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Everything posted by MULEPACKHUNTER

  1. Hey that's the same camo top Edge wears !!! That's one heck of a load to carry, I could only handle the head and cape. Beast mode.

    Netflix- The legacy whitetail deer hunter

    Oh man I watched that after I commented, that will be a new classic Awsome.

    Netflix- The legacy whitetail deer hunter

    Is that like the Yetti film MELK where the dude starts a farm to milk elk??? Super freaking funny

    Steven Rinella

    Ok so who is a big Rinnela fan? Who has his books and listens to his podcasts? There is something to be said for a good story teller with an affection for adventure and wild places.

    Sous vide elk burger

    Take a good look at the new joule sous vide, really great deal, I picked one up used but they are pretty reasonable new. My main machine is an all in one unit that was 350.00 bucks and is limited on capacity. At that time it was one of 2 options besides commercial units that were 500.00 plus. The joule can be used in any container and I even did mine in a cooler (YETTI) with a big roast. For recipe look at sous vide everything on YouTube, that dude rocks and has it dialed.

    Velvet bucks and lions

    Great another guy found my spot, I know that buck anywhere. Thanks for the reminder, my cams are headed out this week as well, hope you don't mind mine strapped a few inches above yours??? Lions are looking healthy

    Sous vide elk burger

    Ya man you have to try the burger, I patted out patties and seasoned well then vacuum sealed and sous vide for 2 hours at 132 then a nice hot super hot sear with cast iron pan and torch then cheese and torch that too, dang now I want another one. Good news is I made an extra for work lunch and I'll tell you it's still nice and pink out of the microwave and tastes great.

    Happy 4th

    What a great week with friends and family, hope you all made the most of a great day and celebrated this great country. Prescott rodeo was really good this year, got to see my daughter after a long college run of no visits, had more than one great dinner with friends. Steaks and wine in the tall pines under the stars with Edge and his family, lots of dogs, kids, mules, horses, trails, beers, not so friendly games of cornhole, good hot coffee, cool nights, deer, fox, and even a run or 2. Cowboy hats off to America and all of you. And yes the riding mules are ponying the horses!!!

    Happy 4th

    A quick shout out to Deann, Edges much better half, she blasted off on her endurance horse and clicked off 12.5 mountain miles in the same time we road 6 miles at a good packing pace with about half the elevation change.

    Results out on portal, post up your hunts

    You don't. They just told me via phone that they can't even look them up in the office. Which is a dang shame, cause my 10 yr old is in the hospital recovering from surgery and now he gets to listen to everyone else be excited about their hunts and he gets to wait. How many years in are we now, and we still don't really have any added value from creation of the portal. Ya you know a 10 year old has no business having an X rated portal account??? Pretty silly. Hope the little one is doing good. 3 generations of Mulepack will be muzzleloader deer hunting this year !!! Totally cool.

    Red tick coonhound

    Ever been around horses? Mules?

    Credit Card Hit!

    Dad and son may have draw Kaibab tags!!!! Me not sure where but deer tag

    Steven Rinella

    Ya I was a little bummed at the whole deal, too many vip people to get a shot at having a conversation, I was even more bummed that they talked turkey a lot since turkey isn't really an az thing in my opinion. Also I took the time to send the information on az current events and they never replied to my email or looked into it, instead in was vegans and eating the wife's placenta?? Didn't expect much and it was a good time at our table , wasn't going to stand in line to shake hands either.

    Filled the YETTI

    3 generation on the water last night and we found a pocket of good sized fish. My some nailed a close to 2 lb crappie which is strange since I've never seen one from pleasant.

    Steven Rinella

    Ya same email here, kinda screws my day up, I'm hauling mules down from flag today, guess they forget some people have real jobs that work till 530?

    Fire restrictions question

    Propane pits are ok as stated. Couple of years ago I had a few encounters with other campers up at a horse camp, they had an issues with my fire and told me so but had to eat crow when I told them it was propane, one guy didn't believe me until I made him come look. Lol was pretty funny and good that people called me out , it does look just like a real fire but if you can turn it off its ok per the restrictions

    Blinds & Hunting Ethics

    Haha I like this one, just say hello and by the way give me a hand taking this down,, love it.

    Blinds & Hunting Ethics

    We had our first real issues with this last year on late archery bull hunt. It was pretty easy to tell if someone was on water so we avoided it and had several back ups each morning. We even used an existing tree stand for a few days until we went in one morning and it was gone so we put ours up and continued on. We never saw anyone anywhere near that stand so that was odd. I even brushed tracks clean and only ever had the one other humans tracks when they grabbed the stand. With that said the biggest issue we had was with the upcoming hunt after ours, several times we had guys coming in days before the next hunt to set up their blinds or stands while we were hunting. That was a pain, I always glass my way into water but these guys just rolled the ranger right to the water and blabbed away for 10 minutes before noticing us in a blind.

    Backpack water filtration

    Sawyer mini and 2 platypus 3 liter bladders is the hot ticket. The idea is you fill one bladder with good water and hike in, on the way in fill dirty bladder and filter into clean bladder then refill dirty bladder and finish hiking to camp then you have some clean and a full dirty to refill off of until you run out. You can also run larger dirty bladder or plug the mini right to either and drink through the filter. Lots of options. With that said I use the MSR Sweetwater pump for now and still run the two bladders, I already have the pump so why switch. If it ever breaks I'll buy the mini. One situation we ran into that makes the sawyer questionable is one trip was super dry and the only thing that kept us on the mountain was a small puddle that we were barely able to pump from, if we had the sawyer style we would have needed to dip water into the bladder and no way we could have in this puddle. So know your water source and choose accordingly. Always bring iodine as back up no matter what. My buddy I helped on his hunt also bought me the larger sawyer base camp type deal but it's much larger than the mini and has a 5 liter dirty bag and 3 liter clean. I'll try this one at horse camp this year. To heavy for backpacking solo.

    Bear spray advice

    Just make sure you store outside the vehicle when traveling, a lot of horror stories of discharge when being transported.

    Filled the YETTI

    Pretty fun when the fish you catch is almost as big as the rod you use!!

    Turned in AZ BULL Tag

    Man that's crazy cool.

    Turned in AZ BULL Tag

    I don't think you would keep points if you donate it but if so that's a really great thing and I don't see any reason someone would not donate instead of turn it back in if that's the case. Maybe Someone knows for sure?

    Filled the YETTI

    He was buried under alotta fish

    Filled the YETTI

    Ya we got a kick out of the waaayyy back trophy photos. Dad had never heard of that but did a good job