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Everything posted by bigj23

  1. bigj23

    VX-6 - Anyone have one?

    I have one and love it. I have not had any issues with the eye relief. We have it on an Sig Cross and my daughter can shoot it and I can as well with the stock out. The glass is exceptionally clear. My older at son was shooting it out to 700 and couldn’t believe how much better it was than our other scopes. Best investment I have made to help make an accurate rifle.
  2. bigj23

    Suppressor Thoughts?

    It is worth it. We got one this year and it changed the communication a lot for the better and more comfortable for my daughter to shoot. We won’t go back to shooting without one.
  3. bigj23

    And the Card hits will begin

    See you in 23. We just reserved a cabin for 11 days. Hopefully weather is good like this year!
  4. bigj23

    Post where your Elk Hunting!!!

    We were blessed this year after full blanks on the draw last year. Early 5a archery for one son and 23 late rifle for the other. What a blessing!!
  5. bigj23

    And the Card hits will begin

    Same here. Got one charge yesterday and just got another. Dam good year! Kids are going to be happy.
  6. bigj23

    Just got another Elk hit.....Check again

    That ain't no joke! Have one hit from yesterday and just got another!
  7. bigj23

    2 tags back in 21 and I got #2

    Great work. We saw about 60 antelope this last weekend out there. A few decent bucks and one better than average. Odds are low again this year, but at least there are some bucks running around!
  8. bigj23

    Gen 1 RMEF Pack $150

    I had this version for six years, it is a great pack. I just bought the new version and it carries a lot different, along with no frame. It also has meat compartment. Both great bags, just a little different.
  9. bigj23

    2025 youthgungiveaway

    This is amazing for the kids. My son won second place last year and he still talks about it all the time. He loves the rifle and used the binoculars and case this year helping on an elk hunt. The time and items donated really support the future of hunting!!
  10. bigj23

    late 21 coues hunt

    They will be there, they always are. Last year I helped a buddy and we killed on the 30th. I have had the tag a few times and it is always best the last week. We will be up there the 28-4th archery hunting.
  11. bigj23

    23 late bull

    Got it done this morning. Lots of bulls running around. Good times but one heck of a pack out.
  12. bigj23

    23 late bull

    We are headed up this morning. Hopefully lock something down for opening morning.
  13. bigj23

    Late muley unit 21

    It is a good hunt and there will be some good bucks running around but not like Kaibab. I will be up there at the end of December for a week. Hopefully the OTC hunts are still open.
  14. bigj23

    Range finding binoculars

    I have the Sig and they are worth every penny. Much easier to range long distance and took the place of my chest binoculars. Don’t have to worry about a rangefinder hanging out when rifle hunting. They also give you all the adjustments if you pair them to the app. I would buy them again any day.
  15. bigj23

    Daily elk hunt update!! Sons 5bs bull

    Dang, I was hoping you guys would get it done. My 13 year old shot a bull in 2022, went through the same emotions. Got it done close to the end on a cool double main beam bull. No matter what, you and your son will never forget the hunt. Thanks for giving us a little bit of hunt while we are grinding at home.
  16. bigj23

    Daily elk hunt update!! Sons 5bs bull

    Well good luck, may the elk gods bestow a bull on you tonight. Nothing better than hunting with your son, I look forward to my next opportunity.
  17. bigj23

    Daily elk hunt update!! Sons 5bs bull

    Every time I get drawn for elk, I just ask for a chance. Hopefully you will get one more tonight. Good luck!
  18. bigj23

    Daily elk hunt update!! Sons 5bs bull

    I know that meadow, always bulls pushing through there. We were not too far way last year when we killed a 342. Good luck!
  19. bigj23

    Daily elk hunt update!! Sons 5bs bull

    They were going good in 5bs tonight. Five bulls going strong towards water. Good to hear them going on their own. Just sat and listened to them move. Wish we had a tag this year.
  20. bigj23

    2024 youth giveaway winners!!!!!

    What a surprising call today and much appreciated. Thank you for all your work to help keep kids in the hunt!
  21. bigj23


    I have been looking for one of these for a while. They never go on sale and not used often. Good luck finding one!
  22. bigj23

    Garmin Xero A1

    My son has this sight and it is pretty easy to set up. We have had to do it a few times as he has got stronger and taller. Each time it takes about 30 minutes and it is set. He has taken two javelina and a bull at 61 yards when he was 13. It works well for him.
  23. bigj23

    FS300 paved - how far?

    It is paved 1/4 mile past the Bear Canyon turn off. Rode from Happy Jack to Young this weekend and back. It was non stop vehicles coming in Friday night at 9pm, all going to Bear Canyon. Two lane paved halfway through 4A. We couldn’t believe it when we hit the asphalt at Bear Canyon.
  24. bigj23

    WTB Anderson fifth wheel hitch

    I have used the Anderson for years, it is great. The tow is much better with no chucking and it is a piece of cake to remove. Good luck finding one!
  25. bigj23

    unit 21 muleys, where to start looking?

    Did you mean November 1-7? They are across the entire unit, smaller ones are easier to find. They don't move much if you can find them now.