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Everything posted by MULEPACKHUNTER


    Current routine

    Stairs is a good mention for sure. I don't do the gym right now but when I did the stair machine was great. Try skipping every other step man that hurts.

    Field Care/Caping seminar

    Great event and people thanks again Jim and family. PS hope you don't mind I gave my calendar to my single friend. Lol

    Field care and Caping seminar

    Yes Jim thanks a bunch for a great event it was everything I needed and more. FYI I am mike with the VCR.

    Training For Hunting Season

    Thanks for the info, there is some new information in there I didnt see before, I have been in and out of gyms over the years and things are always evolving I like the workout listed.

    Thinking of You

    Get well soon I know how it is to be less than 100 percent
  6. Great job love seeing the dig guys filling up posts. That's a big rug.


    Awesome bear.

    Last of the steaks

    Very nice

    Sold, please delete

    I would like the 4831 both 2 lbs if you can meet at bass pro next week sometime 70 bucks cash. I work at southern and Roosevelt.

    Dove hunting

    I sent you a PM on the Wickenburg area.

    First Archery Memory

    First hunting major memory was sitting for 30,min in the sun behind bushes within 50 yards of a good white tail on my first archery hunt. I only had out to 40 yards on my 70 dollar pse nova with aluminum arrows so I passed the shot to my buddy and he hit a tree. Lol I will never forget it backpacking for several days and stalking several deer only to be busted, that trip just a few years ago ruined me.

    $37,000.00 Appendix?

    One thing that would help for real more than talk is keep yourself in shape and eat healthy as you can stand. Don't be the stereotype american lazy and fat. Push those around you to get healthy and or stay that way and if we could push this hard in america we could do some real change to costs.

    $37,000.00 Appendix?

    t really sucks when bills come for service but really are we at a point where we expect to have serious life saving surgery and not pay anything? You know what if you have health issues and it costs a ton of cash I am sorry but you will have to pay for it just as I would. Again it sucks but there shouldn't be free rides. Yes everyone should do their due diligence and make sure you are not overcharged or mis charged but in the end don't expect your life being saved to be free. My wife and I pay more than most people I know monthly for our health insurance but you get what you pay for.

    Dove hunting

    I wish we could sit in the back of my truck on the new 303 and cactus. They are flying like mad across that freeway. Lol

    First Archery Memory

    Awesome thread can't wait for more responses.

    $37,000.00 Appendix?

    I don't believe health care is perfect and insurance companies with huge profits are not helping along with drug companies who should bare more than a large share of blame in costs rising. Anyway glad all in the family are safe

    $37,000.00 Appendix?

    I am no expert on just about anything but my wife was born a nurse and is a saint in the field along with a lot of her counterparts from the maintenance guys to the CEO of john c lincoln . I know in many businesses people don't realize what it costs to operate a facility. In the case of john c they are never not under construction or remodel to better their ability to care. From custom UV filtrated air systems to back up power to 1200 an hour medivac heli to dedicated staff. Yes they could be cheaper and make more profit but who wants to go have surgery where they dim the lighting and hire anyone off the street. 37000. Sounds high to me as well and as was mentioned only a portion will be paid but the hospital nor the healthcare system is to blame. It all falls in two places, idiot people with frivolous lawsuits against doctors and hospitals and non paying individuals. This is 90 percent of the problem with the cost of healthcare. Just like in taxes we pay for the ones who don't. Our great country and people refuse to let someone suffer without care so no matter who show up in need we care for them and in the end because some in america lack the morals to get up and fight for a decent place in this world we the ones who go to work and do whatever it takes to make a decent way in life have to pay more than we use. God bless nurses and america. oh and may all of us on clues end up at the doctor in late December bad backs from carrying overloaded packs full of dinner and bone. m

    Hearing Protection

    I work in a machine shop so my hearing is bad on low sounds plus the 4 15in Subs in my diesel don't help either. Hearing is still OK everywhere I need it. I too plan on using plugs during every shot.

    Hearing Protection

    Suppressor, thats just not even fair

    Pics of my latest outing

    Nice trip out, I like then 2 elk picking at the tree, reminds me of looking out the back window at home and seeing the mules doing the same.

    Trip to Alaska

    Very nice congrats on a great trip.

    270 WSM ammo

    I picked up one of these recently and the remington is all I have shot so far but it was really good.

    wtb .45-70 brass

    I will look when I get home, I know I have several hundred but I need to see if I have some new, I may have 50 new.

    Field care and Caping seminar

    Count me in for this one, I will not be needing any food or drink though and thank you very much for this event, very good idea.

    18 points for Elk

    23 early rifle get drawn then donate tag to wounded warriors and sign a tv deal and mag deal then go along on the hunt and be famous.