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Everything posted by MULEPACKHUNTER


    Scope mount

    I agree it looks like the rear of the scope is higher than the front to me. The main tube on the scope should be parallel with the action. If you have calipers just measure the bases and see if they are different. MOA base is designed to lean the scope forward or down in the front to allow scopes with less elevation adjustment to reach out to longer distances. Most common is 20 MOA base.


    i use ross outdoors and never lost one, even pass thru my target and they stay.

    Scope mount

    Make sure you didnt get MOA built into your rings. Sounds more like the scope is bad and they set the optics in with some built in MOA. I say plan on hunting out to 1000 and your good. If your scope looks parallel to the barrel from the side then most likely its the scope, if its tilted forward into the barrel then your rings are set with moa or they are not on right. Alot of barrels have two different thickness bases to accomodate for the difference in height where the bases mount on the barrel or action. Send out pics form the side and you will get plenty of answers.

    Is it worth it to go to RMEF banquets?

    My wife and I and some friends who oddly enough dont hunt, all go every year for 4 years now and a few before that before I was a hunter. We always have a good time and its worth it if you want to get involved in the hunting community and what it stands for. These events are keeping a future alive for our sport. I here tell that the Tucson RMEF is number one in alot of the country and puts up some huge numbers, I must admit I am not a high roller and I get out bid alot and have never won a raffle but we do our part and have fun doing it. I highly recomend it, plan on about 2 or 3 hundred bucks and your set. If you have some bigger rolls by all means drop some coin for elk conservation.

    Come on draw

    i think the mention deserves a pic of the old scabard on scout since you brought it up

    Toyota AC help

    Thanks guys, I thought the R12 was deemed bad for ozone and such. Been a while since i needed any ac work. I will look on craigs and if not I guess its convert time.

    Magazines or books to read

    just got shipping confirmation on sixty years a hunter, cant wait.


    if 269.00 is reasonable to you cabelas just came out with xpg internal packs very nice. thats my next pack

    Toyota AC help

    thats the issue though, r12 is banned and i cnat get it anywhere.

    New pics

    Hey Kidso, I saw one like that last year, it was a blond body and dark legs. very cool, never seen one like that.

    Blond beauty

    Very nice pics guys, TJ love the brown face on yours.

    first bear!

    NIce job, very good bear


    nice shots

    happy bday workman

    happy b day, from the adventues ive read on here i hope we cross trails some day. congrats on a day with dad


    i will tell you the secret, all these boots minus the high dollar shnees kenetreck etc are more than likely made all in the smae factory in thialand so your best bet is to rry them on, every pair is different even in the same brand, i tried 3 of the same ones and took the best feeling ones. after shopping 5 or 6 differnt brands they were all built almost the same. just find the pair that feels the best and has good stitching. i buy at cabellas just for the return option. currently i run the underarmour browtines and love them. 150.00 with discounts. my last pair was rocky which were made in 2001 and used several seasons the tossed in a closet until 2011 and i took them for free and put a ton of harsh miles on them and they were great. ive never had pronhorns

    ideas on a rifle for my daughter

    .243 all the way

    Come on draw

    Go for it, keeps ya fired up for sure

    Come on draw

    That pic came from my regular hunting partner and fellow mule handler, Don,t know where it came from but looks like heaven.

    Come on draw

    I am kind of torn, This will be my dads first ever hunt of any kind so I am pulling for him, This would be my girls first deer hunt so pulling for them, This would be my sons first deer hunt so pulling for him, This would be my 2nd rifle deer hunt and I have never tagged out so of course pulling for myself. I really love to help out so pulling for Edge to draw as well, My regular hunting partner archery is in for rifle so pulling there too. I have been working toward and dreaming of packing in a rifle or bow for deer on the mules and having success and sitting at a campfire with meat hangin near by and sipping some of the good stuff with a little grin on my face thinking of every detail of the hunt so there is no way I could not get a tag to at least help out on. I let G&F know that as well.

    Come on draw

    that would be a good depiction of a guy on a deer hunt. lol or in my case it would be 3 big bears looking at me while on my deer hunt. i seem to see more bears than deer last few deer hunts. not me in that pic but i have been in that type many times and of course not tag.

    Unit 3C camping ?

    I think we are going to get a deer tag this year for sure and the pack trip is on, I have 5 different apps on my card so if I cant get someone drawn this year I give up. You are more than welcome on all accounts, good company is hard to come by these days it seems.

    Unit 3C camping ?

    Headed up this weekend near Overgarrd with the mules, Any good camp areas to get a trailer in and ride from? Was thinking of either near Black canyon lake or just driving down 300 rim road and finding something. We have a cabin up there but this will be my second time exploring, hard not to just hang at the cabin ounce your up there. Going to bring e caller and do some shed huntin

    Cow and Her Calf

    Love the babies

    New Plans - They got the Wolves - now they want GRIZZLIES

    Wow great shot, and what a great trip to do.

    GrassSquacth preys on coyotes

    Very nice, looks like a blast