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Everything posted by MULEPACKHUNTER


    Buffalo comment period

    Sorry I don't have a link but game and fish web site it's easy to find. Read up on proposals for reducing the herd on park lands. Jay Scott has a great podcast on the issue as well. Of course our leader want to pay for lethal removal rather than have hunts. Outfitters want to get them to move off the park more by eliminating water on the park then let hunters have tags and make money. Win win right? I have no desire to hunt buffalo but I sent my 2cents

    Buffalo comment period

    The following is from a recent bill put forth by gosar. The language is confusing but it looks like they are taking common sense into account and there will be tags for in park buffalo. Specifically, the act would require both the U.S. Department of Interior and the Arizona Game and Fish Commission to coordinate on a plan to manage the bison population utilizing volunteer sportsmen holding a valid state-issued hunting license. The volunteers would then be allowed to cull bison and remove the harvested animal from the park.

    Monday Check in

    Monday made my 3.2 mile loop at 5pm ouch, one bottle of water for my head and one for my mouth. Started with my shirt wet and a cool neck gator. Today swam 30 min then hit white tanks for mesquite canyon with the pack on, had to turn around early this trip, just too hot in the sun. Tomorrow morning headed for the high country for a hike in fly fishing trip. Hard work is paying off with loose pants.

    Lots of bears!!

    Really nice congrats

    RMEF banquet at desert ridge

    Anyone going? We have the head table tonight with Grace mechanical.

    RMEF banquet at desert ridge

    Oh very cool, ya Wayne is great. The table did pretty well last night, 7 guns and a yeti cooler. Only took 14,000 to get there lol. Looks like we will have head table again next year. Very nice to meet Kenny as well.

    Monday Check in

    I think I'm trying to out do Mark, haha. Put in a good lake swim Wednesday night followed by a 3 mile or so trail run. Took Thursday off then there was Friday. Worked Friday then hit the Y for 30 min laps swim the hit the tanks again with 70 lb pack. Mesquite canyon 1.4 mile up hill out and back.

    RMEF banquet at desert ridge

    Yes Marriott north Scottsdale off 101 freeway

    RMEF banquet at desert ridge

    Say hello I'm the cowboy with the handlebar stash.

    RMEF banquet at desert ridge

    Sorry don't know, usually I think it's 60 bucks but not sure. We have been going with the same group for 4 years now and our friends buy a table. It's tonight at 6 pm.

    "Food Saver" food saving tips

    We get our bags in big rolls on Amazon

    "Food Saver" food saving tips

    2 things, be sure to get all the air out, I try to help by pre squeezing air out of pockets or anywhere you can. Even pre wrap some foods like fish in plastic wrap. Also after packing protect with newspaper in freezer, number one issues is bags getting banged together and getting holes. Oh and label even if you don't think you need to. Haha I have many mystery meats !!!

    Marriage Retreat this weekend

    As soon as my wife gets in from repaving the driveway I'll ask her if we can go.

    Striper madness

    Me and pops slayed em last night, Vienna sausages and bud light at 2 am and too many fish to count. !!!! Happy Father's Day early. Ripped off a 3 mile trail run then 30 min open water swim before dad showed up with the boat. Why can't rangers be around for these idiot people ripping through the no wake zone? Just blatant stupidity.

    Striper madness

    Pleasant yes lights yes but we caught bigger fish early evening chasing boils with lucky craft jerks.


    All in for my dad daughter and son for December hunts. Dad and son have elk tags and daughter is in college so went with low odd hunts for this year.

    Colorado archery deer

    For those that don't know onxmaps and others have gps satellite map software apps for your phone. You can download section of map ahead of hunts and view it offline in the wilderness with gps. It is a very good tool off grid with your location and land ownership as well as unit boundaries and altitude. You can mark spots and they will stay saved for later use.

    Anyone ever up and quit a good job?

    2 times walked out and moved up and onward in both instances. Always better to have another job but sometimes bad jobs just have to go.

    Monday Check in

    Oh man that's great work guys. Took a few days off after last weeks workload but ripped off a 60 lb ruck up mesquite canyon in white tanks today. Still pretty hot but doable. Bike and swim planned for tomorrow.

    Colorado archery deer

    Man that is a sweet tag, I love that area and plan to live there some day, every time I have been up there deer are everywhere. On and off the roads we see deer and elk. Tons of fishing as well, don't miss out on the fishing. You could go fishing and take your bow and see deer. Really you just need to scout a few trips and pick some camps then just hunt around camp. I bet you will see deer just about anywhere you go. A good map software with private land boundaries will help a ton. Be ready for the altitude for sure, we hunt and hike at altitude often but Colorado is different and can hurt you. I have not hunted Colorado but have spent time there, should not have trouble finding deer.

    Doberman Ear Posting

    Stunning looker

    Hunting Dilemma

    Don't know where my post went but I was thinking dry ground dogs on mules. Screw riding in the snow. Another good option might be bear on POW. I have been looking at DIY info for POW deer or bear.

    Monday Check in

    Breakfast this morning, salad for lunch. I'm thinking I'll drink my dinner.

    Monday Check in

    Seems I have been slacking last few months on regular workouts. Last week managed to kick it back in gear, Monday early white tanks hill climb 3 miles, Tuesday hiked to phantom ranch and back 18 miles, Wednesday white tanks 104 degrees 3 mile hill climb, Thursday 3 mile jog 102 degrees, Friday 12 hour work shift then hit the pool for 20 min lap swim before 30 minute run on the treadmill. Getting up from my chair is hurting a little today, haha

    Hunting Dilemma

    Lion hunt on mules hands down.