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Everything posted by bigj23

  1. bigj23


    Can you put more than one hunt number on a left over tag app in case your first choice left over is not available? Tried to call on this today but after a 25 min wait I gave up.
  2. I have a Carter Attraction 3 (small) in very good condition for sale. The small fits my hand perfectly (it's not that small, the large is for very large hands). You can shoot it as a pull tension, or a thumb trigger activated release. You draw the bow without depressing the trigger, then press the trigger and hold it in while pulling through your shot, or use it as a thumb trigger. Has a removable pin set up for trigger tension customization, removable ITS magnet system, safety re-cocking lever for ease on let down, and features an open jaw hook for quick and easy loading to a D-loop. It is very easy to adjust and take apart. Has the normal wear from being in a pouch. I was thinking of going to a thumb trigger, and shot quite a few, but really liked this one best. I still prefer my old wrist anchor release. Has an extra large thumb post (makes a big difference) I'm selling it for $135.00 TYD, priority mail, and will take PayPal. Thanks. The link below will show a pic and all parts included. http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/attachment.php?attachmentid=1797167&d=1383452529
  3. bigj23

    WTB upright or chest freezer

    I have a stand up I would sell for $100 if you come get it. I am in Litchfield Park. I can send you some pics if you are interested. I had an unsuccessful elk hunt so I don't need it.
  4. bigj23

    Cabelas Two Man Cot Tent

    This thing is an easy set up. My boy and I use one. Not more than a minute to put up or take down. The fly takes about a minute as well. Good luck on the sale.
  5. bigj23


    I have a large kennel for sale. It fit my 120lb American Bull Dog. I will sell it for $30 and live on the west side. If you are interested give me a call at 623-696-58O6. Have a good one.
  6. bigj23

    How do you carry your bow???

    If you look on Walmart they have a nice double bow case for $89. A buddy of mine has it and he likes it. Fits 2 bows plus some pockets for other stuff.