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Everything posted by MULEPACKHUNTER


    Mule Deer Success X 2

    Jeez hard to complain about those. Super nice.

    Packing Just Becoues

    She'd I found during hunt.

    Elk camp help/mentor

    To clarify I have never had a tag myself, I have gone on every elk hunt I could cow or bull and have managed to go every year. I have butchered elk and hauled meat just have not got to carry the tag myself. I'll be out again this year on dec cow but again not my tag, I did scout the hunt, lay salt and cameras and ride the area several time this season and we should have no problem but not the same as it being me behind the gun. I am holding out for my hunt, I don't care about bull or cow to be honest but i do care about how I picture the experience. I will be packing and way off any road and it will be rough high country. That way if I suck I stil have a great trip. Mr woody , thanks so much for your offer, I am talking over details with a couple guys who pm,d me. I will for sure let you know, 22 is where I plan to put in after I get to hunt my one archery early tag. I do glass, I have razor spotter and tripod and I'm not afraid to use them. Have bino adapter as well and a good stool. When I'm alone I tend to be grass is greener guy but on someone else's plan I can sit all day. I actually like hunting others tags better I think, a lot less pressure.


    Ill be putting in for deer this year can't wait, headed near Atwood.
  5. Dang I just got the 9th not too far back.

    Friends first, wife's first, my first

    Crazy good year congrats

    Inherited a rifle

    Sweet man

    Elk camp help/mentor

    Thanks, I don't really have questions, I've read and absorbed podcasts hours on end. I just want to get out and experience the environment late and see how A hunt goes. I really love being out no matter what the hunt. Figured if I can hang out with guys and help for the next few years maybe I'll have a better hunt when it's time to give up on early hunt draws.
  9. Coincidence! I don't think so. Nice work

    Packing Just Becoues

    There's is something to be said for head shots , and with an old 4x to boot, some of the best cuts of meat I've dealt with in a while. Small rack but I think he was older, I'm guessing quartered he was 55 lbs or more. Heavy bodied coues.

    Packing Just Becoues

    Don't forget to mention Dwayne shot another one the next morning and I wore out another pair of boots. Of course the first big pack of the year the animals were a little fresh going in but perfect on the way out. Also I am very proud to say myself and edge had zero pack adjustments on the way out. I still can't believe in November I was wearing my lightweight August gear all day with just a puffy vest in the am. Crazy warm it seemed. Fun fun trip even sleeping in the same tent with 2 grizzly bears.
  12. Squirl dinner pics to come soon, took 5 day one and 2 the next morning. Forgot how much fun and hiking was involved with squirl hunting. I think squirl number 5 I finally remembered how to clean one. Lol

    2016 Otc az mule deer

    No story or credit, just a legit solo archery buck.

    Service those trailers

    Routine checks before a big trip revealed some wear issues on my horse trailer. Take a good look or get your routine services done before something breaks or wears beyond repair. Holes in equalizer are supposed to be round.

    Service those trailers

    I try, did oil change and transmission service on the truck and went through all 10 tires. Oiled saddles, cleaned gun, trimmed hooves , roached manes. Should be good for a trip or two.

    Backpack Hunt

    Nice work guys congrats.

    Desert buck

    Love the shooting rig, great deer, congrats

    New Elk Rifle

    Man that's a nice one.

    Hard work with great friends pays off big!!!

    Nice work boys, congrats.

    130+ 3x3!!!!!!! and another deer....

    Man nice hunt. Great bucks.

    196 inch redemption buck

    Beauty, congrats

    Plantation shutters

    Well worth the cash, big selling point. We waited until there was a big home show at civic center and we got a deal. I think it was over 5000, about 3000 sq ft home we did all rooms including laundry. The look is unbeatable

    Trail cameras in Wilderness Areas?

    I don't have paperwork but if you read the wilderness act and suggested leave no trace practices on fs web sites it's a no go. I was in contact with fs a while back and verbally they said no they are not allowed. I still find cameras but I talked to 2 different station leaders and got the same answer. I was also told by game and fish they would be confiscated if found.