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Everything posted by MULEPACKHUNTER



    Not sure why but these type of shots are some of my favorites. I used to have a bunch but lost them over time.


    Cool thanks


    School project

    Lump coal to heat a wall tent

    Should be fine if you can find it, it's pricy locally. Unless you running a blower on it it won't get that hot. My neighbor was running it in his forge but switched to propane due to price and workability

    Insurance claim ???

    7 pm in crowded busy parking lot in Glendale.

    Insurance claim ???

    Quick and dirty if you filed a theft claim on your homeowners did your rates go up ??? Dirtbag smashed into my truck while we were at dinner and snagged my hunting gear and gun and worst of all my gym bag!!!! This was not at our home but car insurance doesn't cover so it's homeowners So what's the verdict? Rates go up?

    Insurance claim ???

    Nice , haha didnt I have your Kowa big eyes and swaro binos in my gym bag as well ?? You know for spotting my next set of weights

    Insurance claim ???

    Thanks for that info, I did just get off the phone with my claims rep and she was nice enough to answer my question honestly, she pulls up my name in a computer program and it says my rates will increase by 20 to 35 dollars a month if I file a claim in this instance regardless of the cost of the claim. I hate insurance, just hate the heck out of it in most aspects. We have had zero claims on any insurance in the last 13 years other than glass replacement which was minimal and the only bad thing is we did switch insurance companies a few times but we saved a lot of money doing that. So we have paid in for years and years and now we could use some help and they will happily pay but then we will slowly make higher payments back to them and of course still never come close to matching what we have paid in. I guess if my house burned down I wouldn't complain about it but most of the time it's a bummer.

    Layering for cold weather

    Kuiu zip off base layers are awsome Down puffy jacket is best gear ever invented Waking out of camp I have light kuiu zip offs and kuiu tiberon pant with first light lano top then puffy vest and I am gone If I'm moving and sun comes up base layers and vest go in pack. If I'm glassing everything stays on and i add gloves and rain jacket and neck buff. Simple and plenty warm for AZ

    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

    It's a great workout no doubt good for you.

    Trivia question

    Just for fun and for a future event yet to be scheduled, What month here in Az that would still be nice camping up north and when there is no hunting going on aside from maybe lion, squirl, or something like that???? Basically if you were planning an event with hunters what month would be good where most hunters would make time to show up?

    Cross-Canyon Shooting

    Haha funny I didn't want to click this because I figured it was long range animal shots. Didn't want to see the drama, glad I clicked anyway nice shots. Any chance of a quick basic clinic on camera settings some day???

    Fluid intake?

    On this subject I just grabbed a new product by pedialyte, they now have powder packets ready to go in water. I'm going to test them this week.

    Trivia question

    I'm going to try and put together an overnight camp trip with some fun for all, mainly I would like to do an annual group hike to accompany anyone's training getting ready to hunt that season, also one big dinner meal , also a bag dump for any backpackers who want to get involved, definitely some archery shooting. Still thinking it through but family friendly learning type deal. Maybe even some mule packing , Possibly some prizes from local outdoor groups, mainly for the kids. Tent displays , bivy set ups, who knows. Scavenger hunt for kids using compass only ???? Gold panning tutorial by edge

    WTB - CVA optima magnum

    Looking for a non V2 CVA magnum 50 cal muzzleloader to purchase for upcoming deer hunt , let me know if anyone has one to sell. There are a few online but would like to avoid fees and shipping etc.

    WTB - CVA optima magnum

    Regardless I can get yours dialed in for ya if you like Mike, when we hit the range I'll let you know and you can give me an idea of what you want to shoot. I'm running blackhorn 209 and hornaday 225 with sabots

    WTB - CVA optima magnum

    Really generous of you I may take you up on that, I have the same rifle but my dad and son and I have the same tag so we need one more gun. Just figured have identical guns would be easier since I'm all set up with this one.

    Namibia July 2018 ( a return to Africa)

    Super cool man congrats and thanks for sharing.

    early unit 1 bull clothing

    Kuiu tiberon pant and OR gaiters with under armor brow tine boots.

    WTB - CVA optima magnum

    Doesn't look like a CVA but very nice.


    So much for the drought and antlers running small this year. Just saw the A3 statewide AZ elk on the ground. Wow what a beast. Congrats to the hunter and those guys.


    I'm guessing they had this bulls every move nailed down and they knew it was time before he changed patterns. Or it was when the hunter could squeeze it in between all the scouting and checking cams. Wink wink

    Fluid intake?

    There is such a thing as too much water, urine color should be like light yellow not clear or super dark but this varies with food as well. Might want to have blood and urine work up done and see where your at

    Fluid intake?

    Here's a stat for ya, we hiked rim to rim last month and I hit 12 liters of water on the way across over ten hours then downed about 6 more liters on the drive home.

    Fluid intake?

    Ya that's the trick I use especially in high country. I usually pee about every 3 hours roughly during normal week days so I keep track of that when I'm off grid. I know it takes a lot more water in the high country than normal day to day at home. I use high end electrolytes in powder form almost daily during workouts and always use them in the high country. Another thing I learned is to bring recovery milkshakes when I'm bivvy hunting or even with the mules. It's a lot of work and I feel stronger when I stick to a workout routine as I would at home.