else? Wouldn't mind if someone wanted to go with me.
  15. Fulch

    Boyz of Summer

    Awesome picture...
  16. Fulch

    Leftover tag process

    Hit this link, gets you to the application. Be a good idea to have it in the mail tomorrow morning. http://www.azgfd.gov/regs/application.pdf
  17. Fulch

    2013 draw results ?

    Adam-that's a great problem to have. Congrats.
  18. Fulch

    KAIBAB Unit 12 Bucks!

    Incredible bucks
  19. Fulch

    Another Hunter Ed. Graduate

    Thats great, congrats. My boy just turned one, cant wait till hes old enough.
  20. Fulch

    Got my 2012 bear back today

    That looks great, congrats...
  21. Fulch

    Draw hopes...

    Clearly many have had CC hits for the draw, at what point do I give up hope and stop checking my account quad-hourly, I'm guessing around the 16-17th? I was fortunate to draw a bull tag this year so this is not a pity party by any means however is limiting my productivity at work to the fullest extent. Thanks, fulch
  22. Fulch

    Draw hopes...

    I put in for all 5 hunt choices with draw odds all over the place, I'll keep checking. Thanks.
  23. Fulch

    2013 draw results ?

    Sweet sticker