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Everything posted by MULEPACKHUNTER


    Over counter elk tags

    I have seen elk in the winslow hunt area. Not hard to scout it either. Never hunted it though

    road hunters

    Hello everyone, I have been reading daily all I can from this site and there are some great discusions. Alot of information and some great stories. I am very new to hunting, I have always been into fishing but never hunted until last year. I mainly Bow hunt for now and have been backpacking and running my Mules where I can. I am very seriously addicted to hunting now and I am trying to learn all I can. I have my Arechers Card and plan on doing the rifle hunter safety as well. I went into Unit 8 for the late rifle Cow Elk season Dec 8th or so with some freinds and I have to say I didnt bring enough orange!!!! I was shocked and almost upset to my stomach at what was going on up there. I have never seen so many hunters in one area even in stories. Everywhere I went on the road or hiking off of it there were hunters and guns going off. Crazy. On the other hand my freinds took 3 Elk in 4 days right in the middle of all this. I saw what I would call road hunting going on by about every single hunter up there. I only saw a few guys hiking or sitting water. I never saw one game and fish truck for 4 days in this densely populated hunting area. I saw people in the bed of trucks with guns in hand. Is this normal for up there?