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About BigGunnerSteve

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  • Birthday 03/13/1973

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  • Interests
    Hunting, shooting, camping, a little fishing
  1. BigGunnerSteve

    New Tax Loophole

    Did "nothing wrong" but pleads the 5th? Liar, Liar. Got caught and now the crap has hit the fan. To say you have done nothing wrong then plead the 5th just stinks wrongdoing.
  2. BigGunnerSteve


    Two of my kids were seen by this same company again the other day (we gave them permission to). We asked our oldest, she is 13, about how the visit went and she said it went ok. Both of our kids only got cleanings and there were no cavities or anything this time (our youngest got a small cavity filled last time). We also asked her if she remembered the dentist that saw her last year and my daughter told us that the dentist was nicer last time than the one she saw the other day. I was curious and was wondering about the dentist from last school year (November 2011) as my wife found the record the other day we got from that visit and it was the same dentist that is written about here. Glad out kids were ok.
  3. BigGunnerSteve

    Tea Party vs. IRS

    Obama care is really about the feds having more controll over us through the IRS. If it was really about heathcare, why is the IRS so involved in it?
  4. And it is this idot and others like him who are in congress passing these stupid laws (like Obamacare).
  5. Just another example of Obam the liar. He pushed it as “The Affordable Health Care Act”. In reality we go the “Tax and Spend the heck out of you Health Care Act”.
  6. That is the thing with the left. They really want people to be poor so that they can controll people. The left wants to tax more, to give more of our hard earned money away, to try and keep controll on people. Leberals really don't care about anyone, they just really want to control, and to do that, you make people reliant on the government.
  7. The liberals in the school systems are using thier roles as teachers to try and indoctrinate our kids into thier liberal beliefs. IT IS NOT UP TO THE SCHOOLS TO PUSH KIDS INTO A POLITICAL IDEA! We need to start pushing back at these educators that are pusing thier left wing political agendas on our kids. Our kids are in school to not to be pushed and bullied into a politcal belief.
  8. I heard a shot blerp in the new about this last night and in the end they had to get in "...still, more than 70% of the murders are still commied by guns". Wow, I thought that only people commite murders and not items. The item is just the tool that was used. Why are we not going after and trying to ban the other 30% of the tools that were used? Oh ya, the other tools are not politically motivated feel good propoganda for the left.
  9. BigGunnerSteve

    Michigan tells Unions to back off

    The Unions bosses are in it for themselves and really don't give a crap about the american worker anymore. They bought Obama to get themselves exempt from things while the rest of us have to live with it.
  10. BigGunnerSteve

    Sarah Palin

    I have always liked her values.
  11. BigGunnerSteve


    A friend showed me this a few weeks ago and I just can't seem to get this out of my head. My kids were worked on by the same company a couple of years ago. Did the dentist loose his licence and when was he arrested for this crime? I can't seem to find anything on an arrest for this.
  12. Can we say moving target practice!?
  13. BigGunnerSteve

    Well said

    Bloomberg is a moron.
  14. What a bunch of BS! Since when did the NRA become such a "bad and evil" orginazation?
  15. I always fail to see why they think that we are all so stupid that they call a less of a spending increase a drastic spending cut. I wish it worked that way in my house. I would love to spend more money, but also cut the amount of spending. Only the fool in the White House and those that support him think this way.