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Everything posted by MULEPACKHUNTER



    After 4 plus weeks of packing mmules, backpacking, hiking, scouting, hunting, reloading, shooting, here is what the cave looks like!!!


    You know your right it looked like that premath too. Wait til I get a elk tag.


    Hey now. Lol. Pic doesn't do it justice that's 3 feet deep paniers, backpacks, duffle bags, ttripods, stinky clothes, pb and j sandwiches,

    Solo pack hunt

    Oh man Dec rifle you dog.

    Solo pack hunt

    What a crazy busy year so far for me and the mules. Like alot of others many things got in the way of hitting my hunt like i would have liked but in the end I wouldnt have it any other way. I used some of my hunt days to scout for my dad and sons tag in the same unit which we will be heading out for on Sunday morning. We logged about 28 miles with about 22 of those just in and out to camp spot. Some of the more notable items from my hunt, i was able to help out some backpakers in need with some freeze dried dinner, I was able to help out a fellow hunter way in deep with some water, I opened up some new country I had never seen before, but the strangest item was a note or 2 notes left on my truck. One was on my window saying no less than FU and the other was from a good citizen letting me know he found that note and my gas cap off of my truck. Short story is my gas was stolen at a remote parking area. When I came back no one was around and when i parked only one truck was there????? Only can guess what the deal was. Anyway I made it to gas with the fuel light on for 24 miles. Major puckerfactor. LOL I will post in reloading on the details but my hunt turned into a camping scouting trip on day 1, after hunting the first evening I went to clear my chamber and the case came out with no bullet??? Yep burried the bullet in the lands. Enjoy the pics.

    Coyote problem in 36b

    Ya true I wish I would have had a can I only had bottles. My dad told me to go kick him in the arse and close the doors on my trailer then have my son get us a beer. Lol he would have blew out of there and gave my son a heart attack.

    Lost elk tag

    Good info. Funny we didn't lose my sons tag but drove around hunting for 2 days with it on my dash. Good thing he didn't shoot

    24B Scouting

    That's well said. Archery is totally different. I think I had rifle on my mind when I was posting. I can't recall honestly that I have ever ran into another hunter during archery Dec or Jan.


    I believe this is in conjunction with the prca finals rodeo as well and its going to be huge. I would love to go just to walk around and look but no time this year. Plus we spent too much on rmef this year already.

    1st BowElk Hunt

    Wow that is a great hunt. I am not too manly to say those arrows rock.

    Unit 20 C

    HA ha ha, too funny. Sound like my hunt this year with my family.

    24B Scouting

    Just look at it the supers wilderness is a lot of the unit and if not its hywy 88 which is straight up on both sides. JUST rough. Close to town on the south side. Good weather also puts a lot of us in there too.

    Lost elk tag

    Grounds for divorce.

    Many Firsts

    First Rifle mule deer hunt, first time in this area, first hunt with my dad. Well Im back to work tomorrow and had to leave my son and dad in camp. We had a good time for 5 days and we hit it with military precision but in the end we did not see one Mule Deer. I can say that we accomplished some of my goals, we did not run into any hunters and we made it in and out in the dark each day. We eliminated alot of ground and overall it was ok but its like going fishing for 5 days with no bites, not much chance my dad is going deer hunting anytime soon, he had a good time but figured whats the point, he was born in Kentucky and he says this is not deer hunting, its sight seeing without deer in the sights. LOL We spent 4 solid days preseason and 5 solid days hunting but no luck, the major upside that was in my heart was 3 generations together just us 3. I for one was fine with no deer. CONGRATS TO ALL THE SUCCESSFUL HUNTERS WHO MADE IT OUT THIS SEASON DEER IN THE SIGHTS OR NOT.

    Pup's first pheasant hunt

    Awsome thanks for sharing. Love the gun you were using.
  16. I received this email yesterday. You guys have to read the article on the deer poaching by 2 Tucson men. Unbelievable.

    Coyote problem in 36b

    It was crazy he lifted the lid right up with his nose. Lol not giving up my blue moons for no stinky pig.

    questionable shots

    I love when guys say just plug in the numbers and make the shot in all conditions. So what's the wind doing half way there? What's it doing 100 yards out? How is your trigger pull every time? Ever heard of wind gusts? I'm not saying some guys can't make this a high percentage shot but sounding off like its a slam dunk makes no sense. I have a good friend who has not shot under a mile in several years now and he misses a lot. I have seen him dumbfounded missing by several feet then drilling it on the next 2. Just too many factors to say no problem just plug it in. If you want to do it that's fine just not for me. For this exact reason. I hate to lose and would be sick if this happened to me so I would rather not shoot than have a bad hit. In the end you are killing so if it takes a little longer ya its a bummer but like archery its killing one way or the other. I hear this a lot, just so you know I practice all the time at ranges waaaay further than this so then I shot oops missed at 749 yrds so made adjustment to the slam dunk calculator and missed again oh I see its this click and I dropped him. Or missed altogether. Just not my cup of tea. Nothing wrong if someone wants to shoot that far just my opinion. I do looove long range at targets just not animals. I love that you stood up on this with your thoughts 5 guys. I am sure you are still bummed but it must be a ton better to have him down and then a double good deal there.

    24B Scouting

    You pretty much can't do anything in wilderness. You are supposed to pack out your toilet paper as well but most don't as seen along the trail. I burn mine when I'm in wilderness. I looked into this specifically since I had cams out in wilderness and forest service from 2 sources said its a no no. Abandoned property and they will remove it. I have found many though. We found on on Tuesday as a matter of fact. I called the main office in 2 different districts and both said no cams or stands or anything left unattended. I don't mess with cams but it sucks to see them in there when you know they are not supposed to be there. Wilderness should be untouched wild country not full of cams, blinds, tree stands, garbage from lazy people etc. Yet most have cows running around destroying trees ground, crapping all over heck.

    Coyote problem in 36b

    We had a ton at night in 24b. Didn't see any during the day. We also had a pack of javis pushing odd items around in ccamp. One night this little javi was lifting the beer cooler right in front of us. I had to chase him off with a stick.

    Many Firsts

    Ya I hear ya. You know my emotions went from anticipation to nervous to worry when we didn't see um then I got mad and figured there's no deer and g and f is just selling tags then, now that I am back I got mad and decided I am going to find those suckers and smoke one. Lol my dad texted me earlier and said he had a great time and wanted to do some research for next year. I think he was pissed too. I hate to fail and am pretty hard on myself but I usually work hard until I get it done after I get over it. I will find them dudes. Let's see what he comes up with. Lol we will probably drive right into them with his suggestions.

    24B Scouting

    Maybe true on the north getting more now but I went into rogers trough area and it was a zoo back there. Really like hunting at a shooting range. Worst area I have seen in 4 years.

    24B Scouting

    Keep in mind you cannot place cameras in wilderness which is where you are thinking of going. I was up there in that general area for the last weeks hunt and just about anywhere with mountains in that unit had whitetail. Mule deer don't ask me cuz I saw zero. Like any of the main roads in most units you will get a ton of traffic during season. I like the off roads. If I turn in a road and its got 5 trucks with deer stickers in the windows and empty trailers I turn around and go some where else. 88 road goes into some good country but you have to get off the roads otherwise its quad an rino city

    Late Archery 2014

    Man nice job, thats a big body on that sucker.

    Monday Check in

    Thats a great idea on the biggest loser deal, it only helps out the company and the people. Hope you win it. I carried extra weight on my recent hunts and did some good steep hikes, lost a few pounds even with the great basecamp dinners. Monday starts me back on my Tri training so maybe I will have some better check ins soon.