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Everything posted by MULEPACKHUNTER


    Game and Fish working hard

    Ya I received the email that they regretted they would be doing survey flights during hunts, Major bummer for those with effected hunts.

    Game and Fish working hard

    PHOENIX – The Arizona Game and Fish Department is investigating a reported incident of harassing wildlife with an aircraft. Multiple reports were received by the Department on Aug. 22 and 23, 2014 from a number of concerned archery hunters who witnessed the incidents. On two consecutive mornings, the reporting parties observed a helicopter with unique markings and tail numbers repeatedly chasing, herding and harassing antelope in the northeastern part of Game Management Unit 18B. Arizona Game and Fish Commission rule R12-4-320 as well as federal wildlife statutes prohibit the use of any aircraft to harass, herd or purposely move wildlife in any manner. Part of the Department’s investigation included serving a search warrant for the helicopter and its global positioning system (GPS) at a ranch headquarters in northern Yavapai County. Game and Fish Kingman Regional Supervisor Tom Finley stated, “The Arizona Game and Fish Department takes these types of complaints seriously and will investigate any misuse of aircraft. The herding or harassing of wildlife is unfair, unethical and illegal, and it poses a danger to the public.” The investigation is ongoing and no charges have yet been filed in the case. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service also is investigating the incident regarding violation of the Federal Airborne Hunting Act. This investigation was made possible because citizens reported the incident to Operation Game Thief. If you suspect or have knowledge of illegal activity involving wildlife or habitat, call Operation Game Thief at 800-352-0700.

    opening weekend

    Spent a few days out opening weekend scouting and bowhunting, we didnt get too serious on the hunting side but covered some new ground instead and scouted for some upcoming hunts. We had a few close calls with small bucks but the does had us pegged. I was able to sneak 20 yards from some does and spotted a bedded forky but again the does saved the little guy. I have some crappy digiscope mile away shots of elk and big deer but they are not worthy of CWT.com so I will work on that for future posts. I am learning Spot and stalk deer is a tough prospect. Elk skull find

    Uzi Tragedy

    How do you guys feel about full auto at a local range? I wasn't all that happy that the guy next to me had 3 full auto guns going. He was well organized and managed them well but does this fit into a crowded public range setting? I don't think I would allow it if it were me. Very sad occurrence for sure. Totally true story we were driving by that place and my wife said I should go shoot there and I said no way. She asked if I were afraid of the guns being auto but I said no I am afraid of the other people not the guns!

    36A Batamote Ranch gate locked

    So it begins. First step start locking. Next step get with game and fish for pact next step fees for access. Get ready.

    My first Arizona rifle kill

    Beautiful congrats

    Coues & Turkey Down in Unit 22

    Wow nice double

    Happy Birthday Southernexpress

    Happy bday. Now you are old enogh to get into r rated movies.

    Monday Check in

    Like alot of us last week was crazy busy, made it to the lake one day for the usual, made a few runs in between then hit the hills for some archery backpacking and logged 3 days 15 or so miles under 40 lb pack. Feeling pretty lean this week. Have not weighed in but pant are loose so no need for a scale. Off to the lake tonight if the weather allows.

    first coues down!

    Awesome deer nice job

    opening morning buck

    Thanks for sharing nice job

    First Archery Kill!!!

    Good job congrats

    My first archery coues

    Great work congrats

    OTC tags

    They had a bunch of 4064imr FYI. Primers were sale at 31.99

    OTC tags

    DUmb question maybe but does Cabelas sell OTC tags for AZ? Need my Turkey tag for good luck this weekend and need to stop in there anyway. Thanks

    OTC tags

    50 or more boxed of 50. Limit 2 boxed

    OTC tags

    At first glance the tag service sounds funny but they take your criteria and do all the work on out of state and local regulations and make sure everything is correct. Very good for out of state hunts. BTW got my tag quick and easy and the girls Working were perty too. Can't believe I got some powder and 22lr rounds as well.

    OTC tags

    True but its out of my way and time frame. Of course they are not open when we are off work. Convenience is worth some extra $

    shooting under stress

    My shoot time is almost always after work so I do my workout of whatever kind then grab my bow and head out back for a few shots then I too jog for my arrows and head back always with bow in hand. Just be careful you dont fling an arrow dangerously when your tired. I was shooting last night with broadheads and my wife was aware and hangin with me but she went for the dogs ball just as I was drawing, scared the crap out of me. Just be careful.

    ** Snake identification

    Not python for sure

    Best backpacking Tent?

    I use 3 options . number one is eureka solitaire one man. Super lite and ha been great in all weather. Two is a military issue bivy sack and tarp combo. Third is for cold weather and I use a two man from rei brand. Dual vestibule. All of this cost me what one of the above tents cost. 300 total.

    NW Valley is FLOODED

    Ya we got it good out here west of edge. Mules were in standing water and we had a river going down the side of the house. All clear now and will be dry by tomorrow. Between Sunday and today I believe we got over 3 inches in two storms.

    Who is going to be where on the 22nd?

    Backpack hunt for me up north. Next weekend the mules are coming out of summer retirement for a 9 day arch OTC throwdown for deer bear turkey lion and SD card collection. My own cards in case you were wondering but I can grab your if you let me know GPS coordinates

    Monday Check in

    Food list Monday -2 cups coffee with creamer- 2 eggs 1 cup refried beans 1 corn tortilla- 1 yogurt, 1 naked juice small- 1 can progresso chicken noodle soup- 2 cheeses sticks- 2 bottles water- dinner was muscle milk wey protien shake Tues - coffee - 2 waters - 1 yogurt - 1 naked juice - 1 peanutbutter and jelly sandwich - 1 bananna - 3 handfulls sunflower seeds - dinner protien shake again Wed - homemade chicken breast sandwich - 2 eggs 1 cheese stick in homemade flour tortilla - 1 naked - 1 granola bar - 2 waters - house salad for dinner (wine) Thurs - granola bar - coffeee - waters - progresso soup - yogurt - chicken salad dinner - 2 naked juices Fri - 2 egg burrito from home - coffee - waters x 2 - leftover salad - peanutbutter sandwich - steak, grilled zuccini, grilled corn cob, shrimp scewers dinner (wine) Sat - chips and salsa 2 eggs w/beans and corn tortilla - waters - coffee - watermelon - grilled salmon , corn cobs grilled, ceasor salad, Sun - coffee - orange juice - 2 eggs - toast x 2 - suasage 2 patties - avacado slices- watermelon - steak, corn cobs, salad dinner (whiskey and popcorn later) I know I mis spelled I was in a hurry, keep in mind my wife and I concentrate hard on not overeating so portions are not americanized, we share steaks and use small plates and talk eachother off the ledge when the pile starts to get too large on the plate. LOL

    Monday Check in

    So how did we do last week? I am going to try to keep a tally on who doesnt report so we can rip them!!!!! Just kidding. My week was not so stellar as the week before. Monday off just did chores Tuesday Hit Lake for 45 minute swim then 30 minute trail run (jumped Javi heard) Wed Did push up pull up plank sesion 3 sets then watched movie on the exercise ball for core workout Thursday Ran 3 miler Friday off Saturday 3 miler Sunday chores and roundpen mules trimmed feet Monday "will do 3 miler with pushup pullup plank" Tomorrow headed for Lake