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Everything posted by MULEPACKHUNTER


    New wall tent learnings

    Ya true but the sides still breathe. Another note is with the stove it sucks the moisture right out of you so I kept water simmering all the time for humidity.

    New wall tent learnings

    Ya the tarp is optional but it helps the tent last longer from az sun damage, another thing is it really helps hold heat in. I noticed a big difference the one night I had it off , it was still warm but not like it is with it on. Another nice thing is I pulled the tarp and laid the tent on it to fold in rathe than in the dirt. Keeps things neater.

    New wall tent learnings

    For now I'm just going to use my 12x12 pop up for a porch until I can build a separate porch that matches the tent. Or maybe buy one from Davis.

    5BN late archery

    Well it's all over, my good friends first elk tag and man did we have a good time. He really worked his bum off and did his opportunity justice. No elk down but we did earn a few chances and that's all one can ask for. Believe me I've had some really tuff hunts without seeing one legal animal. Good food friends and family and thanksgiving all within the hunt. Very blessed. Learned a ton and watched Bulls at 15 yards. ive always heard and perceived that the late archery hunt was the worst elk tag one could get or tuffest which ever way you want to look at it. I will say I was surprised what a good tag it was, a pretty dang good hunt overal. If your thinking no way on late archery bull you might want to tag along on one and see if your sitting out on a good hunt. Hope everyone enjoyed some pics and fun posts and had a great thanksgiving. From my family and friends to yours God bless.

    5BN late archery

    Snowing now, light but snowing

    5BN late archery

    3 cows came in tonight no Bulls, Hail Mary tomorrow with an all day sit, I'll be packing camp and looking for texts to come thru play by play.

    5BN late archery

    Finished off with some biscuit dough on top

    5BN late archery

    Dutch oven on the wood stove !!! Running low on wine now.

    5BN late archery


    5BN late archery

    Went to one of our water spots and someone built a new blind next to my tree stand !! Most likely rifle guys getting ready I guess but sucks since they drove right to it in a razor and walked all over heck. We have been walking a mile minimum from the end of the road every time to not wreck the area. We even carried the stand the mile as well. I rode out to our back up spot today and there are 2 new tree stands opposite each other , that worked out ok since we are using one now, haha. I miss the wilderness, dang roads make hunting good for some but bad for others. Good news is I saw 9 bulls while riding and one whopper!! Just got in a hot shower and poured some wine, going to be a good night I think, my buddy hit the stand about 1:15, going to have Dutch oven chicken and dumplings ready when he walks back in the dark.


    I have done both traditional wood in homemade smoker and right now use a master built Home Depot dual fuel smoker with propane and wood. I can run 8 rib racks or 4 brisket. It does need babysitting but I like working around the house and smoking all day. The dual fuel helps with consistent temps and the wood gives the flavor. Hickory is good and I also like citrus wood I got from edge. My next toy will be the wireless meat thermometer that is a must. Very soon when hunting season is done I will be building another smoker and go back to wood only. If you can run a wood stove you can get a smoker to run with little fussing

    Cool picture

    So cool thanks for posting

    5BN late archery

    Is the world still out there? Been in the woods so long I wasn't sure. We're still at it, 2 more days My boy Jake found a broken elk tine to chew on while I was glassing. Found my first ever bear den today, crazy spooky. Man there are some deer scat that are large caliber up here! Close to elk diameter ! Wonder if it's a small deer with a large hole or a big ole mule deer?

    Question about speed nocks

    Haha that's funny my buddy has those on his bow and I neither of us knew what they were, I was thinking for sound but I was wrong.

    5BN late archery

    Right on. Ya we have a bull like that big one I've seen 2 times but the hunter was in another blind. Now we are camped in one spot til we get him or Thursday hits. Cold this morning

    5BN late archery

    Well there was carbon in the air twice tonight and my buddy killed 2 trees. Going to be a long night of explanations !!! I've heard 3 versions now 2 of which had acting out physically and one was on paper !!!

    Elk Roast on the Traeger


    Backpack modifications

    I'll have to look at reciept but it was a guy that used to work for Bens saddles in wickenburg and opened his own place near deer valley road and 19th ave

    Hanging Chains

    Very nice makes perfect sense. Thanks for posting

    5BN late archery

    Well had our best shot tonight on water, had a decent bull come in to 30 yards behind our blind and of course walked downwind !!! Dang it

    Promise to Jeff

    Cool story thanks for sharing
  22. Sister has a 9 month old chocolate lab with papers , on the larger end for size out of a litter of 3. Looking to breed one time before getting fixed and work out deal on offspring. Pics if anyone is interested.

    Looking for female lab mate

    Ya no rush just wanted to get things rolling now and make friends

    5BN late archery

    Dang, left some extra beer there for you if you were. Haha

    Looking for female lab mate

    Serious inquiries let me know, if you have a female your looking to breed