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Everything posted by ONM

  1. ONM

    Vortex Viper HD spotting scope

    Price drop. $850
  2. Bought it last year used it for 3 days. Been in the safe since. No scratches. Perfect condition $950 480-688-9404
  3. Just stopped by the Walmart in Queen Creek and asked the guy that is manning the gun counter there. He said its a rumor and hasnt heard anything from corporate. They plan on doing what they have always done.
  4. Read an article in the Wall Street Journal yesterday in their opinion section that was really good. Put things into perspective. Don't have the link now but ill work on it "The Real Gun-Control Consensus" by Kimberley A. Strassel
  5. Here's the link http://online.wsj.com/article/potomac_watch.html
  6. This is Huntjunkie my account has a problem so I'm using this one temporarily till it gets fixed. Good luck! Hope you kill a big one! (This will be VERY unpopular on this website but I don't care) You assumed wrong. There are some of us that don't hunt over bait and don't care if it goes away. So lecturing those of us who dont support the cause about being lazy probably wasn't the way to go. Now having said that, I don't agree with the way G&F handled this. And I am not on there side.